
His Bride (Resisting him)

Her world changed the moment he set his eyes on her. He decided to take her in return of the debt her father owned him. He let him, he let this dangerous man take her only daughter away. Lauren Westbrook,19 and in her final year in highschool. She doesn't have a Rich parent,her doesn't work,he said it was his time to rest and be taken care off. Her family isn't perfect, her mom and dad argues over everything. Her Dad is not someone you can call a nice man, he's a very stubborn and heady man. Due to the fact that the money her mom earns was little made Lauren go out to work. She works three places as a part timer and still goes to school Early in the morning before going to school. she will branch to Grandma Jami's house to do all her house chores and make breakfast for her. Then after school, she works in a small cafe from 4-7, after leaving the cafe, her night shift starts at Dark club where I work as a bartender. She doesn't have to there every day though. She's doing all this to get a life for herself after highschool because obviously no one will help her. Hunter Cyprus Residence. "Boss, he doesn't  have anything we could take in replace of the money, he doesn't have any property we can seize until he gets the money. " Jax, one of my men says with his head down. "What the hell I'm I suppose to do with that. Do you think I will let him go with my money?" I thundered and Jax shivered in fear. I hate it when I ask them to do something and they failed. "I think I have a solution boss " Cole speak up. I give me a go ahead with my eyes and he speaks. "She has a daughter who is still in highschool " "Yes boss, she's really hot " Jax added and I smile . "On a scale of one to ten how hot is she? " I ask interested in the girl already. "She's hundred percent boss, I trust you will like her " Jax says with a smirk. Hmm I stood up from where I was seated with my glass of wine. "Get ready, we are visiting Ryder and his family soon " I tell them and they all chorus 'yes boss" I need someone to warm my bed. And Ryder's daughter is the best option.

Lynne_writes · Thành thị
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21 Chs

Chapter 5


The next day

I was in the bathroom when an idea popped into my head. I climb on the toilet seat and slide the window open. Shit!. I forgot this is a storey building.

I thought of escaping through the window, but there is another way though. I will just ask that my room to be downstairs.

I smile and walk back to the room. Entering the room I met Nanny Lilo arranging something.

"Good morning Nanny Lilo " I greeted her cheerfully.

"Good morning darling, how was your night? "

I shrug."Twas okay " I replied.

"Right, good thing you have taken your bath. Come downstairs for breakfast "

"Sure, hm..can I ask for something "

"What is it my dear?"

"I want my room to be moved downstairs, can you do that for me "

"I'm so sorry I can't, you need Hunter's approval and I advise you don't ask him " she says.

I groan.

Now, I don't think this plan is going to work but I'll think of another.


After breakfast, I went in search for Maria, for my plan B.

Okay, let me tell you my plan. Promise you won't tell anyone about this. Promise.?.

Okay this is it.

I want to escape through the front door. But that can not be possible since the whole house is guarded with hefty men and I obviously can't beat them, not even one.

So this is it.

I need a sleeping pill which I will put in their food. How will it be possible right?

Well, since I've made friends with one of the maids. I'm just going to take advantage of that.

But first I need to find Maria.

Few hour later ♥♥♥

So Maria gave me the pill and right now. I'm in the kitchen with her as I watch her and two other dish out the guards food. And I'm just waiting for a perfect timing when they won't notice.

"Can I help you? " I ask them with a fake smile.

"No thank you, you don't need to " one of them says as she carry the tray of food.

Fuck! This is not going to work.

"Ouch!! I screamed and hold my left leg.

"OMG what happened " Maria scream. I had intentionally step on a knife which I intentionally put on the floor. Now my leg are injured with fake tears in my eyes.

Fuck it, it stings like hell.

I point to the knife on the floor and Maria gasps.

"How can we be so careless " one of them says and she bent down to check my leg.

"Hunter is so going to kill us " another also says.

I really feel guilty right now but I have to do this.

I'm being selfish. Yeah I know.

"It's okay, I won't let him see this just get me ointment if you have" I tell them.

"Yes I do, Abby can you please get it, it's in my bag " one of them says and Abby run out of the kitchen.

Five minutes later she came back saying she couldn't find it. I told the girl that directed her to follow her. She complied.

After they left. It remains just Maria with me in the kitchen. She has to leave too.

Think Lauren, think.

"Huh, Maria can you please get me my hand towel in my room please " I beg

"Okay stay here. I'll be back in a giffy " she says and left.


I manage to stand up and bring out the pill from my pocket. I quickly add it into their food and sat back on the floor. Going back to fake sobbing.


They brought me back to my room and I assured them Hunter won't know about it.

It's 7:00, "now it's time to escapeee..." I sang and do a joyful dance.

I wear my sandals and pack my hair in ponytail.

The maids will be in their quarter by now and Hunter comes home late. So this my chance.

I opened the door slowly. Checking well, the hallway is empty I run out of the door making sure I made no noise. I climb down the stairs slowly and also looking around. I got to the living room and saw the pile of bodyguard that use walk around the house with a stupid and cold expression on their faces snoring deeply.

I did a mental grin and tiptoed out so as not to wake them up, not like they can that drug is really powerful. After getting outside. I took my heels running like a mad dog even with the pains on my leg. I didn't stop.

I thought I've successfully escape when a voice yelled behind me making me to froze on my steps.

"Hey!! The male voice yelled. Seeing that he was moving closer to me, I start to run again but this time I couldn't run very well because of my injury.

"You?" the man says flashing his light on my face.

"Let me go! " I shout as the man carries me on his shoulders taking me back to the mansion.

"Please, I want to go home." I cry hitting him with my hands.

"You shouldn't have tried to escape, it will make Hunter furious and he can hurt you " he says and my wailing increase.

I really pity you, but there is nothing I can do " he adds

"please sir, you have to help me, I want to go home to take care of my mom and also I have exams very soon. It's my final exams I don't want to drop out. Please help me don't let me go back there " I rant on and on and on but he did not respond to any of my words.

"Are you this cruel, don't do this to me " I beg

He stop walking. "Shut up!" he yells. I can hear the loud sigh he let out of as he puts me down.

"Oh my gosh, thank you " I squeal in excitement and hug him.