
His Guilt

Sometimes, we do something to avoid it's consequences, only to find out that we're paving the path for a greater doom.

Kelechi_Awurum_6306 · Võ hiệp
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9 Chs

Message (1)


That was the sound made by the jeep, as it drove along the expressway with such speed. The driver was happy that there weren't speed limits that were set up, so he used this as an alibi to show off his driving skills.

"Hooyah!" mayor Stanley said, feeling like a kid once more.

The ease at which the jeep rotated in the motion of an arc within the circumference of the curved road was something to be noted.

"Would you mind slowing down dad?" his seven-year-old daughter said.

"Come on Jessie, it's been long since I drove like this. You've admit it, isn't it?" he said.

" Um yeah. I want to sleep, and the curves are making me dizzy" she complained.

" Don't worry. We're only minutes away from grandma's home" her mother who had been silent said.

To spice her husband's mood, Mrs. Stanley turned the stereo music, and he began to sing.

The accelerator's reading moved progressively, from one-eighty to two-hundred, to two-twenty metres per second.

The blaring sound of a cop's car was heard, and it seems it was chasing them.

"Seems we've broken the law?" his wife said.

"No. It's just their patrol duty. Ziks expressway has no speed limits"

She was reassured now, a bit.

But the car kept following them. Every turn he made, the car was sure to follow. He changed lanes, this time, and it sure followed. Suspicious isn't it? the wife thought.

"There's only one way we're sure that it's not chasing us" he said, a smile on his face.

She looked at her husband. Anytime he had that wry smile, it means something mischievous was about to happen.

"How?" It seemed he had been waiting for this question.


The jeep shot forward with such speed that everyone in the car had to brace for impact.

"I'm the king of the road, hahaha!" he exclaimed.

Looking by the rearview mirror, the car was coming in on them. No that was impossible. That car had a speed limit of 90 miles per hour, and his jeep was 180 miles per hour. How in the world would that car be so fast?

The question wasn't meant to be answered because before they knew what was happening, the car pulled up in their front. It parked in a way that prevented them from advancing.

Stanley was forced to slam hard on his brakes. He swore that he would sack this patrol duty officer the moment he gets to his office.

Moments passed, and the car door opened slowly. He was enraged now. He removed the leather jacket and loosened his seat belt, ready to fight.

He wanted to show the coo that he was raised by a militant, and no one dares get in his way.

"Be careful Stanley" his wife said.

"Trust me" was his abrupt response. He opened his car door, getting ready for a fight.

However, in an instant, he fell to the ground, bleeding from his natural openings.

"Daddy!" Jessica screamed. The blades found their way to her fragile chest, and she dropped dead upon receiving them.

Mrs Stanley was too shocked to say anything. In an instant she had witnessed the death of her husband and daughter. Yet; more was to come. The scent of blood filled the car as she waited for the killer to show his/herself.

"I admire your silence"

She turned in the direction of the voice. She met a man dressed in black. The darkness concealed him perfectly and she couldn't make anything except his figure.

"I need you to pass a message to Derek Moore"

Her eyes showed anger, sadness and confusion, all masked in a fearful expression of silence.

"Don't bother about the content of the message. This would serve as a hint"


The lower half of her legs gave way as the blade passed through them like laser. The silence which masked her pain gave way to a loud scream which could send shivers down a spine.

All this terror because of the guilt of one man. Question is, can the guilt be cleansed? Read the next chapter for more.