
Chapter 3 of chapter 6 Why her!

Why her! 

Marcus Pov....

I seem he was impressed with what I did. At least, that slightly grins appear in his face. He was surely a beast. He wants his enemies to died miserable. Maybe that the power he possess from his father. You can tell, like father like son just same shadow. 

 He looked at his watch seriously, seem a little stressful out. 

"What's the next plan?" I asked, but he didn't paid any attention to me as he grossed on the watch.

"Thinking of something? Expecting a whore for the afternoon warm up" I asked, narrowed him with a question looks.

"Maybe" he smiply replied, cupped himself well on the stool, he seem a little good mood today. 

"Wow that means today is your lucky day" I exclaimed, he slient sip from the his vinegar glass. And slaps his hands, immediately a guard man appear before him. Whispered something into his ears, the only thing he does was to nods his head to every creepy words coming out of the man mouth. 

Patiently listening, arm crossed above his nose and eyes on me. Why the creepy act. What's he hiding that he don't want me to know, I keep my eyes on his fierce eyes, those that can burn a soul. 

"Something important?" I asked to break the silly mood we are in, don't give a fucks whatever it's is. 

"You say no secrets and you seem more secretly than the enemy. Is there something I need to know?" 

"Stop being dramatic Marcus, it's just a regular whore discussion" he murmur

"Hmmm, a whore, I guess this one catch your interest" 

"I'll see you later, gotta to go" before he stands up, he takes another sip from the vinegar glass.

 So early, I was surprised, expecting him to shower me more of his comments for killing that asshole but it's seem this whore won his heart, just for him to stood up leaving a important discussion on what to do next. I wonder who would be this angel that tarps him. 

He turned, " what about the slaves?" 

"They're where they should be, resume duties as always" 

He chuckled, "you'll surely be rewarded for this"  He left. 

I gulped back at the vinegar glass, which the butler was adding more watching the  foaming forms on top.  Her name skipped in, Isabella! 

I totally forgotten to reach her after the yesterday incident, she must be angry with me. 

I stood up, " Sir!" The butler called, " Your drink?" He pointed to the glass of vinegar on top the table. 

"You can have it" I said, he was stunned, maybe his ears were blocked when I said that, he played on cleaning them and blinking his eyes at me. 

I jerks  out the corridor, walks straight to the garden path, our usually post, but she didn't shows up. I waited for about twenty minutes yet no sight of her. Maybe she might be occupied with duties. I wants to see her, it's has be long meeting her. 

I barge in the servant quarter, no sight of her except her friend Emma. The girl seem taking her rest before another duties calls for work

"Emma!" I called, and she immediately respond to my call, head down, she seem shrivering, like she always see shrivering any time she see me. Also with others servants taking their break.  

"Where's her?" Without saying the name, she knows who I'm talking about.

"She's on duty" 

"What's duty?" 

"She assign to the Master as his personal handmaid" 

Isabella was assigned to The Duke? How was that possible, for all maiden's he chooses her? My rages start boiling, no wonder the brat seem a little excited, Isabella was the reason. 

I thought he hates black and yet he chose her as his personal handmaid. 

What a bastard! I was planning on doing that to keep her away from trouble but choose to fall into the difficult one, and that's The Duke!

I didn't say something to her, As I bug out of the quarter. I know where next I'm going, his chamber! 

I walked angrily along the way, that even the servants could see it from my eyes.  He shouldn't have chosen her. I know the Duke and what he's capable of doing. I have been friends with him over thirty years. This is one of the way he gets what he wants especially when it comes to women. 

I stomps the stairs angrily, avoiding everything that would distract me. 

I gets to his door, I sighed not to show off my anger to any guards who comes to open the door. 

Then I knocked... " I'm coming" I heard a girl which sounds so much like hers.

The door opened, she was the one who opened the door. " Isabella?" I whispered,

She seem surprised seeing me, there was a bucket of water on her hand, she seem stressful out. 

"Who's at the door" Arthur asked, 

"I-is......Sir Marcus" she stermmer,

"Marcus?" Arthur voice question surprisedly, 

"Tell him to come in" he ordered, before Isabella could say a word, I barge in. 

"Duke, we need to talk!" In my voice sounds anger, he  looked at me as usual, wave his hands at Isabella to leave.

"Why her?" 

"Why not?" He continues his files signing not glancing at me. " What the fuck! I'm talking to you! " 

"Do you know her?" What's? that the word he can say? I was burning out but have to calm down. 

"That no of your business" I calmly said

He chuckled, " that means is none of your business too for me choosing her as my personal handmaid"

"Do you desire her?" I asked, he stop what he was doing and gulped at me. "I think you got me on that" 

I sat on the table edge. "How long have you been lusting over her?" 

"Why such question?" 

"Just give me a reasonable reason maybe then I might leave her for you" 

He smirks, "you're into her? If you don't want to tell me I'll all gets it" 

"You hates black but you lust over her, why do it have to be a puzzle. You're the Duke and has lot of family responsibility to deal with. I want you to know you if you fall in love with her, I leave her for you" 

He reclining backwards on the sofa. 

"You makes me laugh Marcus, why don't you tell me she was Bella"I turns my glare at him. 

How did he knows it was her? I thought I'm the only one who recognize her but I was wrong. 

I sighed and backed him. " How? She seen a lot different now" 

"Nothing seen different about her, just her height and her beauty increase" 

I laughed,"what funny?" He asked

"You, I remember then you said she's a coal" 

"But then she do looks like a coal perhaps her skin. "

"Why the compliment then?" 

He narrowed his eyes at me, " that's not a compliment but a word, okay" 

"Anything you say" 

Then we stays slient for a while, I think he still loves her after all these years and found it hard to accept it. Because he never wants to accept any woman into his life. 

"Did she knows who you're?" 

"Yeah, of course, she can't forget my face" 

"Hmmm, what about me?" 

"Your face is lost in her memories and thoughts, burned to the pit of hell" 

He stares angrily at me, continue with his files, "Can I asked you a question?" He said still busy with his files. 

"Do you ever loved her all these years," I widened my eyes, it's fucking true I loved her but I think he needs her in his life more than me. 

"Yeah, why asking?" 

"Why don't you go for her"

"Someone need her more than I do" 

" I don't need her! I just want her on my bed!" 

I turns, "Really? But your burning eyes said a difference story about that feeling, you know what I'm talking about. Even when you try to escape from it you can't. You're just scared to face the society".

He laughed, mocking out the negative thoughts. 

 " You know one thing Arthur, the past  scares everyone of us, you can't go through it or escape from it whenever you tried. But you're calm then when you saw her standing behind you. She's not like the others but a diamond to your heart. I promise to make her yours since that day even though you deny it, she's the one for you and you know that. All these years she found her way back into your life and become your handmaid forever. " 

He pretends not to listen,  he rise up. 

"I want some nap you can go now" 

"Okay" I stood up obediently, " What about the new action" 

"We can discuss about that next time.  Sir Leo would begin coming to Wales in two days time"

"You means Uncle Leo?" 

He nods his head and pull out to his bedroom. No matter how far you deny it, you love her, that's the weakness you have grown to have. Isabella, the black maid with the blue eyes.