
Highschool DxD: The Ultimate

A simple young man was reborn in the world of highschool DxD with the greatest power in the universe. A world where the strong preys on the weak. But what was his goal? Conquer the World? Save the world? Acquire a Harem? His goals are unknown but there is only one way to find out. -------------------------- (Make sure to write a review about your thoughts about the story so I can improve the story)

NinjaKilla · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Sitri Heiress

The lady sitting on my right is no other than Sona Sitri the heiress to the house of Sitri, one of the 72 pillars of the devil race, the younger sister of Serafall Leviathan, one of the four great maou of the underworld and the childhood friend of Rias Gremory, the female protagonist of highschool dxd.

Just being the sister of a Maou already makes her an important figure to the devils and since she's here, it means she and rias are already governing this territory. Which makes me wonder, was I sent before the canon or not.

Honestly I didn't expect to see her here but what should I do now? Should I talk to her? Alright but how i should I approach a girl with high standing such as herself plus I don't have any experience with girls whatsoever.

No, I shouldn't talk to her I'll get the chance when I go to school tomorrow. No, Man the fuck up. This is why you got no bitches. Yes, I will talk to her.

With rose thoughts, I took a deep breath and nodded, gathering my newfound confidence and glanced at her one more time.

She had black hair styled in a short bob cut, violet eyes which was covered by her transparent glasses and skin seemingly smooth as porcelain.

"Shit! She's beautiful."

Alright there's a smart and beautiful girl sitting right next to you, there is no better chance than this, you can do this. Alright let's GO.

"H-hello." The words I managed to blunder.

"Huh?" Seeing that she was suddenly called out, she shifted her gaze towards me. It was apparent she was annoyed but it was soon replaced with curiosity.

"Oh, hey! I've have never seen you here before. Are you new here?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just moved in yesterday." I said with a smile while scratching my head.

"Is that so?

"Yeah, Hey! Where are my manners? I'm Benjamin Oliver, nice to meet you." I said while extending my hand for a handshake.

"I'm Sitri Sona, nice to meet you as well." Sona said while taking my hand.

Good, I managed to start a conversation and we even introduced ourselves. This is going to the right direction. Got to keep the conversation going.

"So where are you from Oliver-san." Sona beat me to it.

"I used live in a far away town in America." I replied.

"Did you come with someone like a sibling of sorts?" Sona asked.

"No, I came alone. Now that you mention you it, I already missing my family right now." I said with apparent sadness before I decided to change the subject. I don't want to get too emotional but Sona seemed to have noticed.

"So what are you doing here? are you doing a school project?" I asked.

"No." She replied to my question.

"Is that so?" I asked while tilting my head.

"Yes, it's nothing like that. I like to come here and play chess on this computer, but people are no longer challenging me." Sona said and let out a heavy sigh. Well, she did say she was a genius at chess in the show.

"So are you like a genius chess or does that genius stuff apply to everything." I asked curiously.

I never played chess before since it wasn't interesting to me so me beating her in chess is impossible. So I've have to find another way to make her fall for me. Huh? do I have a thing for genius girls with glasses.

"Well, I won't say everything but I'm pretty smart so I can grasp things faster and better than both of my peers." She said as she adjusted her glasses with her right hand.

"What about you? Do you like chess or do you have some different hobbies." She asked

"Well, I like reading, anime, novels,martial arts and some other stuff." I said while holding my chin before adding. "I've never played chess before but it sounds interesting so I might try it out."

"Really? In that case, I can teach you if you want?" Sona said failing to hide her excitement. I don't know why though. Maybe she must think she's an undefeated grandmaster of chess and is tired of getting challenged all the time. How cringe.

"Yeah I suppose I could learn and it's even better if I'm taught by a beauty like you." I said before realizing my mistake.

WTF Ben you idiot! Why did you say such a cringe thing. Now you have blown your chance, you fucking dimwit. Fuck, I'm going to be lonely for life. In that case, I should just buy a cat like those typical old ladies. I spent 1000 years in the void so being alone for a few more years should be easy.

"E-Excellent, when s-should we start." Sona said. Huh? I somehow worked as I could see a visible red blush on her cheeks.

"Well, not today. I'm trying to do some research on a manga I'm working on."

"Oh, then we should set-"


Before Sona could finish, a voice which sounded feminine suddenly called out. So we shifted our gaze towards the source.

"Oh, Tsubaki what is it?" Sona asked Tsubaki Shinra, her queen in her peerage. She was a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye.

"Well I'm finished with what I was doing and we need to go since tomorrow is Monday." Tsubaki said shortly.

"What do you mean?" I immediately voiced out. Well, it wasn't my business but we were having a great time here. Tsubaki wasn't pleaded and she scowled at me.

"Oh, this is Benjamin Oliver. I just met him today" Sona introduced me to her.

"Nice to meet you, Tsubaki." I said but her eyes became sharp as she asked.

"How did you know my name?"

Ben: "(-_-) Are you seriously woman? Sona just said your name a moment ago." I thought

"Well Sona said your name after you called her."

"Oh." Tsubaki's eyes widened as she remembered.

"Sorry about that. As you already heard, my name is Tsubaki Shinra, nice to meet you Oliver-san." She said

"Drop the formality and just call me Ben." I said before I added, "Besides, you will being seeing me tomorrow."

"Oh Ben, do you attend Kuoh academy?" Sona asked


"That's great, me and Tsubaki are part of the student council. You will see us after you pass the front gate tomorrow. See you then." Sona waved me goodbye before leaving with Tsubaki.

Well at least I have somebody I know in school. Pushing that aside, TIME TO GET TO WORK, LETS GO!!!. I screamed inwardly as I faced my computer.