
Hinata: The Emperor's Daughter

A young princess dies and is reincarnated to another universe, but everything is so unfamiliar and she struggles with little luck to fit in to her new life. She manages to secure a Job at a cafe where she meets a billionaire bachelor who seemed to be hiding a whale of a secret.

Temmywrites · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs


"So, if I understand you clearly, you're telling me you don't have the brand of shoes I specifically told you I was coming to get."

"I'm sorry sir, I thought we still had it but it appears someone bought the last pair earlier sir."

"So what am I supposed to do? Because I don't understand the use of the garbage pouring out of your mouth."

"I sincerely apologize Sir, but if I may, there are some other pairs that are of the same quality and I thi--"

"Did I ask for your opinion?"

"I'm sorry sir, I just thought--"

"I don't care. For your incompetence, I'll make sure you loose your job." He stormed off, leaving the devastated employee on her knees.


"Welcome to heavenly wears, how may I help you?"

"I need to purchase a pair of shoes, and I'm looking for a brand in particular."

"Okay sir, which one?"

"Antonio Vietri Moon Star."

"One second." She typed a bunch of keys on the system before looking back up at him. "Well sir, you're in luck because we happen to have a pair left."

"Good. Where do I find it?"

"Second floor."

He followed the directions and sure enough, it was there. "Finding quality footwear is becoming a problem in this town." Just as he reached out to grab it, a pair of smaller hands reached took them of the ledge. "Hey!"

"Hmm?" She turned to face him and he was dazed for a second. Her face looked so innocent, like an angel and her eyes were captivating.

"Do I know you?" His voice was quiet and gentle. "Your face...it looks so vaguely familiar." He stared at her face, and the more he did, the more he wanted to.

"I don't think so." She answered casually. "I would know."

"Right." He forgot the reason he had stopped her until he saw the shoes. "Right. Those shoes, they're mine."


"I'm the one who's supposed to buy them. So, hand them over." He stretched his hand and she  slapped them. "Ow!."

"Why would you want to take my shoe?"

"Why would you want a man's shoes?"

"That's none of your business, I got them first so they're mine."

He wanted to protest but he decided against it. Something about her was very familiar, and he wasn't one to forget people's faces. "Hey, wait up." He caught up to her at the entrance and offered to pay for the shoes in exchange for her number.

"Hmm, I guess its a fair offer. Deal." She gave him her contact and they went their separate ways.

On his way back home, he couldn't stop thinking about the mystery girl. The way she stood up to him, no one had done that in a long time. And he was almost sure they had met before, and they might have been close too. "Who are you?" He hated not having answers, especially because it was really bothering him.

When he got home, he drooped his car keys and headed straight for the indoor bar. He picked a bottle of Diamond Martini, not bothering to get a cup, he poured the liquid down his throat. Alcohol had always helped think better.

Apparently not this time.

After drinking almost half of the bottle, he noticed he was getting starting to feel tipsy, and he was still at a dead end concerning his mystery lady. "Oof , maybe I'll just sleep on it." He laid on his waterbed and drifted off almost immediately.


"Nakamura, what are we going to do now?, if the Emperor gets to know our location, he could kill us." Fear was present in her voice as she spoke and her whole body was trembling. "What if you ran away?, find somewhere far away to begin your life anew."

"Without you?, that's impossible."

"I can't go with you, I'm only going to slow you down. You have to survive."

"I'm not leaving you honey."

"Oh this is not the time to be stubborn okay, everyone knows your secret now and  unless you want to be sacrificed, I suggest you leave the kingdom."

"What about you?, what if I leave and then they come for you?" He lowered his gaze, and his voice before he added. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I let something happen to you, to our child."

"Nothing bad is going to happen to us, the gods and the spirit of the great dragons will protect me."

Just then, there was a loud knock on the door.


He opened his eyes but didn't get up. "Dammit!." He cursed silently. He was having those blasted dreams again. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen anything from...that time.

He sat up and checked the time on his phone, it was ten thirty. He had missed his friend's party. The knocking resumed and it almost made him jump off his bed.

He slowly got up and strolled to the door. "Who?"

"Shun, who else would be in your house by this time of the night?" His girlfriend replied from behind the door.

He opened the door and she smiled at him. "Hey."

"Hey, you missed the party." She pouted her lips like she was upset. "You promised you'd be there."

"Yeah I know, I just wasn't feeling well."

"Oh baby are you okay?"

"I'm okay now, just needed a little rest. So, what is the purpose of your late night visit?" She smiled flirtatiously and he pulled her closer to his frame. "Is this," he pressed his hardening erection and she giggled. "You're a very naughty girl Sarah." He bit her cheeks playfully.

"Then punish me." She went to lay on the bed and he took off his shirt before joining her.

They had barely done anything when his skin started to burn, he screamed out in pain and rushed into the bathroom. "Shun?, are you alright?"

She kept knocking but he didn't say anything. After spending five minuted in the shower, he went to his wardrobe where he kept his pills. "Shun?"

"I'd like to be alone."

"What happened?, are you sick?, is it something I need to know?"

"No, just leave me." He didn't look back until he heard the door open and close. He wobbled weakly to his bed, he didn't understand why he got an attack all if a sudden.

Ever since he met that shaman, the dreams and the attacks had stopped and if they're truly coming back, then he had to go back to the shaman.

He decided to give him a call first and he silently prayed to be wrong. "Why have you disturbed me this late?"

"I'm sorry shaman but I need your help."


"I had one of those dreams again, and I had an attack."

"Oh, that is serious. Did you make contact with anything that could remind you of your past?"

"No, I don't think so. Ever since that day, I've done everything possible to avoid anything that could remind me of that place, and I've been okay, except today."

"Hmm...and its not your birthday?"

"No, its not."

"Well if its not your birthday, then you must have made contact with something from your past, so you just have to know what it is and avoid it like your life depends on it."