
- His Bride -

Florence's mother gives her an ultimatum: Find a husband before her birthday ball or she will have to marry whoever she chooses for her. When Henry Flock finds himself in a compromising situation -the wrong place at the wrong time really- he is forced to marry Florence against his will. How will the two live together, in a world where marriage is for life?

MeriemR · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Naïve Plan

The slap echoed in Florence's bedroom as she fell to the floor. She was too exhausted and her mother's right hand was surprisingly strong.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?" Her mother glared down at her.

Florence held her left cheek. Her eyes were glued to the floor as fresh tears blurred her vision.

Lina paced back and forth, fuming. "I cannot believe that after all the effort I have put into Marquis Galley, you have ruined it all with one foolish act." Her arm cut through the air. "Did you even think about the consequences of your actions?"

"I did not," Florence mumbled, but her voice was drowned by Lina's when she spoke over her.

"When did you start seeing Lord Flock? Did he seduce you?"

Florence shook her head violently, Henry's eyes haunted her. She had to tell her mother the truth. Lord Flock had nothing to do with her problems, she could not drag him into this.


"So, you were the one to seduce him." Lina grabbed her daughter's arm, squeezing as hard as her old hand could. "Why couldn't you do that with the marquis?"

Florence winced as pain shot from her upper arm, then she met Lina's eyes for the first time. Every time she thought her mother had reached her lowest and most despicable point, she surprised her daughter with new lows.

"How did I give birth to someone as useless as you?" Lina spat before releasing her arm.

They were both silent for a while. Florence's chest hurt from her mother's harsh words and reaction.

'You know, Mother, I almost died drowning.' She could not utter the words out loud, though.

"I will not let you ruin it all," the dowager countess finally said, her voice cold as ice.

Florence felt her blood boil. She glared at her mother who was looking out the window now. Her body shook with rage.

"I will never marry Marquis Galley," she said through gritted teeth.

"You want to marry a lowly assistant with no title nor status and bring shame to our family?" Lina yelled, her eyes shooting darts at her daughter.

"How would that bring shame to our family?" Florence shot back.

"He is not suited for you."

"He is the son of a marquis, a decorated officer who fought for our country, he comes from one of the richest families in Malorena, what more do you want?" The last question came as a scream.

"He is not the heir and will not inherit anything."

"Ugh–" Florence's frustration reached new levels. She took a deep breath. "He is my lover," she whispered, all the guilt she felt toward Henry pushed to the side.

"What did you just say?" her mother hissed. She looked like she was ready to jump at her throat and strangle her.


Thankfully, a knock interrupted. Florence thanked the Gods because she had no idea what she was about to say.

Rilla opened the door and entered. "I have brought the doctor to take care of Lady Florence's injuries, my lady."

"I forbid anyone from healing her," Lina ordered. "This is your punishment," she added before leaving the room, the doctor on her heels.

The maid hurried to Florence as soon as she closed the door. "Are you alright, my lady?"

"No." Florence's voice cracked as warm tears raced down her cheeks.

"Oh my," Rilla studied Florence before twisting her lips in sympathy. "I will prepare a bath for you, I am sure it will help."

The maid wrapped her arm around Florence's waist to help her stand, but the latter hissed in pain.

'How could the dowager countess deny her own daughter healing?' Rilla pressed her lips together.

"Let us try a bit slower." She did her best to support Florence's weight until they reached the nearby chair. "I will be right back, my lady."

Rilla disappeared for a few minutes before returning and helping Florence to the bathroom. She silently pulled her undergarment up but gasped when she saw her bruised body.

Florence's back had scratches and a few thin lines of dried blood. Her right leg was red with some spots already darkening into a purple color. But what got Rilla's attention was her left ankle. It was so swollen, it looked like there was a ball sitting just under the skin.

Rilla helped her into the tub, then lifted her ankle on the edge. Florence winced.

"You should keep it raised, my lady. I will bring some ice and some medicine for the pain." Rilla had seen another maid do it when she had fallen and twisted her ankle a few months ago.

Florence could only nod. She slid down into the water after she heard the door close behind her maid. There was a ball in her throat, it was hard to swallow. It was hard to breathe.

'What have I done?'

She had never imagined that things could go this wrong. She still could not believe that she had actually kissed Lord Flock. Her fingers brushed against her lips unconsciously before she caught herself.

"What am I even thinking?" She shook her head.

'Surely, I am not thinking about the kiss that I shared with the man whose life I will be responsible for ruining.'

But Florence's mind could not help it. It was her first kiss, and she could still feel Henry's taste in her mouth.

'His lips were soft and his tongue–'

She gasped. "Get a hold of yourself, Florence."

She needed to find a way to talk to him, explain everything. Maybe he would understand her situation better than her family. Florence still had hope.

'Maybe I could still execute my first plan and just break the relationship after a few months. Of course, Henry would have to agree and play along. I just need to get rid of Marquis Galley, and stop my mother from finding anybody else. This might still work.'

Warmth spread through her chest as she nodded to herself, trying to ignore the little voice that rang in the back of her mind. The voice that told her that she was being naïve again, and that there was no way her plan would work.