
chapter 10

Ailee was all dressed up, looking gorgeous as ever.

She nervously looked at herself in the mirror worrying about all the people that will be there.

She already promised Xavier that she will attend his party plus she wanted to meet him before he leaves so she can't back out either.

Sighing she put on her sparkly stilletos and moved downstairs to meet up with her family.

As soon as she reached the last step she was engulfed in a hug from Alex.

"Surprise baby sister." He said holding her tightly.

She laughed hugging him back with the same energy.

"You came back." she said smiling ear to ear.

"Yes. Did you miss me?". he asked holding her at an arm's distance.

"No" she said and burst into laughter seeing his fake hurt expressions.

"Ouch" he said placing his hand on his heart.

"What is happening here?" came the voice of Gigi from the stairs.

"About time you show up Miss Jungle." Alex said opening his arms for her.

"You are back for what?" She said walking right in his arms and then smiling.

"I knew you all must be dying in my absence so I came to your rescue." he said looking serious.

" Yeah ofcourse. We wouldn't have survived till tomorrow I bet." Gigi said dryly.

Mila also came down rolling her eyes.

"Iris baby we're getting late come down." her mama called from the bottom of the staircase.

"I'm here." she said half running on the stairs while putting on her earrings.

"Ok now that we all are here let's go." their dad announced and they all went into their respective cars.


"That is some real fancy shit" said Mila while re-applying her red lipstick.

They were at the gate of the mansion where the party was held.

Ailee kept fidgeting with her bracelet, knowing all too well what awaits her.

The only thing that was providing her comfort was the company of her family.

"C'mon Ailee hold onto my arm and don't let go ok?" she nodded looking thankfully at Alex.

"I am happy that you're trying Ailee but what suddenly made you change your mind?" asked her mama.

"Nothing mama I just felt like joining you all today." she smiled nervously.

" Ok and whenever you feel uncomfortable just let any one of us know and we'll leave hmm?"

" Yes mama. Thank you." she felt so lucky to have a family as supporting as hers.

" y'all we didn't come here to just check out the exterior of the venue and leave you know?" Alex said looking at his watch.

" Yeah yeah let's head inside."

They all went in together and Ailee held onto the arm of Alex tightly not wanting to get lost in this gigantic amd crowded place.

"Mr and Mrs Laurent welcome. Thank you for joining us tonight." said one of the directors while shaking hands with Mr Laurent.

This continued for another 20 minutes and all this time Ailee stayed behind either Alex or her papa.

They still haven't met Xavier yet. She just wanted to wish him and leave.

After a few minutes she got a call from Xavier and quickly excused herself.


"Are you here yet?" he asked.

"Yes" she replied looking around trying to locate him.

"I'm coming " he was about to go down but stopped hearing her say,

" Wait"

"Do you need something?" he asked confused.

"Um no, but can we meet alone before you meet my family?"

"I planned to meet you alone after meeting your family but ofcourse I am fine either way. I am waiting for you upstairs in the balcony right across the hall."

" Ok give me 5 minutes. "


She hung up and turned towards her family.

" Mama I'm going to the balcony for some fresh air." seeing the worried expressions of her mother she continued

"Don't worry I'll be alright and will come back in a few minutes." she smiled assuringly. Her mother hesitantly nodded.

"Should anyone of us accompany you?" asked Alex and all her siblings nodded rapidly.

"No no. Thank you Alex but I'll be fine. You enjoy yourself."

She went upstairs and towards their meeting place and true to his words he was waiting there for her leaning on the railing.

"Hey" she said from the doorstep.

He turned around and nodded in acknowledgement.

The first thought that appeared in his mind was how gorgeous she is.

"Hmmm" he hummed nodding approvingly looking at her.

She looked down shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Umm congratulations for the success of your company." she said looking everywhere but him.

" Thank you" he said taking a step towards her.

"What did you want to talk about?" he said lifting her face up by his thumb and index finger.

"Here" she said taking out something from her clutch bag.

"This is a little gift I prepared for you." she said placing her bag on the chair and putting the bracelet on his hand.

"It is beautiful." He complimented. She smiled and nodded adjusting it on his wrist while he kept looking at her face making sure no freckle of hers go unnoticed by him.

It was a pretty and delicate platinum chain bracelet with a peony in the middle that symbolises luck, prosperity and splendid beauty. It was cut out in such a way it suited his masculinity perfectly. Behind the flower were carved his initials with a tiny A on its lock.

"Look we are matching now" she beamed and raised her hand to show hers to him. It was identical to his with her intials on the peony but on the lock of her bracelet was engraved an X instead of an A.

"Do you know nobody has ever given me anything this meaningful before? Sure I receive expensive gifts every now and then but this is far more precious than them. You did it without wanting anything in return. Its all so foreign to me, I've always been surrounded by the people who stay by my side for their own benefits. Thank you. "

For the first time in his life he was overwhelmed with emotions. She is unknowingly bringing out the side of him that was brutally murdered when he was just a kid.

"Xavier" she said with teary eyes feeling bad for him. He must've been through so much to become how he is today. Her heart was aching for him. It was the first time he was showing some emotions but instead of happy ones they were showing the pain and the suffering he went through.

She covered up the distance between them and hugged him trying to convey her silent message that she is there for him and he will be alright.

And the message was well received. He hugged her back tightly even lifting her from the ground and pressing his face in her neck.

"You are looking beautiful." He whispered near her ear.

She blushed scarlet and replied timidly "Thank you. You are looking handsome yourself."

" Mhmm is that so?" He asked continuing to pull her closer.

" Yes" she said trying to nod her head.

"We have to go and meet my family too Xavier" she reminded him after a few minutes rubbing his back softly. Her voice sounded muffled because of her face being pressed against his shoulder and he found that so endearing.

"Mhmm" he hummed but made no move to separate them.

Only when her phone rang did he pulled away groaning lowly.

She giggled finding his behaviour adorable.


"I am fine Papa" she glanced at him to find him already looking at her intently.

"I am coming" she hung up and took a deep breath.

"I also wanted to wish you goodbye. Have a safe journey and eat on time there and rest well ok?" she asked him the same thing she asks her father and brother when they leave.

"I will" he nodded looking serious as ever.

"Ok I'm going now. See you." she said and left.

"Bye" she yelled waving her hand from accross the hall before disappearing behind the wall. He just shook his head looking at her form lovingly.

He sat down caressing his new bracelet and thought over his life. Never had he felt cared for but now he finally have someone who care about him enough to come out of her comfort zone just to wish him and ask him to take care of himself. He smiled genuinely after decades that moment.

Fixing his dress he stood up and left to meet her family and her again.


"Mr Romano" said Mr Laurent shaking hands with Xavier followed by Alex.

"Mr Laurent its nice having you here along with your family." he said nodding towards all of them.

Ailee found herself shocked by his cold voice. It was her first time hearing him sound like that. He was always so warm around her that it was hard to believe.

He just glanced at her once and she was glad he didn't made their friendship obvious in any way.

Soon almost all of them got busy with someone mostly business related and it was just Ailee and her mother left.

"Mama can we go home now?" she said turning to her mother.

"Yes baby ofcourse." she immediately called Mila asking her if she could take her home.

"Mila is coming. You can go with her we'll follow you in a few minutes."

"Ok mama take care" saying that she left to meet Mila at the entrance.

While leaving she locked eyes with Xavier and nodded while waving her hand a little, telling him about her departure.

He nodded back and she left.


"Woohhoooo I had so much fun." Mila said dropping herself on the couch.

"Yes it was good" agreed Ailee.

"Hmm I know right you should go often and you'll love it." she just smiled in return.

They both went into their respective rooms .

Ailee freshened up with so much efforts, she felt like her legs will fall off. She Just wanted to sleep to regain her energy but she had some office work due next morning so she sat down at her study desk and started working.

After 3 long hours of typing and revising she finally went to bed.

She was scrolling through her phone when she got a message from her newest friend.

{How was your day, including the party?}

- Mi Amigo ♡・⁠_⁠・

{It was nice.}


{Mhmm that's good.}

- Mi Amigo ♡・⁠_⁠・



{Ok I am leaving now.}

- Mi Amigo ♡・⁠_⁠・

{Bye bye Take care.}


{You too.}

- Mi Amigo ♡・⁠_⁠・

Liking his message and putting back her phone she fell into a peaceful slumber, happy that today was finally over.
