
Highschool of the rich kids

It's a story of a boy who is gifted with fabulous intelligence but due to a betrayal he lost everything so with the help of his god gift he is in the path of the revenge.. He will raise against all odds and let the heaven know his name... This is high school of rich kids..

Ghylchan · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
30 Chs

Chapter : 3

(After that john told him to get ready in evening at 7 for the restaurant.. David was getting more nervous. And on the other hand john friends were planning on how to embarrass David in the restaurant.. David was so nervous he keep changing dress after dress.. )

Only 2 hours left what to wear..(after trying a dress David looks at the mirror.. David innerself speaks..)

(David innerself) Wtf are you gay? why are you preparing yourself as you are going on a date...

Shut I'm trying so hard cause its my first time going to such expensive restaurant.. And I need to look cool..

(David innerself) Hahaha don't make me laugh cool and you evwn if you go naked nobody will notice you...

Shut up and Don't disturb me its not to look cool infront of other this is the first time I'm going out with my friends so I want to look good in front of them...

(David innerself) Do whatever you want...

(At the same time at john house..)

Hey Peter I'm going out with a friend at a restaurant don't let anyone know about it to anyone in the house especially my father..

Yes young master john but I'll come with you head master has told me to stay with you all the time and protect you..

Okay fine you can come but don't let my friend know about you act as a stranger all the time if they find about you they might get uncomfortable..

(Seeing john excited Peter was so happy because Peter was his care taker since he was a child and never saw him that happy before so he was curious to know who is the friend he was so excited to go out with...)

(John calls David and asks his address to pick him up.. After picking David they went to reaturant and see john friends waiting for them outside of the restaurant.. They reach near them and john began to introduce David and his friends...)

Guys this is David and David this is Jack, Tom and Sam.. I didn't get to introduce you guys properly in the morning..

Nice to meet you guys I'm David...

So you are the guy who got the scholarship in the school i was shocked to see a poor guy in such an expensive school it turns out he had a scholarship.. hahaha

He looks so poor do you even have the money to pay for the food...

(David was getting embraced and couldn't talk seeing that john glares at Tom and Sam.. They also stops laughing..)

Sorry friend they are just joking don't take that to heart.. They don't know how to talk to people properly..

Ohh yes -yes sorry friend I did not mean to hurt you anyways lets go we are already late..

(Everyone enters the restaurant seeing that.. Peter also follows them quietly inside the restaurant as a stranger and book a table right next to john and his friends and observe them as the time pass Jack Sam and Tom continuously brag abou their status and background in front of David and make fun of him..)