
Chapter Six

Conner's POV

Being alpha of the largest pack in the world can take its toll on you. Especially if you didn't have a Luna to help with different matters. I've been in Russia for the past five weeks helping one of the alphas there with a hunter problem. They have been frequent over the past two years. I think they are planning something big. I just needed to figure it out. It was so bloody frustrating mostly because packs are demanding the use of my soldiers. I just got back to England in my territory today. All I wanted was some fast food from Danny's to make me feel better.

"Wow man you look like you need a massage. You look seem like you just aged fifteen years in the past five weeks." My third in command Asher told me. Asher had dark brown skin brown eyes and dreadlocks.

"Leave the guy alone Ash. You know this is too much stress on him." My second said. His name was Jace. He had blue eyes and blonde hair shaved close to his head. Ash and Jace were my best friends. We had been through a lot together. That's why I asked them to be my beta and delta two years ago when I turned sixteen and became alpha.

Right now we are in a car going to Danny's while Asher and Jace's mates went to the mall. Apparently Russians have nothing on British fashion or so they said. We parked and entered the dinner. As soon as the door opened the most amazing smell came to me. It was of damp earth after rain and roses. Axle my wolf was chanting MATE! MATE! MATE! MATE!! In my head. I looked around the dinner until I saw her. She was in the kitchen staring right at me through the window. She had shoulder length brown hair with golden highlights that looked natural. Warm brown eyes that stared right into my soul and made my stomach do back flips.

"Gemma!" She was called by Stella the chef. She looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Stella rolled her eyes.

"Stop standing around. We have food to make. The lunch rush isn't going to wait for you to get your head out of the clouds." She looked back at me one more time before turning around. When she ignored me it felt like large hands were squeezing my chest. I ignored it. I entered the restaurant and sat in a booth with Asher and Jace.

"I'm gonna take a piss." Asher said and walked away. Then Jace's phone rung.

"It's Caroline. Be back soon. Hopefully." He said and left to answer the call. Caroline was his mate.

Just then Brittney one of the top warriors in my pack came over to my table. She wore the smallest clothes I have ever seen. Man I feel bad for her mate.

"Hi Conner. I just wanted to ask if you were going you visit me at my place this week?" She purred running her hand down my chest.

"Piss off Brit." I told her removing her hand. Then she grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt eyes on the back of my head and knew it was my mate. Brit moaned and said my name and I snapped out of it. I pushed her away and used my alpha voice on her.

"Brittney I told you to piss off. Don't you get it. I'm not interested. And for your disrespect of my personal space I refuse you to shift for the next two weeks." Her eyes went wide, filled with fear. Werewolves needed to shift at lest once a week or they would go crazy because of their wolf. Most end up killing themselves. Brittney knew not to push any more of my buttons. She nodded and left. Suddenly Axle became angry at me.

'What is it dude?' I asked.

'Winter, our mates wolf just mind linked me. Something is wrong with mate. Find mate.' Axle said.

'No I can't it would look weird.' I told him.

'Find mate. Help mate.' Axle said trying to gain control. I fought him off. Then Jace appeared in front of me seeing me struggle with Axle.

"You should go for a run." He suggested.

"No. I can handle Axle. I'm fine." I told him. He looked like he didn't believe me but let it go.

Ash came back with the menu.

"Guys check this out. There are new dishes on the menu. Jenny said they are from the new chef. Apparently she's rogue." Ash said.

He said the word rogue with so much venom you would think it was the name of a serial killer. I really don't know why he hates them so much. I mean some are awful and dangerous but others really didn't chose that life. We ordered the new burger and spicy chips.

Gemma's POV

I was in the stall for a few minutes till Jenny entered the door calling my name saying I had an order for a Mexican burger and spicy chips. Since I introduced the dish, I was the one to cook it. I healed my arm enough to stop the bleeding and quickly cleaned myself up. I went to the kitchen and made the order. I put all the plates on the window and pressed the bell. I got it since I couldn't talk but I needed Jenny to take the orders.

Jenny came over with a big mischievous smile on her face. "I saw the alpha come in here. You should go talk to him and ask to join my pack. Well... I'll talk and you stand and look pretty." She said with lots of enthusiasm.

I really needed to join a pack. When you go rouge it's only a matter of time till you go crazy without a pack. I nodded to Jenny and helped her carry the orders to the alpha's table. And guess who was on that table. My mate. Yay. Take note of the sarcasm please. We put the food down but I couldn't help but breathe in my mate's chocolate and mint smell. What? I'm only human/werewolf. Whatever. Jenny stood in front of all of them and I stood next to her. She kept her eyes on their chins and not their eyes. Smart girl.

"Um... Alpha Hughes. This is the rogue and my friend Gemma." She gestured to me and I have a small wave.

"Well I'd like to know when you got here and why." A deep seductive voice said. It was my mate Conner. And can I just say he has a British accent. A freaking British accent. Goddess kill me now.

"She came here about fi- " she was interrupted by the alpha. Rudely I might add.

"I'm sorry Jenny I didn't ask you I asked her. Why doesn't she speak for herself." He asked.

"Well you see sh- " she said but was interrupted. Again.

"Jenny please do not speak. Thank you." Conner said.

I didn't know why he was acting like a dick. Jenny was trying to explain. I got the notebook Jenny used to write orders from her pocket and wrote down I'm mute. I turned it so all of them could see.

Conner looked at me curiously, the blonde guy showed no emotion and the black guy looked pained. Hmmm this lot are confusing.

I'd like to join your pack. I wrote down.