
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

CHAPTER 31 & 32




"Is it true?!" Kenna asked the almost dead man.

"Is it true Usher tell me... Was our love fake, did you love me becyof your mission.

"I'm sorry Kenna!" He said expecting her to fall for it and release him but she didn't the opposite.

She carried a knife and stabbed his chest, he spat blood.

"You think you can use me and get away with it!"

"I'm so.....so.... sorry!"

The nurse then came in and treated his wounds, that was what he had been going through since, he was getting injured and treated by the nurse.

McKenzie then stormed if with tears in her eyes, she then entered her room and locked the door she sat on the floor and cried her eyes out.

James saw this and wanted to go after her but decided against it, he then continued walking to the computer room to work with Katelyn only to see her making out with Stanley.

"What the f**k?" He said startling the couple.

"Aren't you supposed to be working Kate?"

"I'm so sorry I got distracted!"

"You are lucky it is me that saw you and not boss!!"

"Yes I'll go back to work...Stanley leave!" She said as she turned her gaze to the computer.

"Kill joy!" Stanley muttered and left.



"Good morning bro!" Shimmer said from the kitchen with a bright smile.

Kristen didn't reply, he continued walking away.

"Why are you ignoring me!?"

"Just leave me alone!"

"I am talking to you!!"

"I said you should fuckin leave me alone!!, what part of that sentence don't you understand!!" He yelled.

"Why are you yelling at me?!"

"Cause I'm tired sis...I'm tired, you always complain about me always find errors in everything I do, you call me all sorts of names and yet you still expect me to love you as a sister!"

"You didn't even remember what today is!"

He said all with anger, his eyes were filled with rage.

"I hate you sis, I hate you so much!" He said and slammed the door behind him.



Kristen came to school late today, after what happened he decided to cool off, he bought a drink and some snacks before coming to school.

"Why are you late to school?!" The teacher asked.

"I'm sorry ma'am it'll never happen again!" He said with his head held low.

"Its okay have your seat!"

He then started walking to his seat and noticed that Becca wasn't in class, where was she??, he then ignored that thought and sat down for the class.

After the the teacher left, he immediately put on his headphones and turned it to the highest as the music boomed loudly.

Becca came into the class with her eyes searching for Kris, she then finally found him and started walking to him.

She tapped him but he didn't seem to notice, she then removed his head phones.

"Hey!!" He said.

"Please some with me!"

"I don't wanna go with you!"

"Just come with me!" She said as she dragged his hands pulling him up, he then grumbled and said

"Where are we going?!"

"It's a surprise!"

"I hate surprises.. just tell me"

"Close your eyes!" She ordered and he just obeyed and closed his eyes and gasped

"You got me a motorcycle!!"

"Yes and its black your favorite color!!"

He then hugged her and kissed her cheeks, she blushed but he didn't take note.

"Thank you so much!"

"Happy birthday Kris, I bought you a cake but the baker is wasting some time!"

"Thanks you are such a nice person!"

"You are welcome!" She said and her phone buzzed and she looked at it and smiled.

"What is it?!"

"Oh it's the baker she is done and bringing it now so let's go inside and wait!"

"OK!" They then went inside



"So why did you call this meeting between us?" Jordan asked he was sitting with his legs crossed.

"Um I've thought about it and yeah I agree I'll work with you!!"

"You made a right choice, so we need to think of a plan!"

"OK!...have a drink first while we plan!'

"Sure I would love to"



"Damn!!, wifey you are Bloody!!" Silver exclaimed as he stared at Usher's pieced body.

She then smiled slightly before Silver asked

"What did you get from him?"

"Well he told me where Martinez base is and that they were planning to run away!"

"Okay so have you told Katelyn location"

"Yes I have!"

"So how about we do some little catch up as we wait for her to find Martinez." He said naughtyly

She then blushed, he knew how to make her red and hot 🥵.

He then can closer to her and kissed her softly, like as thought her lips were an egg. Her arms roamed around his body drawing imaginary circles on his back.

The kiss showed the longing and desire they had for each other. He then sucked on her lower lip as she gave him entrance put his tongue inside her mouth.

Their tongues battled like as though they were place a tug of war. His hands moved slowly underneath her shirt and thankfully she was wasn't wearing a bra.

He then gave her peaks a little squeeze, he then continued playing with them making her moan.

He then pulled out from the kiss as they stared at each other, their breath were haggard and before she could catch her breath he started kissing her neck, moving down to her peaks earn e moan from her.

He then reached her already erect nipple sucked on it, licking it skillfully. She was enjoying the pleasure so much.

He then removed her shirt and started kissing her until he reached down there, he then removed her lace pantie and touch her p***y and damn she was pretty wet already.

He then put three fingers in at once, she moan from the pleasure, he then continued to thrust faster and deeper as his fingers could go hitting her g-spot.

"Oh f**k!!....faster baby faster!!" She said as she was lost in pleasure and he obliged thrusting as fast as he could until she c*mmed.

He then removed his hands and she then said Naughtyly

"It's my turn to make you c*m!"

She then stood up and pushed him to the bed, his little wife never fails to impress him, she then removed his belt and pulled his trousers down.

She then rubbed her hands on his already hard d**k, and but her lips looking at it like it was the sweetest candy.

She then removed his d**k from his boxers and moved her hands on it before sucking on it skillfully.

He groaned from the pleasure as he placed his hand on her head to direct her on his to handle him.

She was going faster and faster taking in his whole light inside her mouth.

Until he cumed, he then stood up and turned her over and started thrusting roughly into her, hitting her g-spot and going deeper into her, she moaned from the pleasure.

She then arched her back and he held her waist as the clapping of their skin against each other and Dora's moans was the only thing heard from the room.



She stared at her hubby with all the love and affection in her eyes and then kissed his lips softly and stood up and went into the bathroom to go and freshen up. She came out a few minutes later wearing a bum short and a big T-shirt with the words 'bad bitch!" Inscribed on it.

"Where are you going looking like that?!" He said with jealousy clear in his voice.

"I'm going downstairs, Katelyn texted me and said that they have found Martinez's location!"

"You can't go out looking like that, I don't want those men looking at you lustfully with those eyes!"

"I just want to look good!"

"Take it off, wear something else!"

"Okay fine!", she said with her head held low. She then went in and came out wearing some baggy joggers and Big T-shirt.

"Much better, go I'll be right behind you!"

She then rolled her eyes and went downstairs.

"So where is the place Kate?!"

"Its an abandoned ware house some where at outskirts of the city!"

"So here are the maps of the warehouse" she said as she distributed the maps between them.

"So what are we gonna do boss?!" Stanley asked. At that moment Kris walked in and so did Silver.

Dora scanned the map and said

"Stanley and Katelyn you guys will through the front, to kill anyone or guards that might be standing there, Tiffany and Draco will pass through the back to kill anyone there... Kris, Ethan and McKenzie will be outside at high alert to watch if anyone is leaving or coming in!"

"Yes ma'am!" They all chorused and went to go prepare for the mission.

"Great plan babe!"

"Thanks!" She said with a slight chuckle.

"How did you wanna kill him?!" Silver asked his gaze turned dark.

"I'm the most gruesome way possible!" She said and Silver shaked a little before saying

"Alright let's do it!" He said as he interlocked his hands with her and kissed it.

"We are finally gonna be at peace!"

"Yes we are!" He said as he kissed her forehead.



Inside the car, everyone put a silencer on their guns and wished each other good luck.

Stanley and Katelyn walked in first and hid in the shadows thanks to their black masks and clothes.

One of the men walked in and looked around because he felt quite uneasy, he then felt an arm around his neck and before he knew it he was dead.

After some minutes, Stanley tapped his ear bud and told Silver and Dora to come in that the coast was clear.

They then walked in going for the stairs immediately, as Stanley and Katelyn followed behind and immediately met 4 men which happened to be the chefs of the place.

"Mr Silver I'm sorry but this is the end of the line for you!"

They said and immediately Dora stepped forward and said

"Touch him if you dare!" She threatened with her aura as dark as usual.

"What you gonna do little lady!?" The said with their loud voices.

"This!" She then walked towards them and threw her gun to Silver and punched the first guy on the face totally breaking his nose.

"My noseee!!" He yelped in pain.

The other then immediately can after her Silver wanted to move but Stanley held him and said

"Don't worry silver she got this!" He then reluctantly agreed.

The one with the broken nose tried to punch Dora and she dodged it and another wanted to use that opportunity to punch her but she held his hand and twisted it almost ripping it out of its spot.

She then kicked the guy with the broken nose in the groin earn a crack sound from his balls. As blood flowed from the spot.

"Any of you wanna fight me?!" She asked the other two and they rushed to her and she pulled the first ones hair after kicking the second one with all her strength.

She then used his hair and dragged his head to the wall hitting it repeatedly and his head bled as he lost consciousness.

Silver watched this with a smirk plastered on his face.

The last one wanted to fight Dora when she then picked up a knife and with her good aim threw it to his chest and he died.

"Weaklings!" She said as she collected her gun from Silver.

"You did good wife!"

"What can i say I learn from the best!" She said. The other two watched in admiration, they knew Dora could fight but when it involved Silver she was so brutal.

"Let's go!" Silver said as they reached the last floor.

Martinez could be seen trying to escape but saw Silver and Dora on the way.

"Silver old buddy, how are you doing?!"

"Tie him up!" Dora ordered.

"Don't you dare come close to me!" Martinez yelled as he brought out his gun ftom his bag.

"Okay shoot me, I dare you!" Silver said as he started waking close to Martinez, he staggered back.

"Don't come any closer!"

"I said shoot me!"

"He then pulled the trigger and Silver looked at the woman in front of him her hand bled.

"Dora are you okay?!"

"I'm fine it's just a little scratch!"

As Silver saw the blood from his wife's hand his gaze darkened, the aura around the room became intense.

"You...dare.....shoot....my .....wife!"

"I'm sorry!"

Silver the put his hands on his neck lifting him up from the ground strangling him, he was loosing breath fast.

Dora then came in front of Silver and said

"Let him go!"

Silver looked at her with surprise.

"We have to make him pay in a more gruesome way. Silver then dropped him on the floor he was gasping for air.

"Katelyn take off his clothes!" Katelyn bowed her head and walked over to him and removed every single bot of clothes on him.

He was naked before her. She the gave him a knife and said

"Your dick!!, cut it off!"

"What please Ill die if I do that!"

"I said cut it off!." She yelled as she pointed the gun at him, one bullet form the gun could destroy his body to pieces.

His hands quivered as he moved it down to his penis, he then cut it off.

"Arrghhh!" He groaned in pain and Silver chuckled.

He was in the floor before Dora then went to him used her hands to raise his chin up and looked at him with anger clear in her eyes.

"You tried it kill my husband, Mr Martinez and now I'll kill you!"

She then went and whispered into Stanley's ear and Stanley left the room.

She then brought out her knife and raise his fingers up cutting them one by one.

"Please stop!" He yelped in pain, he was weak at this point lossikg a lot of blood.

She then went to his toes and cut them off as well and turned him over cutting his stomach opened and removing his organs before stabbing his barely beating heart with a knife.

Stanley came back holding a Jerrycan filled to the brim with fuel and started pouring it around the room she then threw the light and left the room so the the others.

"Sweet revenge!" She said with an evil smirk as the building burned behind her.


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