
Chapter 180 News of Her Parents

"What are you in such a hurry for?" Mark said with a smile. Then, he pushed the tablet and the agreement to Andrea.

Andrea lowered her head and looked at it. She found that the agreement was written in her name. It said that she was going to give up the succession.

"Are you so naive that you think I will sign it? Let me ask you again. Where are my parents?" Andrea glanced at him coldly.

"Aren't they right in front of you?" Mark took a sip of wine and said indifferently. He helped her turn on the tablet.

The dark screen suddenly lit up, and she instantly saw a video. The person in the video was her parents!

At that time, they were standing on the cliff. Behind them was the sea. Their clothes were ragged, and they were tightly hugging each other. The wind was cold, and they were crying. There was a big stone tied to their feet...

If they were pushed into the sea, they couldn't survive. Andrea couldn't even find their bodies.