
Highschool Of The Dead: Shiro's Cheat

Hello guys... Please, Check out my book "Reincarnation Of An All-Rounder". I promise it'll be worth your time. Thank you guys. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shiro, a normal high school student is met with drastic changes in life when he suddenly received a message, showing him the count down to the end of the world Following the countdown, came a weird message that would soon alter his life. Would the alteration be for good or bad? Not long after he receives the message, the world is over taken with a deadly "disease" that turns people who get bitten into undead. Creatures that die and after resurrection, feed on the flesh of other humans. In a different school, a group of students and the school nurse stick together and try to survive the widespread chaos. Turns out, the undead is just a part of the apocalypse and Shiro must survive long enough to see ¶|¶|¶. [Yeah, the word is censored lol. It'll be revealed when the time is right.] ************* Credit to the original owner of the cover art. Upload Time: 12:00am - 1:00am (GMT +8) This is purely and totally a fanfic book. Bear in mind that things may not flow in the same path as the original work and also, I do not in anyway, claim ownership of originally existing characters. Your reviews would be much appreciated too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

UrekSenpa1 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
41 Chs



{Kill 20 Undead. (1 left). }

Another notification came in.

He closed the panel and stared at the gate leading out of the school.


"We should've gone with him." Someone complained in Shiro's classroom.

"Why didn't you go? And now, you're here complaining. You should've raised your hand when he asked." Another person replied to the one who had first spoken.

"Don't give me that crap. You're also regretting it aren't you?" The first person flared up.


"Woah, Shiro is strong. How'd you become this strong?" Hina asked in awe after seeing Shiro kill two undead.

"The Dojo. I was a member of the martial arts club. They all said I was exceptional. I knew I was but it didn't suit me so I quit." Shiro answered her.

"You were in the martial arts club before? That's my first time hearing it. The Senpais didn't say anything about that though." She continued.

"Well. I guess it's not a bad thing. I stopped before you joined though." Shiro answered and walked to the gate.

"It's great that you can at least deal with two undead. I'll help when the next one arrives." Hina comforted Shiro.

"Sorry I didn't inform you. The one I just killed is number nineteen." Shiro said with a weird smile on his face.

"Nineteen?!" Hina wasn't convinced.

"Yeah. Nineteen now." Shiro nodded and walked forward, approaching the gate.

"That's a lot. Hey, where are we heading to?" Hina was still processing the number when she noticed Shiro moving in another direction from their houses.

"THIS is happening all around. I don't think we can head home, or to a police station right now. I'm good with guns but I'll prefer a different weapon for now. You're great at swords and spears so you should get one too. That's where we're heading. A place with real weapons. Not those practice things we use in the dojo." Shiro continued walking as he explained.

Hina's thought was that Shiro seemed more manly and reliable.

Killing nineteen people or rather nineteen undead had brought about changes in Shiro, changes no one had expected.

She just kept her thoughts to herself. Not everything should be spoken after all.


After walking for thirty minutes or so, they arrived at a small museum close to the school.

It wasn't on a national scale but it contained quite enough relics of long-gone people and things.

They entered the building but surprisingly, it was completely empty.

"Things worked in our favor." Hina said with happiness written on her face.

"I guess." Shiro forced a smile.

'I just wanna find the final kill and see how leveling up will affect me.' Shiro was getting annoyed inside. This was supposed to be happening globally but he hadn't come across any undead since he left the school.

"It's empty, so we can split up and easily search for weapons that suit us perfectly. Splitting up means more chances of getting weapons. Let's go in." Shiro explained to Hina.

She was always playful but when the need arises, she could be one of the most serious humans.

"Oh, if you happen to see a sword that you think fits me, get it for me. I'll do the same for your spears. We'll meet back here in twenty minutes." Shiro told Hina before going into the right side of the building.

It had two walkways so Hina went left to scavenge for weapons.

Twenty minutes later, they returned.

"What the hell are you doing with nine swords?" Shiro asked when he saw Hina arrive with more weapons than he had expected.

"Well, it was the first mission Shiro gave me and I wanted it to be perfect. I picked all the good ones so you'd have options to pick from." Turns out, she was even playful at the moment.

"Fine!" Shiro sighed. "At least, you've got yourself a good spear. I also got you one." He handed the spear in his hand to her.

"Thank you for the..." Shiro tried to show his appreciation but she interrupted him.

"This spear is enough of thanks to me. It looks beautiful, just like the person who gave it to me." Hina admired the red spear Shiro had given to her. She was genuinely happy.

"That's up to you. I've got one sword so I'll just pick one from the ones you brought. A backup weapon is always a blessing." Shiro bent down and chose a sword with a blue hilt and blue scabbard.

"I'm happy you picked that one. I also thought it was the best." Hina smiled.

"Well, I think we're done now." Shiro spoke to his companion. Hina was standing, facing outside the building. Shiro was in front of her, facing inside the building so he didn't notice what approached him.

"Umm… Shiro, there's an undead approaching from behind you. It seems to be blind since it's walking aimlessly but it's slowly approaching you." Hina whispered to Shiro when she spotted an undead slowly closing in on Shiro. It was indeed a blind undead but its sense of smell was heightened. With only its sense of smell, it approached Shiro.

"How far is it?" Shiro whispered back. He didn't know the distance between the undead and himself so he didn't want to move and give away his position.

"Two meters." Hina informed him.

He held onto the sword in his hand. He pulled but it didn't budge. When he looked at the scabbard, he saw a button at the side, and without a second to waste, he pressed it.


Something sounded inside the scabbard and the next moment, the undead rushed at him.

With belief, he pulled the sword and it came out of the scabbard. He twisted with the sword in his hand and slashed at the undead's neck.

Like a knife through butter, the blade passed through and the head fell off.

"That was close!" Shiro and Hina sighed together.


Another notification arrived and Shiro already knew what it would contain.


Hi guys, d you have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'd be happy to check it out. Your reviews are welcomed too. Thank you all.

I love you all. (No homo.)

Who can guess what the notification contains?

Next chapter gets dedicated to that person. Good lucky to the winner.

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