

<Logan Pov>

As Mr. Scott explained the three movements of the sword, I noticed a small figure with dark raved hair walking up to the blossom tree behind him.

[Holly] I thought as she sat in the shade of the big blossom tree. [So beautiful.]

I have known Holly since I was little. She is a year younger than me, and I've admired her since I was six.

"Your highness, did you understand everything I have explained?" Mr. Scott asked, noticing that I had zoned out.

"Yes, Mr. Scott!" I hurriedly said as I snapped out of it to avoid his scrutinizing gaze.

"Good, well, now we will have a small duel to see if you have improved over this past week." he said as he took out a wooden sword. "And keep in mind that-"

" That Duchess Helena will be coming to watch me fence today, I will keep in mind, Mr. Scott." I repeated what Mr. Scott has been repeating to me for over the past week.

"Good, now, let's get to it, shall we?" He said, and we started to duel.

The second highest duchess, Helena Phillips, wife of Duke Owen Anderson, is the mother of my perfect Holly, and also my mothers closest friend, meaning I see Holly very often, even though I wish it was every day.

Mrs. Anderson comes every once a monthe to watch me fence.

"Gah!" I gasped as I fell to the hard grass. I had been defeated yet again by this guy. [Maybe It's my height..] I thought, even though I knew I was eleven, but I had been fencing since I was five.

Mr. Scott continued with our lesson, and after a small while, the second highest duchess arrived..