
Chapter 5 chapter 8 Dead meat

Getting down to the servant quarter. Everywhere seem too busy and noisy. Maids running in and out. No one even suspected my absence. As all were busy than the busy bees. I looked for Emma but she was no where to be found. I decided to walk to the kitchen if she might be there. I really want to know what the occasion was all about, are we expecting a party or a Grand ball? I asked  a girl, she seem in an hurry but still required time to replied my question.

"Don't you know the ladies selection for the Duke is still on?" She asked, narrowed an eyebrow at me, if truly I'm a maid here. 

Now, it's snapped back, the ladies, I totally forgotten about that. Quickly, I rushed to the kitchen.. And everywhere was busily with maids and servants running in and out in hurry. I was so fuck up. If I don't start with something, they might suspect me and at the end I would be punished dearly for that.  A lady garbbed on my shoulder immediately I thinking on what to do to cover up with no eyes on me but I was disappointed. 

"What duty post are you in?" She asked 

She seem tall and her face is that of a man shaped. The way she looked at me seem she was already suspecting me and that face didn't see nice at all.

"I ..I " I was short of words, I can't believe my mouth couldn't help me on this. I looked at the lady and she seem as a high servant. If I lied to her that I'm under a duty which clearly I'm not. She would smiply punished me. If she asked for my post. 

"What post is your duty?" She asked, looking fiercely at me, like she wants to swallow me up with her fierce. 

"Young woman, would you answer me!" She yells. I'm so dead, no one can' t helped me out of this mess. I decided to shut my mouth and accept fate.  The lady was about to hit on me. 

"No stop!" I heard a voice and the lady stop. Her hand hang up in the air.  "She's working under me?" I turned, it was Lady Angela.

"Lady Angela?"  I called,

"How are you sure, she's working under you?" The lady asked to get all the details clearly as she wants. 

"Yes, she was helping me with the cooking and sent her to go get me some veggies"

"Why is there no basket with her?" 

"The basket are all take by the others maids, when she get outside. She might see one there" Lady Angela explained.

"Alright, why didn't she said anythings the first place when I first asked her"

"Sorry, she's having problem in hearings" 

My eyes widened in expectations at her. The lady believes everything she said and let me go. I followed lady Angela, I must comment I was amazed by her acts, she was so good with it. I'm grateful she came at the right time. 

I can't bare it to been punished again. 

"Guess you've come back" she said before I could even say a word. " You have been secretly these days. I hardly seen you in the kitchen" 

"No, lady Angela. I was assigned to  one of the ladies, Lily that's the reason I'm not available all these days" I said, and she passed me a blow filled of dirty plates to wash. 

"Are you sure that the only reason?" She asked arrowed her eyes at me. Once I felt guilty but I can't tell. I just can't risk it. I hate getting punishment, it's like a hell.  I bowed my head and  attend to the stuff she gave me. 

"You don't want to speak about it?" 

"Okay, if you want to keep it. I can't force it out but whenever you need a shoulder to rest on, I gotta you cover" she smiled. I also at her. She was really a nice person. 

"Lady Angela," she turned at me. "Thank you, for saving me" 

"That nothing to mention, we gotta each other back what are friends for. And please don't call me lady Angela, Just Angela" 

Angela was really a great help to me, as we continue cooking and others were shouting and screaming at assistant maids while me and Angela were acting like two wedded couple. Gisting and laughing on each other joke at the same time cooking. The kitchen had it own routine. We warped up all the food and move they to the Grand ball room where the party was taking place. 

The ladies  seated in theirs spots and those whoes haven't meet with the Duke before starts going one after the other, To dance with the him.

I was then assigned to serve the guests since I'm one of the maid who came out of the kitchen. I stood by Lady Angela side, when she was to serve her meal. I would helped her. Some of the ladies demand for food I and Lady Angela with other cooks and supports start giving food to the guests that requested for it. 

Lady Angela, serve the meal on trays and I helped with the delivery. I passed all to the ladies but hadn't see Lily, she didn't come? The next lady I was hoping to served next was no other than Ruby's the spoiled brat. That what I referred her to be. 

"Isabella!" I heard my name and looked around it was Lily. And the tray of meal that I was serving to Ruby's accidentally sipped on her gown.


"Oh my goodness, my dress is ruined! By this slave!" 

"I.. I'm.. sorry .. Lady Ruby's"  I stermmer.

"Sorry? did you just say sorry?" She drags on my hair instantly, "you slut!" She hit me on the face an pushed me down, stomping on me with her  hard stone shoes. I know Ruby's hates me before but this had given her the more opportunity to deal with me more. 

She ignored my screams, As she hardly stomps on me. I believe the scenes makes people in the ball Hall draws their intentions to us. 

"You brat you're to died today!" 

"Ruby's what are you doing?" I heard Lily voice. "You better stay out of this if you love your useless life!" 

"Let her go!" Lily yells but she was pushed down behind me. I was in pains, moaning, as every part of body seen hurts. 

"Isabella, are you okay?" Lily asked but I couldn't answer. I was too weak to opened up mouth.

"Looks at them pathetic fools! Do you think you're special. We all know who you are. A girl who father bought in another woman after her mother dead. " She mockingly along with her friend's. As she seem not to mind the crowd staring.

"You bastard, you  can insults me all you can but I'll never forgive you for hitting on my friend!" 

"Oh you mean the servant girl? What are you going to do, beat me up? I don't think so, okay. What could possibly can a girl like her be a  friend. Oh please, anyway it go with your natural. A loser for a loser". She murmured. And her friends laughed along with her. 

"What going on here!" A loud thunderous voice asked, it send shriver down to everyone one veins. It was the master of the house. The laughter and mockingly died off instantly. As slient walked through the Ball Hall like a slient desert.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked again and his voice still sounds cold and scaring

"M..m..my.grace," she stermmer " takes good on my dress. She just ruined it for me. I was so disappointed Milord, I couldn't punished her much for what she did. Milord" she cried. "Please punished her for me" whta did she think she is. After dancing a few steps with the Duke. She consider herself to be special in the sight of the Duke.

"You bastard!" Lily cried, " the one you did to her was not enough and you still want more on her?" She holding on a fist. I could see the tears running down her cheeks. 

The Master of the house, looked at me and I meet his burning flames eyes as there were none sign of emotions in there. 

"Lady Pearl!" He calls. Immediately, Lady Pearl appeared. " Where do you get this brat from?" 

"....." Lady Pearl couldn't speak. 


"Yes Milord" 

"Take this brat out of my mansion now! But I killed her!"

"Thank you so much my lord" Ruby's said. 

He was going to throw me out? Just like that, for once I thought he had changed and have a good heart inside despite the fact he's a lord and powerful man but I was wrong. He was just like the others. Brutal and wicked!.

Marcus and the gruads came closer, instead of taking me, they took her. Lady Ruby..

"My lord what happening?" She screams and they drags her out..

My eyes widened as I miss judge him. He was indeed different from the rest. 

He walked closer I could see his black leather boots standing closed to me laying hopeless on the ground. 

"Marcus" He called, "help lady Lily up" 

Marcus gets to her spot and carried Lily up on his hands. "Let go of me you bastard! He said help her up not carried her!" She struggled with Marcus but he didn't take in that easily. 

'"this party is dismiss!" He roars, bend down and slid my loosen hair backward, his eyes looked worries and same time angry. 

Is the Duke worries about me? I thought to myself. When my eyes meet his

He carried me up and I'm stunned. I'm a maid to him but he do care about that and lifted me up to his body?  I felt his massive chest, as my hands placed on them. All were amazed but he didn't care. I can't believe he did this for me. 

"Lady Pearl!" He called before walking away. 

"I want you to buy everything that girl Ruby  her father have, I want them to end up in the street. That's the lesson for her to touch what mine"