


I can't stop thinking about his brown eyes they are unforgettable. I just can't help myself he was so handsome. I was so lost in toughts that I didn't hear knocking in the door until Eva came barging and she looked very angry.

She glared at me and said, 'aren't you suppost to be getting ready' I looked at her confused. and then she added we're going out for dinner' after I get ready we get a taxi since we don't have a car

we drive to a restaurant and it takes no time.

'you have been distant for the past days' she said.

'I'm sorry I just.... there's this guy he's so....'

she raised her eyebrow at me and asked who is he? I told her" do you remember the guy from the restaurant?" she looked and me and said' don't tell me you're talking about William James" " ohh so his name is William" she said " didn't I tell to stay away from him" I kept looking at her and then I notice a fimilair face. OMG!! I can't beleive he is here. " who is behind me that get all your attention" said Eva. I replied quickly" No one don't turn around" but she turned anyway and I can see her eyes getting wide " stop loking at him!!" I yelled at Eva but guess what? my eyes made contact with his and then I see him walking in our way. Eva looked at me shock writting all over her face. When made it our table he said" Do I know you ladies" I replied" NO! why" and then he asked" then why do you keep looking at me and get shocked when you saw me comming your way?" I said pretending like nothing happened3 Us? we weren't looking at you at all maybe your mistaken" " So you're talling me that was just my imagination" he kept insisting and then just like thathe left without letting me answering. I let sigh and Eva said" Finally he's gone"I was about ansewring her but I saw him comming back with his friend and I remember that he was with him this morning. Before I cant say anything his friend said" I remember you" I looked at him shocked"ME!!"he said " yes you, you're the one who run into us this morning" and then William" yes, now I remember you and you run away without apologizing" I replied quicly" well I'm sorry I just was in hurry" " so we let again" I added smiling softley at him