

Demon, a playboy and his feelings of love.

Sonam_Jain_35 · Ti vi
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5 Chs


After college, at evening, I decided to go to market to buy some snacks. I thought to buy myself food because there wasn't anyone to buy me. Leena had gone home because she was missing her mother. My roommate Amy, she has not came yet to dorm after college started. So, Leena and I were only living together and today she too left. I had to sleep alone tonight although i am already scared of darkness.

I was walking out of the store after buying some snacks for night time cravings. When i stepped out it was enough dark for the starlight to appear scratching the moon's beam. Beyond the sparkling moonlight and under those stars i saw a men just before the store, i was clearly able to look at him he was eating the waste food from the gutter which was a eww moment for me but within a second my heart gor wrenched and i realised how hungry he must be and how poor he is. I stepped forward towards him and asked him to throw the waste, for the first he gave me a strange look but later on i convinced him to throw it and take mine snacks instead. He took it and blessed me with a happy smile on his face. The blessing of his smile enlighten my soul just as moonlight enlight the street.

I started walking for dorm. I took a few steps forward, then a boy came to me and said, "now what will you do?"

I didn't understood at first what he was talking about but then he looked at that man whom I had given my food. The weird look on my face got him that I didn't understood what he said to me.

He said, "How does it feels to give your things to someone else?"

Being overjoyed I replied, ," Too much happy. Don't know why people don't help anyone while helping someone is the most virtuous work. Just think someone else is happy because of you that happiness has given by you to them, you are the reason for that happiness, ofcourse am very happy right now."

After I finished saying, I noticed that he was wearing a mask so, I didn't know what the expressions were after I spoke to him. Actually I always feel like I bore people around me.

He looked at me for while and then left.

I saw him going near a black sedan car that was enough shinny and attractive to draw my attention. That guy sat in it and drove ahead while i noticed the car thoroughly as am a great car lover.

Now, I had nothing to pass my time. I bought snacks because I thought I will be happily eating my snacks sitting in corridor and enjoying the view.

Looking at sky and talking to myself and praying god to give me a hot intelligent sweet caring loving loyal and trustworthy someone in my life. All this I planned to do but as it said, "nothing goes as you plan!"

All this I was wondering at standing in centre of the room. Suddenly, I saw a bright lights flashing and covering the drakness in the sky like a small happiness covers a big sadness in the life. I went there looking up it was smashing firecrackers in the sky. I looked down there was a kid who was firing firecrackers I also saw somebody there. When I looked bending down I saw 'Demon'. I instantly closed my eyes then I rubbed my eyes and blinked twice and opened my eyes luckily that guy wasn't him.

I laughed at my stupidity then became serious and I hushly and quietly went inside.

As always i had college in the morning so, i got dressed in a floral red shirt with a beggy pant(formal and comfortable dress..all time fav) and was headed to the college.

I was sitting in the classroom and all of us were waiting for our professor to come meanwhile i hear Alisha saying to Namay that our college will soon organise a dance competition when i heard their convo. I remembered, this morning when i was in the garden before our first lecture i heard Demon and Laila talking about this as well. I don't really like eavesdropping but i just listened to them coincidently..

After a while professor entered our class at the same time leena came up from behind the back of professor and sat beside me after running from door to my sit. Professor didn't said anything to her.

"I was missing you." I said.

"I know that's why i came early." She said while hugging me.

With a sudden urge i noticed that demon was different than usual i mean, that i wasn't able to feel that demon's vibe. He sat behind me with Lucky so, when i looked behind i saw them and Lucky waved at me i did the same.

Professor said "You guys must have been known now that why i was late and what is going to happen now."

When professor finished his line, Leena came near me and said "i have something to tell you."

I was listening to the sir as he started speaking again and so i said, " i know you missed me Leena but for now listen to the prof."

Leena: Bruh! Its about that only.

I: You know what sir is speaking about?

Leena: Nah! Like related to that! Do you know i arrived the college since 8:00 A.M today just to surprise you.

I: Why that so? Why you show up so early like...were you sleepless?

Leena: You always comes a bit early but today you were overslept ain't it? Whatever, coming early had given me a chance to know the thing.

I: like What sherlock Holmes? After this we both laughed and sir noticed us and said,

"I don't think you have any interest in listening to the thing am about to say. Sit and listen silently. Be obedient."

After then sir resumed his speech or information, "Samay orphanage has completed their 5years successfully caring and helping starved kids and providing education. So, college trustees has decided to organise some activities for them to make those children more happy and this will also make you all productive and will create new friendships. Such programmes always makes new bonds. Well, you all have to prepare perfectly. More than 600 children will come so, try your best."

He further said,

"Our college will compete with our colleges in this programme. This will be called as "Dance Fest and competition." It will be fun for children and a competition for you all "

After a while, leena started again, it was like that a shutter on her mouth was waiting for sir to complete so that she can spit out, "so, listen Noor, when today i was waiting for you in the morning i saw Demon and Laila."

So, we sees Demon and Laila almost everyday." I said.

"Listen more, do you know what i listened to?" She said and asked in the same way that as if i said yes, she will going to tell me and as if i say No, she will still tell me.

"No, what?" I said finally.

"Laila said to Demon that out college is going to organise a couple dance competition. So, Demon replied "so, what?" And Laila said "can we dance together, hand in hand beyond the moonlight."

For this even i laughed as the way Laila was speaking. "And Noor after Laila finished saying this he looked behind while waving his hairs with his fingers and you will not believe you were coming from there and i don't know why but smiled his pure soul out while staring at you." Leena said.

"you were in such a hurry as i tried to tell you everything but you left." She completed her story and i was feeling some goosebumps.....(unknown feels)

"Yeah i was....wait Leena, what problem you have with Demon and Laila? We all knows, the whole college knows how much she loves him. Let them be paired." I said.

"You said the truth by yourself." She said.

"Like?" I asked

"Laila loves him, who knows about Demon?" She said and i was answer-less!

"And moreover.." she was about to say something but i shut her mouth up and as the class was over we stepped out of the class.