

This book had been deleted unfortunately

lacyevans · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

First day together 4

Lillia got lost to the beautiful feeling of being with  the beautiful flowers. She looked innocent and sweet swirling among them.

  It has been a long time since she had got this kind feeling of peace. She had forgotten everything apart from the beautiful petals.

"Miss lillia", a soft voice jolted her. No one apart from the king called her by her name, who could this be?.

She turned and saw the maiden from earlier on, standing with arrogance with a hint of pride and charm.

"Good morning to you", lillia smiled at her. She knew she had to pretend to not know the smiling statue.

"You might not know me but am....",rose bit her tongue deep, drawing blood. Aiden had told her not to reveal herself to the new queen that she was his lover.

"Am...the duke daughter, Rose Tiberius",she said with her chin held high.

"Nice to meet you, is there anything you might like me to do for you?", lillia asked, she tried hard to hide the anger in her voice but she couldn't as her anger spilled out like a jar with holes.

        Run away and never come back

Rose wanted to say but she bit on her lip hard.

"We can have tea and get to know each other",she smiled at the lowly human who stole her throne, her everything in a blink of an eye.

"Am sorry but am very busy, you can have the servants to prepare that for you", lillia said much to the surprise of rose and the few maids and guards behind rose.

Lillia might be poor and raised well but she never let people walk on her, that was one of her many characters. She was kind and loving to people and things but she never let people take her for granted and she knew if she just go according to everything the maiden in front of her say's, she might be overlooked. Besides her mom have taught her all her life how to be kind and harsh as a queen.


    Rose never expected such words from the lowly human in her front. Her eyes widen, how dare the human ?

"I think you might have forgotten that am the duke daughter and that the king meets...."

"That can be done by the king, in the court room", lillia didn't let any stone unturned. She might be new to being the queen but she was ready to be a queen.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I would love to be on my way", lillia gave her a small smile before walking away, with a little troop of maids following her behind.

Lillia didn't know why she was annoyed by the beautiful maiden, she didn't know why seeing the mouth of the maiden reminded her of the kiss of the king. She knew she didn't have any strong feelings for the king. But the fact that the king kissed her and still have the gut to kiss another. Was he using the two of them? Or was one of them being used? She knew that many of the previous king's have been known for their love for women, having many wives and concubines. And she knew her's might be no different.

She closed her eyes tight, she let out her anger, humming softly to herself. The king and the girl might be actual couple, who loved each other and she,

the villain, who separated a long lasting couple. So she shouldn't be annoyed to them but herself and her fate, and probably her father.

   She walked round the castle before entering it. She wondered when she would be given a tour guide round the castle,she would have asked the maids but they all put weird behavior towards her. She was practically alone, all to herself in the large big castle.

      Aiden walked down the dirty grounds of the castle dungeon. The area stink with rotten flesh, and bones. Peter walked behind him as they both walked with no expression on their faces. They walked pass few cells with badly beaten people, who wailed loud when they saw him pass.

"Milord, save me, I apologize",they said.

The two men passed them, ignoring them, they walked ahead with force in their legs.

Soon they stood strong looking at the  badly beaten young man, with a rod going into him and sticking at the wall, blood dripping from his mouth steadily. Whip marks were all over his body, blood dripping from them.

Aiden stood with power, above the man. He pushed open the gate and entered the dirty cell. The man's eyes opened slowly as he looked up, staring the king dead in the eyes, glaring at the king.

  Aiden stared at the worthless human, barely hanging to his life,a Devilish smirk was on his face as he lowed his head to face the beaten man eye to eye.

"What do we have here?",Aiden acted oblivious.

The man glared as he hissed, trying to push his head closer to the king's,but he couldn't as the rod in him didn't let him move. Chains holding down at his hands and legs.

"You ..ba...",the man tried talking but his words barely came out with a hiss.

"You better shut your mouth before I shut it for you",Aiden face turned stern. The beaten man shut up immediately, he knew in his current state that he was helpless and could die at anytime. The rod that was being pushed into his body bursting out of his front belly was doing no good to him.

Aiden looked down at the man not feeling any tinge of pity instead their was a look of mockery on his face.

   If the slough people think they could get him by sending a spy to watch him,then they where stupid and didn't deserve to live.

"I didn't know maximus was this dumb?,he had become gloriously stupid ever since our last battle",Aiden muttered.

"He... knows..",the beaten man tried to speak"what...wh..what he's..... doing",

"I don't think so",Aiden scoffed.

"In as much as I would love to see your head get separated from your body...am actually going to let you go".

  Peter and the man had a look of shock in their face.

The king was going to let him go?

  The man couldn't help but suspect the king decision,what was he up to?.


     Everyone knew the king of dradevows to be a ruthless man,who never gives people second chance. He was harsh to his prisoners and people who went against him.

"Peter see that",he looked at the rod sticking out of the man's body, "The hole isn't brutal, treat it a little. Then I already know that my message would have get to maximus before he dies",with that Aiden walked out.

    Peter looked at the beaten man, he himself was as shocked as the man himself. He looked down at the man for a while before closing the cell gate.

"The guards would be here shortly. Let not make haste",peter deep voice resonated through the dungeon.

The man looked deep into the king of dradevows right hand man. He had Heard only few things about this man, and what he heard wasn't of any good.

Only that he was mysterious because his face had never been seen, maybe with the exception of the king, and that he too like the king was ruthless and heartless. He kills without mercy, without second thought.

There were even rumors of him singlehandedly dealing with kingdoms alone with just few men.

  Now looking at him, he couldn't help but tremble slightly. The king might be overbearing and more cold than him but that didn't make him less scary. At least the king communicated but this man hardly says a word.

"Who are you?",the man couldn't help but ask.

"Why are you working for this ruthless king? Me and you knows that his hands aren't clean,and ..if you ....work for maximus...he would pay you a lot of golds",he tried convincing the man. But he could just see peter eyes narrow, knowing that the mask man was smiling under his mask.

"We need our mouth, but am not sure you do",peter cold voice sent chills down his spine, so he could only shut his mouth.

Peter stared down at him before turning around to leave.