
Chapter 54 Not Qualified to Chase After Her

Marvin narrowed his eyes. Andrea bit the tip of her tongue and quickly continued to organize her words, trying to sound normal.

"Mr. Williams, maybe you don't know that." Andrea was anxious and said without thinking, "I admire you from the bottom of my heart, so I couldn't help but stare at you for long."

Hearing this, Marvin smiled and looked away.

"Ms. Brown, this is a press conference. Many reporters are present. I suggest you be more professional and be more serious." He lowered his voice and pointed around.

"Mr. Williams, you are right. It's all my fault. I will pay attention next time," Andrea said sincerely as she turned her head and looked ahead.

Seeing her force herself to calm down, Marvin found her quite interesting. Just when he wanted to tease her more, the sound of music interrupted him. Laura walked in in a bright dress.

Seeing her, Andrea couldn't help but frown.