

34 years old traumatised Kacper Smith, a single dad and the marketing director in a multibillion building construction firm ‘skyline’ lives alone with his 11 years old vibrant daughter, Olivia Mae Smith. Kacper swore he was done with love until his encounter with dazzling, optimistic Emilie Martins, his daughter’s teacher. Emilie on the other hand is irrevocably in love with him. Their love is tested and tried, with so many obstacles on the way. Will they conquer and live their forever dream? Will Emilie give up her dreams in order to remain with her lover? How well can Emilie navigate between love, work and dreams.

Searchlight · Thành thị
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Kacper now had to hurry to work because he was running out of time. The distance from his daughter's school to the firm where he worked was only a ten minute drive. He used to be a sonic drive-in worker before he had Olivia, and he was grateful for his current job, because he could give Olivia everything and anything she wanted. The firm 'Skyline' is a multibillion building construction firm and he worked as a director in the marketing department, the firm was a six storey building and it looked magnificent especially at nights. His work was tiring and time-consuming but he made sure he spent any free time he had with his daughter.

When he got to his office, he was welcomed by his personal assistant. He placed his briefcase on the table and checked his schedule for the day. He didn't have much work on his schedule for the day. His team was going to have a meeting with the internal development team, because they had a project they wanted to commence, after that, the marketing team still had a meeting with two financiers.

"Hi, I hope you had a wonderful night?" He greeted one of his colleague.

"My night was great, thank you," he replied as they shook hands.

He loved working with all his team members because they were united and made everything easy for him, all he had to do was direct them and make sure they report back to him. He did a great job organising his team and they won major contracts for the firm. He was the brainbox of every successful marketing strategy. Their job was to reach out to prospective customers or investors, monitor market trends, identify the needs of customers, develop marketing strategies and so many other duties. It was indeed a stressful job.

After a successful but tiring day at work, Kacper remembered he had some errands to run. He wanted to get some groceries from Walmart supercentre, he would've ordered everything online, but he loved getting the experience at the mall sometimes. He also had to get everything he promised Olivia. He had to do everything before 3:30pm in order to pick up his daughter from school. He finished getting everything done and proceeded to pick Olivia from school.

He waited at the front of the school for only two minutes before Olivia came trotting outside with Skyler Mae, her best friend. They had a quick hug and parted ways, he was glad he arrived at the right time.

"Hey dad, how did work go?" She asked as she got into the sky blue Nissan Sentra car.

"You know the usual honey, work was interesting and tiring, and it stressed your dad out," Kacper replied as he turned on the car.

"You know you're the one that should be getting all the questions, start giving daddy all the nitty-gritty details of your first day in 5th grade." he added and winked his eyes.

"Well...apart from the normal subjects, there was nothing really spectacular about 5th grade, you got my hopes high by making it sound so interesting, and making 5th grade sound like so much fun. Though I had so much fun during recess." she replied adjusting her t-shirt.

"I wanted you to go in there with so much good expectations, not to worry, there's so much more in 5th grade you're yet to discover, this is just the first day." Kacper said.

"Did you meet any cute boys you may like?" he added with a mischievous smile.

"Dad!! Please stop it? I hate it when you tease me with boys." she answered, slightly frowning and hitting his lap gently.

''But you think you're allowed to tease me all the time with ladies in my office." Kacper replied.

"Yeah dad, you're the one who needs love, not me!" Olivia muttered.

Kacper was in deep thought. His eleven year old now knows about love, it was no surprise to him. If she knows heartbreak and even had a first-hand experience with it, then she would definitely figure out the true meaning of love. Olivia was only seven when she had her heart shattered by her mom, all she knew before then was her mom and now she cherished her dad. He smiled at the thought of Olivia being a daddy's girl, he was still adjusting to it.

"Skyler asked if I could come over to her house for a sleep over. What do you think?" Olivia broke into his thought

"Do you want to go over?" he asked taking a quick glance at her.

"Of course dad, you know how much I love sleepovers, especially at Skyler's house." Olivia responded.

"Then you'll go during the weekend." He told her.

Skyler was Olivia's best friend. They've been friends since they were in diapers. Kacper was also a friend of Skyler's mom. Skyler complimented Olivia so well. Skyler was the shy and introverted one who sucked at making friends, while Olivia was the outgoing and extroverted girl who did a great job when it came to making friends. Skyler had a lot of insecurities, including her weight and Olivia would talk her out of them. They surprisingly stuck together right from preschool. Even though Olivia was very social and so good at making friends, she had very few friends and Skyler always came first, almost everyone at school thought they were sisters. They sometimes had their little banter every now and then, like all other little girls, when one of them would scream and get angry at the other one, but they would get back stronger than before.

"Dad there's a new teacher in my class, she's Miss Emilie Martins and she's so beautiful and she's nice to me. She even said I answer questions smartly." Olivia said smiling and looking at her dad in the face.

"Wow…that's good, she must be really nice to you if you like her this much." her dad replied

"Yes dad, I like the way she talks too, she doesn't have the usual American accent we all have, and I love the way she walks and teaches…"

"It's alright Olivia, I know you already like her so much, but it's just the first day." Kacper exclaimed, cutting her short.

"I know dad, I just hope she doesn't change like some people did." Olivia said with a sudden change of mood, her mind quickly went to her mom.

"No honey, I didn't say that for you to be sad, I hope she doesn't change too. Let's keep our fingers crossed," he said and crossed his fingers quickly before returning his hand to the car steer. "Now give daddy a big smile," he added. Olivia chuckled.

"I got everything you asked for, we're almost home so you'll just eat them after lunch." Kacper told Olivia

She didn't say anything, she just smiled while fixing her gaze on the asphalt road.