
chapter 1: Fate Alyssa POV

l raised my head and my hand unconsciously touched my hair and I felt some thing sticky. I quickly pulled the sticky thing out of my hair and I found out it was a chewing gum. "eww yack " I exclaimed trying to remove the gum out of my hand.

"Alyssa be quite".Mr Andrew yelled at me. And that was when I realised I was at the detention room.

"some one had been sticking gum on my hair" I said trying to defend myself as I looked at Rissa and her friends chewing gum like a slut at my back.

l thought of how I ended up in the detention room.

*At the school locker room*

I opened my locker and was about to take my books when someone closed it and it turned out to be Rissa and her friends "oh geez does it have to be you guys" I said in my mind wishing I could say it out.

"well well well, look who it is Alyssa the loser" Rissa said mockingly making her friends to laugh at me.

"Hey bitch were did you get those old fashioned shoes from" Vicky one of Rissa friend said looking at my old brown ugly shoes my mum gave me. she said it was what she used when she was at high school and it was the best then and also her favorite so she decided to keep it and pass it to her first daughter and I ended up being the one,so she gave me**

l looked at my shoe and a tear ran down my cheeks

"probably from the mall. oops! what am I saying they would probably not sell those trash at the mall" Eleanor said mockingly making the rest laugh.

"seriously talking about mall can she afford one" Natalie said laughing with all the rest.

Another tears ran down my cheeks.

"Hey she's crying"Vicky said laughing so hard.

"wait girl I'll like to take a photo of you, just a minute"Rissa said bringing out her expensive phone from her bag. She took a photo of me and l couldn't help but cry.

"Hey what are you girls doing out here during school hours" Mr Evans one of our teachers said

*l didn't even realized they've rang the bell thanks to this bitches* l said in my mind.

"To the detention room right now" Mr Evans said angrily.

"But I didn't--" I tried defending my self but was cut off by him

"NOW!" he shouted angrily "Alyssa for you interrupting me after detention you will serve another punishment" he said which made Rissa and her friends laughed "why are you all laughing what's funny in what I just said" he blurted out angrily and they quickly stopped laughing. l smiled slightly and quickly stopped when I saw Rissa glaring daggers at me. l quickly left to the detention room with them behind me.

And that was how I ended up in the detention room


"Rissa to the principal's office now" Mr Andrew said.

"How did you know it was me. I'm not the only one who's chewing gum" she said rudely

"Everyone knows you're the leader and for you interrupting me"Mr Andrew said sipping from the white coffee he was holding.

"But I didn't interr--" she said trying to defend her self but was cut off by Mr Andrew.

"Well you are now"he said and then clapped his hands indicating for her to hurry up and leave.

she reluctantly picked up her bag from the chair she was sitting on and muttered a few words saying "you're doomed" with that she left.

I knew I was really doomed I wondered what will be my fate.