
Chapter 13 of chapter 1 Guilty in the dark

Still wailing in pains and regrets of the past,

"Lady Elsie"

She heard Lady Pearl voice and lit her head up, surprisedly to see her here in the dungeon. The dungeon was dark and hard to picture her face but she knows it's Lady Pearl. 

Lady Pearl steps a bit closer to the little light reflecting on the cell side. Then she can see her face very well...

Maybe she had come to mocked her in the face. She must be really happy that she was put in this kind of condition...

"Are you here to laughed at me? You laugh at more you want even celebrate. I bet this is where you want me to stayed" 

"That's not why I am here Elsie. Even though I don't like you I wouldn't wish for your death" Lady Pearl said with a pale voice. Although she had never like Elsie because of the way she carry herself around the mansion. 

That doesn't means she likes to see her suffer to death.

"All my life, I have hate the blacks because of what them did to you. I did everything to never feel that lowly class girl my father describe me as" she turned her gaze to Lady Pearl standing outside the cell with pains in her eyes

"I killed my father, my step mother and my half brother. I watch them burn down with the mansion in a painful agony, screaming and calling for help. I am a beast Lady Pearl I am just like the last Duke with no mercy or emotion! I'm heartless! " She screams while crying, dragging on her hair like a mad woman. She can still remember the way them were screaming and calling for. She didn't only locked Matthew in his room, she also did with her father and lady Mercy.

Mr Mount was giving Mercy a wet sex just as always. Having his precious time with her. Mercy was moaning loud while he was increase his thrusting. Elsie stare itas the best time to do that. They didn't even notice her presence as the pleasure and lust have taken over the room 

She still remember the pains of they scream,. She's more than heartless

Lady Pearl understand her pains, she doesn't need to tell her story for her to understand. She knows what Elsie had been through. Because she had been through that stage before. And how people treatment her like a slave.

"You don't need to tell me your story for me to understand your pain Elsie." She steps more closer to the cell. 

"I have been through that before. Along the way, the color skin you despise so much help me"

Elsie was busy crying, she knows she what did in the past. She locked Matthew in his room when the fire started and she never cares about the servants too. She just need a revenge on her mother death and she have...

"If your hands had shed the blood of the innocence that doesn't make you a beast if you're ready to change and embrace the new life Elsie. The reason you have never found joy or peace of mind was because you still hold on to the past" 

Elsie stop crying and looked at lady Pearl, it true she was frighten with the past all her life.  The past is a hidden door she doesn't want to find, That the reason she was afaird of the black maid would taken her place in the Duke heart. She had secure that place for years doing whatsoever the late Duke wants for her to betrothed to the young Duke.

She knows what she did and how painful it's is to lost her virginity to a man in his 40s. Then she was just 13. Young and restless, trying to find her way in life.

She wants more in her life, more to regain all that she had lost years ago to her useless father. But first,  she wants to leave the past behind but it keeps on coming back as nightmares to hurt her. 

"How? How am I going to escape from the past that hurt me in my sleep? How lady Pearl!" 

Lady Pearl keep slient to study the fear and anxious in the face of the young woman. She believes there is nothing impossible that can't be fixed. The best for Elsie to let go was for her to forget the blood her hands have shed. 

The blood of her father, her step mother and that of her half brother. If she wants peace, she had to let go of the nightmare that hurt her till these days..

"You can do it Lady Elsie. You can defend that past. It all in you, you have to believe in yourself, Trust me"

Elsie close her eyes and she remembers the way Matthew always smile at her like the world is all about her. She knows her half brother love her no matter what but she was too blind with hatred to see that..

She whispered "please forgive me Matthew, I am sorry to take you life in a painful way. Please" she bowed down her head between her knees. Accepting her mistake for the first time in her life.

Lady Pearl who seen this smiled. 

"Indeed a man that have the heart of hatred can be easily change once the reason of the have been clear to him." The saying of Lady Grace. She still hold her words closer to her heart till these days. 

Lady Grace was the kindest and strong woman she met and had never seen her type, a black courageous woman. A woman who consider her enemies as friends. That woman was more in million.  

The best thing was to make Lady Elsie regret her decision and take the blames. For her to be free from the past.

"Have you ever listen to lady Mercy your father black wife to explain herself to you? Do you know what she was going through in the hands of your father?" Lady Pearl asked, glancing at the crying woman. 

"Never" she replies in a quiet tone. 


"Because there's no explanation" 

"No you are wrong. There's always an explanation in all that have happened in your life. You just have to take it some thought. Why was Lady Mercy in your mansion and why is she there the first place. She's a black remember. And black had no value in the society or to stands up to their master.

He is the master and she? She just a maid and a slave. Whatever instructions given to her that she couldn't disobey. You just have to think about the past. To know where you are wrong Lady Elsie"