
His Demons: A BL Story

Rowan is smart, funny, and talented. His dream is to become a famous dancer. He was loved by his family and admired by his friends. However, he was in a toxic relationship. One day, an unfortunate accident changes his life. His dream comes crashing down, forcing him to rethink his life. Now living in a new town, Rowan is moody and considers himself disgusting. His fears have turned into inner demons. Ray, a physical therapist, enters Rowan's life. Before Ray can win Rowan's heart, he must break down the wall that Rowan has built. Can this task be achieved, or will a demon from Rowan's past threaten everything?

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs

Chapter 4

Damon entered the cafe Monday morning and headed to his office. On his desk was a list of what was required. A vase with several types of flowers sat on the side. Attached was a get-well note. Instead of calling the order in, he turned on his computer and ordered the items online. Damon then checked everyone's schedule for the week. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a few moments. Damon groaned and slowly opened his eyes when he heard a soft knock.

"Come in," Damon said, sitting up. The door opened and Eric walked in.

"Me and the others wanted to give this to you and your family," he said, handing Damon a photo of all of the employees.

Damon graciously accepted the gift and placed it on his desk. "Thanks for thinking about me and my family," he said. "I'll take these with me when I leave at noon," he said.

"I hope that your brother gets better," Eric said.

"Thank you," Damon said.

"I'll go back to work now," Eric said. The morning went by quickly, and everyone made sure everything went smoothly.

Damon collected the gifts that he received and headed to his car. He headed over to the hospital and parked in the visitors' parking lot. A nurse was just finishing checking Rowan's vitals when Damon entered the room.

"How is he?" Damon asked.

"There's no change," the nurse said. "You could try talking to him," she said before leaving. Damon grabbed a vase and walked up to Rowan's bed.

"Everyone at the cafe got flowers to put in your room," he said, setting them on the table.

Damon turned his head and glanced over when the door opened. "Hiya, sis," he said. "How was class?" he asked.

"It was okay," she said. "The instructor kept asking if we were alright," she said.

"He's just worried," Damon stated.

"I am too," Amber admitted. "What if he never wakes up?" she said.

"Don't even think that," Damon said. Amber's eyes grew sad.

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I just miss him,"

They hugged for several seconds before pulling apart. "The nurse told me that talking to him could help," Damon said.

"Really?" Amber asked. "He could wake up if we talked to him." She asked.

"It wouldn't hurt to try," Damon said. Amber stepped up to Rowan's bedside.

"Little bro, this necklace is yours," she said, removing it and hanging it around Rowan's neck. "I found it with your CDs," she said.

For the rest of the week, it was the same routine. Amber would go to dance class while Damon would go to the cafe. Damon would spend time with Rowan, and Amber would join him after her class ended. Damon would go back to work at 2 p.m. while Amber stayed. At 5 p.m., Damon would return and spend quality time with Amber and Rowan. When their visiting hours ended, they headed home. Amber woke up at 9 a.m. on Saturday and headed down to the kitchen. Just as Amber reached for the kitchen door, Damon's door opened, and he rushed out.

"The hospital called, and Rowan is awake," he said, trying to calm his breathing.

"I want to go now," Amber said, heading back to her room and grabbing her jacket.

They were out the door and on the road in five minutes. They wanted to get to their brother and rejoice that he had woken up.

"Did the doctor say anything about how he was?" Amber asked.

"Only that he was demanding to see us," Damon said. When they reached Rowan's room, crying was heard. Damon opened the door and found Rowan in tears. They walked up to Rowan and hugged him.

"Why won't anyone answer my questions?" Rowan asked, sniffling. "Why am I here?" he asked.

Damon stepped away, unsure of how to answer his brother's questions. "I think it's best that the doctor explains everything," he said.

"Why?" Rowan asked, getting agitated.

"Because we might upset you further," Damon said.

"I'm already upset," Rowan said. "I want answers!" he shouted. The door opened, and Dr. Parker entered.

"It sounds like someone just woke up and is grouchy," she said.

"I'm grumpy because nobody will tell me why I'm in the hospital," Rowan stated.

The doctor stepped up and checked Rowan's vitals. "I'll explain everything, but I need you to calm down," she said.

"Please, just do what the doctor said," Damon said. Rowan exhaled loudly.

"Okay, start explaining," Rowan said.

"Well, you've been in a car accident," Dr. Parker said. "What do you remember?" the doctor asked.

"We were headed to the dance studio," Rowan said. "I was listening to music," he said. "Everything's a blur after that," he explained.

Rowan instinctively closed his eyes when the doctor shone a bright light into them. Dr. Parker pulled out a silver, metal instrument from her coat pocket.

"Now, tell me if you feel this," she said, scraping it on the bottom of his right foot. Rowan didn't even flinch, which concerned the doctor. She switched and did the same to the other foot.

"Hey, that tickles," Rowan said, pulling his leg away.

"It looks like your left leg is fine," the doctor explained. "However, you've damaged your right leg," she said.

Terror shone in Rowan's eyes. "Is it permanent?" he asked.

"We don't know," Dr. Parker said.

"Is there a way to find out?" Damon asked, stepping up to the bed.

"Not here," the doctor explained. "We don't have the facilities," she said.

"What do we do now?" Rowan asked.

"I can recommend that you be sent to a physical therapist in the next town," Dr. Parker said.

"Does that mean that I have to move?" Rowan inquired.

"Yes," the doctor said, nodding her head.

Everyone in the room fell silent. "Answer one thing," Rowan said. "Who caused this?" he asked.

"It was Drago," Damon said, placing a hand on Rowan's shoulder. "He was drunk," he said. Rowan was silent for several seconds.

"Make the arrangements," Rowan said. "I want out of this stinking town and far away from that bastard," he said.

"Okay, and I will also locate a place your family can stay at," she said.


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