
His Bride (Resisting him)

Her world changed the moment he set his eyes on her. He decided to take her in return of the debt her father owned him. He let him, he let this dangerous man take her only daughter away. Lauren Westbrook,19 and in her final year in highschool. She doesn't have a Rich parent,her doesn't work,he said it was his time to rest and be taken care off. Her family isn't perfect, her mom and dad argues over everything. Her Dad is not someone you can call a nice man, he's a very stubborn and heady man. Due to the fact that the money her mom earns was little made Lauren go out to work. She works three places as a part timer and still goes to school Early in the morning before going to school. she will branch to Grandma Jami's house to do all her house chores and make breakfast for her. Then after school, she works in a small cafe from 4-7, after leaving the cafe, her night shift starts at Dark club where I work as a bartender. She doesn't have to there every day though. She's doing all this to get a life for herself after highschool because obviously no one will help her. Hunter Cyprus Residence. "Boss, he doesn't  have anything we could take in replace of the money, he doesn't have any property we can seize until he gets the money. " Jax, one of my men says with his head down. "What the hell I'm I suppose to do with that. Do you think I will let him go with my money?" I thundered and Jax shivered in fear. I hate it when I ask them to do something and they failed. "I think I have a solution boss " Cole speak up. I give me a go ahead with my eyes and he speaks. "She has a daughter who is still in highschool " "Yes boss, she's really hot " Jax added and I smile . "On a scale of one to ten how hot is she? " I ask interested in the girl already. "She's hundred percent boss, I trust you will like her " Jax says with a smirk. Hmm I stood up from where I was seated with my glass of wine. "Get ready, we are visiting Ryder and his family soon " I tell them and they all chorus 'yes boss" I need someone to warm my bed. And Ryder's daughter is the best option.

Lynne_writes · Thành thị
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21 Chs

Chapter 19

A few minutes later we are now dressed and cuddling on his sofa. We are watching the series Teen wolf on Netflix as we wait for our food. Hunter ordered Chinese a few minutes ago even though I offered to cook but he insisted he's not going to let me do anything.

"Never knew you like watching movies," I said making him chuckle.


" Because obviously, you're not that fun type, I mean you don't have the time. You are either here or there always busy."

"You telling me I'm not fun, ouch!" he fakes a cry as he holds his chest.

I laugh pulling his hand away from his chest.

"I'm not lying, you're always too serious and you have this "Don't mess with me" aura around you always. I have to think before I say anything to you and I'm sure everyone feels that way too "

"I thought you're not scared of me, so you are " he smirked.

"I'm not scared of you dude, you know that" I rolled my eyes smiling.

We heard a knock on the door and I sit up to allow Hunter to stand up. He walk to the door and came back a minute later.

"Food is here princess" he announced and I stand up to meet him in the dining.

The aroma filled me up already when I had not even tasted the food.

After eating, Hunter went back to the room to attend to business as he said and I continued watching the movie with a large bowl of popcorn in front of me.

"Did you miss me?" Hunter's hot breath fanned my neck as he whispered into my ears.

"Hunter you've been gone for just an hour, and besides I'm engrossed with this movie," I said and he frowned.

"So you want me to go back?"

"Yes," I smirked.

"I will go and don't you dare call me back" he said.

"Sure" I smiled.

He turned and start to walk away. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the TV. Suddenly I felt myself being carried up causing the bowl of popcorn to fall from my lap.

"You really wouldn't call me back, you little kitten," he said and smacked my butt. He then seats down and made me straddle his lap.

"Oh, so you think I would" I scoffed.

"You need to be punished for that"

"Ain't nobody can punish me" I bragged

"Let's see" he said smirking.

"Let's see" I replied also smirking.

"You are going to beg me today Princess"

"Why will I beg you, my Prince?" I deadpanned.

"When I tease you like hell, and I leave you craving for release," he said and I laughed.

"What is this for huh" I said raising my fingers. "I can always help myself, and I've got some nice vibrator too" I smirked when I saw my words affected him. His eyes have gone ten shades darker.

"Watch me"

I decided to annoy him the more, and let my hand go inside my big tee, my thigh, my clit rubbing it through my pant. I gasped my mouth open, and my eyes did not leave him as I rub my already hard Clit.

"Princess!!" he growled grabbing my hands to stop me from continuing.

"What?" I smiled and bite my lips rubbing my heat on him.

I yelped in surprise as he flipped me down on the sofa, and covers me with his body. He rests his arm on my sides and lean in to kiss me but I turn my face away. He groaned and grab the back of my neck pulling my head closer as his mouth lands on mine.

I giggled wrapping my arm around his neck deepening the kiss.

"Hmm" I moaned when he kissed my neck and fondled my breast.

"I promise you, Princess, you are going to beg" he reminds me but that got me even wetter.

I move to take off his shirt but he stopped me. "I'm in control, don't move unless I told you so" he stated and I nodded my head in response.

"Good, now take the shirt off we don't need it," he said. I complied and took off my pants also.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he told me as he adores my body with wet kisses.

I move my hands to his hair causing him to look up. "I told you not to touch me"

"Sorry" I muttered putting back my hands to my side.

I arched my back as he kisses down from my neck to the hollow of my breast as one his hand kept fondling my left breast. He left my breast and his hands swept down to my waist. Holding my sides as he trial wet kisses down to my navel, then stop he reached my pelvis.

He moves his hands away from my waist and starts to rub the middle of my laps upward to my wet Pussy. He use his finger to rub the juice and looked at me.

"What I like to see" he said.

Before I could say, Jack, his head was in between my legs licking off my juices, with aggression and pressure. My pussy felt hot and the urge to release built up inside me. He adds another finger not stopping the assault he's doing to my clit.

"Hmm fuck" I moaned my finger digging into the sofa.

"Hunter! Yes!" I scream as he increased the friction. I was going to come, but he suddenly stopped making me groan.

"Are you okay?" he said.

"Hunter" I gritted out.

"What do you want princess?" he kept teasing me.

"You want to cum? you can't cum that easily" he grinned.

I move to hold him but he pushed my hand back.

"Help yourself, you have my permission" he said and I groan. I started to finger myself, desperately calling for an orgasm.

"Hmmm" I moaned increasing my pace.

I didn't realize Hunter had undressed until he pulled my finger out and replace it with his cock inside me.

"Ahh fuck me!" I cried when he refused to move.

"Beg for it, show me how much you want it"

"Please Hunter, I want you so bad." I move my hip waiting for him to move.

"I beg you" I groaned out.

Then, he thrust into me hard making me scream out his name. He drove into me rough and hard till I couldn't feel my legs anymore.

We spent another blissful night at his place before leaving for his mansion the next day.