
Ch. 25 Devil, Saint and Angel

In the end, Musashi officially joined my peerage as my first Knight a month after our spar.

She was rather enamored with the prospect of being able to fight so many people with different abilities, even if a lot of them weren't exactly skill focused warriors. But that was offset by being able to travel the world to face off against actual warriors, plus Mana was a great opponent for her due to the two having similar ideologies while fighting but through completely opposite weapons.

The two girls followed the idea of adapting to whatever stood in front of them instead of honing a singular approach to take on anything.

They quickly became friendly rivals as the clashed against one another, had similar ideals, with the biggest difference being Mana's restrained personality vs Musashi's free spirited one.

Jeanne and Musashi respected each other so far, but the major difference was that Jeanne was more of a commander and Musashi was a warrior, if one can understand the difference between the two. But they both loved to go out and enjoy a drink or some food together since they are the more gluttonous members of my peerage.

I will say that I much prefer going out for a nice drink with Jeanne than with Musashi as she quickly gets hammered and loves to do it.

Meanwhile Da Vinci-chan seemed to have scared her since Musashi vehemently opposes going into her workshop ever since the first time she went in. Neither would tell me why though.

What was funny was Musashi's meeting with Muramasa and her subsequent begging for a sword made by him. I saw the man having to drag her as she clung to his leg.

The sword user did become very subdued in Yasaka's presence however, enjoying spending time drinking tea with the mature nine tailed fox.

With Tamamo on the other hand, the two hit it off like long lost sisters.

As for her training, it was different than the other girls who either had magic or sacred gears since Musashi was a pure skill based fighter. She relied only on her swords and skills to fight.

I even discovered that the purple aura she exuded during our match isn't even true Touki. The girl managed to create her own version through pure swordsmanship.

So I decided to do something which made me excited for the future. I freed her talent in the Niten Ichi-Ryu, then for Swordsmanship, then martial arts, and last as a warrior. She would be hyper specialized in her path and I want to see how far she could take it.

But it would take some time due to her decision to train herself up from the basics again due to the great changes her body experienced from becoming a Devil and becoming my Knight.

All I could do to really help her was prepare the best training environment she requested and provide ample amounts of sparring partners, myself included.

It did help me train against a supremely skilled weapon user too, so I never shied away.

And now that I had taken care of the peerage candidates I had in mind for a while, it was time to head on over to Heaven for some 'information gathering'.

"Jeanne, I'll be going to Heaven for a bit, do you want to come?" I asked the ex-Saint as she was enjoying a glass of wine and reading a book in my office.

"Why me? I am pretty sure Da Vinci would jump at the opportunity." She asked as she placed a bookmark and closed her book.

"It's more of a sneaking trip and she wouldn't be satisfied with just quietly looking around as I did what I wanted." I answered her as I could imagine a few dozen ways of things going wrong. "Plus I wondered if you wanted to see if you could fulfill some little desire you could have had from when you were human."

"Sure. Not like we are going to get caught anyway." She replied as she put her book down. "Plus I'll finally get to see if what all those idiots do is actually worth it."

"Wonderful. Time to go get a look at God's system." I happily announced.

"Um, Lith? I know you can get anywhere in the Underworld, the human world and any dimensions you've marked, but as far as I know you've never been to Heaven. So how are we getting there?" Jeanne asked as she suddenly realized a minor problem.

"We will be going through Purgatory where there's a connection to the third level of Heaven." I answered ash-blonde young woman.

'If those genocidal 'heroes' could do it, i should be able to do it in my sleep. And once in Heaven I'll have access to their dimension.' I thought with a smile over having access to Heaven.

"You don't want to bring Mana either?" Jeanne asked as she followed along.

"She's out right now. Scouting the situation of the Youkai for Yasaka and Tamamo." I answered her as she nods but has a bit of sadness in her eyes. "It's not goodbye forever you know."

"*sigh* I know, but I'll still miss being able to talk to them everyday." The ex-holy maiden replied.

"We can always take a trip around the human world to see if we can find anyone to join the family." I suggested since I should actually do that soon.

I might have gone through the famous humans I wanted to invite for the next century, but there are many hidden supernatural beings and races still in the human world to test. Any could hold an impressive specimen or two to recruit, even if not for my own peerage.

"That sounds nice. We can go out as a family, even if I'm already thinking about how Da Vinci will be annoying." Jeanne responded with a warm smile, which turned a bit exasperated at the end.

"Haha! It will be interesting since she will be curious about many things along the way." I merrily said to her as I opened a portal to Purgatory.

As the name suggests, the place was rather dreary due to it being where souls are judged and purified.

We ignored most of what was happening down bellow and moved towards the Gates of Heaven.

"So few souls come this way." Muttered Jeanne as she noticed the lack of people heading for our destination.

"The church lost sight of what it means to be worthy of entering those gates long ago and how can those they are expected to guide know how to do so when their guide doesn't." I responded with a bit of anger over the number of afterlives that stupid organization ruined.

Jeanne held her tongue but clenched her fists and jaw as she understood perfectly well.

Reaching the gates, I simply waited for an opening as it let a soul through and slipped by the defenses.

We then ascended to Heaven without anyone being the wiser, finally seeing with our own eyes the promised splendeur given to those good souls.

And as described in canon, it was vast, incredibly so. The amount of power I use to cover the Underworld or the human world wasn't anywhere sufficient to cover the third level of Heaven.

"At least this wasn't a lie." Jeanne said sounding almost relieved as she gazed upon paradise.

One could see the peaceful contentment radiating off the souls here as they enjoyed their rewards.

"Looks so dull." I simply commented as I saw only a state of unchangingness before me.

No progress. No desires. No true emotions.

Those weren't even human souls to me anymore. Just the leftovers creating a satisfied doll.

Without waiting I found the path to the next Heaven, but my sudden movement startled Jeanne out of her minor daze and she began to follow.

She didn't seem to understand why I had said that paradise was dull, but it would come in time. If she reached the same understanding of what makes a human, well, human anyway.

Reaching the fourth Heaven, we entered the fabled Garden of Eden.

It was well guarded and maintained, but too bad no one would be able to even understand how we got in, much less stop us.

I decided to add a little side objective while here and take one of the apples from the Tree of Wisdom for study. Immediately using my [Time], which I had trained rather extensively during the last century to develop my [Space] properly, to grow a new apple to take its place.

It was harder than I initially thought due to it taking approximately 25'000 years to actually grow the damn thing, but it was my only option to make sure they didn't notice anything. I, unfortunately, couldn't just rewind time on the thing or I wouldn't get the apple and I couldn't copy something like an Apple of Eden through pure [Space-time] due to it being a holy creation of the highest order.

This thing was going to be an interesting souvenir for Da Vinci-chan.

Jeanne was giving me a stare though.

"What? It'll keep Da Vinci-chan busy and happy, while I can hopefully get some interesting discoveries in return." I defended myself.

"You're lucky God is dead or he would be doing an encore of his classic." Jeanne responded with an eye roll.

"Too bad for him then. Left a ton of problems he created, so fuck him." I replied as we moved on to the fifth Heaven.

This was where most Grigori Fallen Angels come from before the massive Orgy Azazel started. It is the place where Heaven's research and manufacturing institutes are located, but they can't hope to match the fallen or devils in regards to this. Heaven simply doesn't have enough geniuses and can't make any new ones either.

I still made copies of all their research and books for my library and Da Vinci-Chan. This will be helpful to understand angels and their powers much better, while also giving Jeanne something to help her develop her holy power and light magic further.

Reaching the sixth Heaven made me a bit more cautious even if I was certain that without Ophis or Great red no one could find us. All because God was a genius crafter and was likely to have been the old Number 3 in terms of actual strength. And who knows if that twit left anything behind.

I noticed that there really weren't many residing on this level due to it being a Seraph exclusive. I could feel three presences currently: the largest most likely being Michael, the hot one is probably the Flame of God Uriel and the last one felt like a female and was likely Gabriel.

But lucky for me, it seemed like Michael and Uriel were leaving as I felt them heading for the exit of this level of Heaven.

'Feels like a plot point where I get an easy opportunity to sneak in but then get caught by an unexpected person or something.' I thought with some amusement at the common trope.

The final Heaven and former seat of God, was simple and complicated depending on who looked at it.

For someone like Jeanne who did not have many sensory abilities, the main room would look like two stone terminal with intricate carvings on the sides which continued down to the floor and up the walls, with both having softly glowing orbs resting on them.

While I saw/felt a mind boggling amount of information being taken into the room and out of it as the system seemed to be automatically operating as God left it, but I could also sense uneven fluctuations in this flow of information hinting at the bugs in the system.

Not knowing which system was which, I had to guess regarding the sacred gear one. I couldn't bring anything here or even the room into a separate dimension since the systems relied on the flow of information to function and it would cause a lot of problems if they are suddenly disconnected or messed with inadvertently. And I couldn't interact with them while staying in this sub-dimension either. So that meant I had to step into Heaven for real now.

"Keep an eye out Jeanne. You should be able to take on any Seraph for a while, but we aren't here to fight and they are unlikely to strike first if we keep calm and act peacefully." I ordered as I truly entered the seventh Heaven.

I was immediately greeted with the absolutely immense amount of Holy Power the room contained and the pressure from the ludicrous flow of information mixed with magic present.

'Good thing I'm not part of the System giving Devils their weakness to Holiness or I might have actually burst into flames due to not being properly prepared.' I thought as I marveled at the feeling.

'Now let's see here.' I thought as I approached my first terminal.

Touching the orb made a hard light interface and monitor appear, which seemed to be using a custom script as a programming language when I looked at the passing lines of code.

'It uses a similar script to what Azazel had recorded from his own research, but with some old Devil script here and there, and a little extra something else.

Fortunately if I use my knowledge of the first two as a base, add in my custom mind magic and accelerate my mind, I should be able to decode the language God used to program his systems easily enough. But this will be at the basic level of reading.

Unless I actually attempt small changes or modifications, I won't be able to go past that.'

'Pr… for …ther.

…Dream … Who… cou…

Bless… ther… sin

Souls coll… Europa… 6829

… conflict detect… initiating… retrieving soul

Saint protocols initiated. Blessed child chosen.

Angel protection program activated. Fall cancelled.

Prayer: Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Bless the souls i must take in your name, and forgive mine as I protect the innocent.

Verdict: Soul Elizabeth Báthory sentenced to hell for the murder and torture of 623 innocent young girls and 31 sinners.'

'Looks like this is God's system which governs souls, blessings, angels and all the general God stuff. Then that means my target is the other one.' I thought as I closed the interface.

Moving to my actual target, I began going through the Sacred Gear system.

Although it was computing significantly less information than the other terminal, this system was actually built to be much more flexible due to the theoretically near limitless potential sacred gears could display with the right users. Issei and Vali took theirs far beyond any other users, with Issei even somehow surpassing the power of the beings making his Boosted gear possible.

I mean, I still can't really understand how something working based on the soul of something could exhibit power beyond said soul without breaking. Ddraig was powerful sure, but he wasn't even close to Ophis and Great Red, and yet somehow a tool built by someone weaker than them, using the soul of a dragon far weaker than them, used by a weakling with nothing but a psychotic obsession with tits, somehow is supposed to have surpassed them.

Fucking crazy plot armor.

'Anyway, let's see here.

Currently only a few Longinus have host souls while the rest are in the system waiting for compatible souls.

The ones used by my peerage are actually shown to still be waiting which is interesting.

While the True Longinus is tempting it doesn't truly fit me. Neither does Regulus Nemea.

Zenith Tempest seems to actually be held by someone in the church like canon coincidently.

Pfft. Dimension Lost can suck it.

The Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing are both out there like usual.

While the rest of the original Longinus' are still in reserve. No new ones popping up like nothing until canon either, so let's look at the other options.'

After some time browsing, I couldn't find anything that really grabbed my attention from going through the list, so I decided to change my approach to my search and look through God's notes on Sacred gears to see if they could be holding any sort of hints.

'Let's see here.

-Longinus candidates:

Some Sacred gears seem to hold the potential to become Longinus class, only requiring the right user or trigger.

The possibility of Sacred Gears affecting each other to evolve unpredictably exists, further increasing the possible Longinus' in the future.

As a result, I should remember to increase the flexibility and storage capabilities of the system in the future to limit possible world threatening situations.

List of possible candidates bellow.

•Forbidden Balor View

•Unknown Dictator

•Alphecca Tyrant

•Vritra Line Sacred Gears

•Asclepius' Rod

Added note: Keep an eye on Sacred Gears based on sealed gods or their parts.'

'Helpful, but not right. And also interesting to see that God predicted a lot of the evolutions DxD nonsense caused.' I thought as I read that last part.

'-Prototype' now that got my attention.

'It would seem the first attempts at mimicking the Mesopatamians met with similar problems to their own creation and the inspiration of this project.

These prototypes do not hold any sort of independent sentience which could assist the wielder nor any path to evolve. And unlike the case of the Chains of Heaven, I doubt I would be able to stimulate a strong enough shock for the creation and growth of prototypes without large scale conflicts. Other methods would take far too much time and leave too much to chance for such powerful objects.

The initial direction scrapped. All Prototypes destroyed to avoid any humans or gods from causing widespread destruction with them after the flood incident.'

'Although I am sad that none of these prototypes are left, since they would have made fantastic research material to understand more about Sacred Gears, the mention of these Chains of Heaven intrigue me.

Apparently the faded Mesopotamian gods created something which inspired God to create Sacred Gears.' I thought with some excitement as I searched the system Database for more information. 'There it is.'

'-Chains of Heaven

Recorded abilities:

•As an independent Avatar, it holds great personal power and physical combat abilities, while being capable of utilizing its chains masterfully.

•It's sharpened chain tips can pierce conceptual target as well as physical ones.

•Incredible Sealing capabilities. Might pose a threat to myself.

•Near complete control over earth due to his origin and instant weapon creation with it.

•Loved by nature and beasts.

•Can shape-shift into any form, but prefers his main one.

Responds to the name Enkidu. It was a weapon created to chain Gilgamesh due to the Mesapotamians not being confidant in handling the King after he had obtained powerful weapons from his travels and his prophesied role of being their last anchor to the human world threatened them.

Enkidu was created from blessed earth Anu and Aruru shaped as a sort of golem, but gained a humanoid appearance thanks to the influence of a divine harlot sent by the gods to stop it from being little more than a wild animal as it did not fulfill its purpose.

The first sign of its ability to grow and evolve.

It then even developed its own soul as its intellect was awakened somehow by the company of the woman.

But it only later became a true living being after bonding with its supposed enemy Gilgamesh. Even going so far as to chose Gilgamesh as his wielder and growing with the king's strength.

Then that selfish child, Ishtar, asked Anu to kill the two new friends because they didn't lust over her. This is why I hate those stupid sins. But luckily the two were too strong and only when Enkidu willingly surrendered to protect his only friend and chosen wielder did they manage to capture it.

As far as I could tell, the Mesapotamians never could destroy Enkidu and have sealed him in Ereshkigal's Realm of the Dead.

I could not find anyway to reach it after the fall of the Mesapotamians due to the war and the ramifications of myself invading another Pantheon's afterlife. Thus, at the best of my knowledge, Enkidu should still remain there.'

"Bingo." I declared as I read about this Enkidu.

"If you've found what you wanted we should go. One the Seraph's is approaching fast." Jeanne told me as I took my time to magically transfer the copied information on the terminal to a memory crystal.

"Hmm? Oh. If it's her I guess it's fine to say hi." I replied playfully.

"Her? You don't mean… *sigh*" Jeanne's said before staring at me deadpanned.

A few moments later.

"Hello? You really shouldn't be in Father's room or touching those. Brother gets really mad if anyone else touches them." A calm and soothing woman's voice warned 'sternly'.

The woman herself was of course the most beautiful in Heaven, Gabriel, as she shyly stood at the edge of the door like a child nervous about being caught doing something naughty.

"*chuckle* Thank you for the warning my lady. I simply wished to learn something from His work, but I am done now." I responded with some amusement over the innocent beauty which caused angels to fall due to her sinful body.

"You could actually understand Father's work!? That's incredible!" A now very excited Gabriel said as she approached me very quickly, causing her eye-drawing assets to bounce furiously.

'Remember you're married to your own lovable beauty.' My personal angel side told me.

'Yeah, but you're a Devil now. Sin all you want.' My little Devil responded.

'But then we would be like those idiots.' Angel countered.

'Bah! Not like harems are weird down bellow and as long as you do it right, you could have the most power women of Heaven and Hell.' The Devil replied with a grin. 'Plus the innocent ones are always the kinkiest once let loose.'

'Damn that's a good point. But stil, at least talk to Sera about this stuff before you think with your other head.' The angel said before the two disappeared.

"It did take a lot of studying very old languages before being able to do so, but yes I did manage to read his systems." I calmly replied as I kept a perfect poker face on.

"Wow! Only Brother Michael could do that. The rest of us can only help to keep Father's work going unfortunately." She said with awe before becoming sad. "I wish we could help. This is one of the only things left of him."

"I could teach you if you wanted. When the two of us are free of course. I have many responsibilities and I am sure a powerful beauty such as yourself must hold many as well." I offered as possibilities ran through my mind.

'Becoming friends with Gabriel could help future peace talks tremendously, while in the meantime I could open up diplomatic and trade relationships with myself exclusively.

I might even be able to make Sera extra happy by getting her a new friend I'm sure she could get along with and help her lay the groundwork for reconciliation between Heaven and the Underworld.

Plus if I can somehow sneak a shot of those heavenly bells then I should be square with Azazel and probably open up talks with him as well.' I thought as I went through many possible benefits.

"You would do that?! Thank you so much!" She happily said as she grasped my hands and looked up at me with a dazzling child-like smile bloomed on her face.

"It's nothing much, but it will require effort on your part lady Gabriel." I calmly told her as she nodded in understanding with a cute serious look on her face.

"Of course. Anything to help Brother and keep at least a bit of Father with us." She replied as I could feel a lot of strong but pure emotions in those words.

'Angels really are different. I thought they were basically programmed dolls until they fall and became too affected by true emotions, but from what I can tell they just experience feelings differently than devils and humans.' I thought as my gaze softened.

"Lith, you're married, how long are you going to hold her hands for?" Jeanne suddenly asked with a glare as Gabriel jumped in surprise at her appearance and blushed as she quickly let go of my hands.

"I am sorry!" She yelped out.

"I didn't mind. You're hands were very soft and nice to hold." I smoothly told her as I could feel Jeanne's glare intensify.

"Ah! You too! I mean you're hands were nice to hold. They were big and warm." She shyly said as this was the first time she held the hands of a person who wasn't any of her brothers or Father.

"Thank you. My lovely wife says that too. I would love for the two of you to meet. I'm sure you would be great friends." I fondly told her as I imagined the two rather innocent beauties together having fun.

"That sounds great! Brother Michael doesn't let me have many guests and even then it's hard to be friends with the other angels. They treat me differently." She replied as she deflated a bit at the end there.

"Then I guess my wife and I can become your friends, even if your brother would probably not agree because of who we are." I said to her with an uncaring smile.

"Really? I would love to be friends with you, but friends should tell each other their names. You already know mine and I don't know yours. It isn't fair." She responded cutely.

"That isn't fair." I seriously answered back before giving an elegant bow and introducing myself, "I am Lith Azaroth and my wife is Serafall Leviathan, while the beautiful young lady here is Jeanne. A pleasure to make you acquaintance Lady Gabriel."

"*Gasp* So you're the Devil brother Micheal was curious about! I heard from Amaterasu that the wedding was so romantic!" Exclaimed Gabriel as her eyes lit up. "Is it true you built an entire floating island and had a beautiful art piece commissioned for your wedding? Is the food really capable of making someone achieve enlightenment like Amaterasu said? Did Lady Leviathan's dress really have miniature stars on it?"

"*Chuckle* Yes I did build an island and have a depiction commissioned for the wedding. I am not sure about anyone reaching enlightenment but I've never had tastier food than in my territory. And unfortunately no, but I would have done it for her if she had asked me to." I amusedly answered in order.

"Wow! I really want to try that food now and I am certain her dress was so beautiful on her that the stars were not even needed anyway." She gently said with a kind smile.

"Well I don't have the food from the wedding, but I always have food from the same chef who cooked for it on me." I told her as her eyes lit up in excitement as I took out a blanket and a few snacks, drinks and dishes.

'Once again having delicious food at the ready proves to be a good idea.' I thought as I set everything up.

"Ooh. Liora made her honey cakes and the tea that goes with it." Jeanne observed as she joined us.

"Oh dear father! I am so sorry for not properly greeting you until now miss Jeanne!" Gabriel suddenly said as that seemed to click in her mind as Jeanne sat down.

"It's no problem Lady Gabriel. It's actually been a pleasure to see that angels truly deserve their reputation as kind and pure while watching you. At least I know those bas… 'priest'… weren't just making things up when they were 'teaching' me." Jeanne replied as she caught herself from swearing in front of a Seraph.

It's her slightly bad habit when talking about the church. She can't not swear when it comes to the priest of any rank.

"You were a sister!" Happily exclaimed Gabriel.

"Well, kind of." Jeanne awkwardly replied since she wasn't sure how to tell a Seraph that she used to be a saint and chose to become a Devil.

"Jeanne here actually used to be a saint in Orleans before joining my family." I directly corrected as Jeanne worriedly looked between me and Gabriel.

"I love Orleans. They always loved my favorite saint. She was so strong and pure, holding Father's word so close to her heart." The seraph fondly said, "You even have the same name as her! What a coincidence!"

"Not exactly a coincidence." Jeanne muttered as she bit into a honey cake to distract herself from the less pleasant memories.

It's been a long time for most humans and her time in the Azaroth lands have been filled with friendship and camaraderie, but her time as a saint still had a large part in shaping who she was today.

"What do you mean?" Gabriel curiously asked with a careful look on her face.

"Lady Gabriel, let's just say her time as a saint was not a pleasant one and that she became a Devil because she did not want to endure it anymore." I gently told her as her eyes softened in understanding.

Gabriel did not have any sort of bias against devils, but she knew what the Bible said about them and felt like something sad should have happened if a young saint thought turning into one was better than staying in a place which was supposed to love and support her as she brought hope and blessings to others.

"Do you want to talk? I know i can be a bit clueless sometimes, but I can at least listen and help you lighten your burdens." Gabriel offered as she radiated kindness and acceptance like none I've ever met before, which caused Jeanne's body to relax a lot.

The ex-saint then passed a glazed honey cake to the Seraph as the two began to talk and share snacks.

As excited Gabriel had been to try the food, now she was totally focused of Jeanne, which was admirable when faced with Liora's food.

The two talked, with Jeanne eventually confessing that she was the holder of the Maid's spirit, and eventually becoming very emotional as Gabriel said that she believed her decisions weren't wrong or blasphemous, and that she was happy that her favorite saint could live a free life through the current Jeanne even.

I kind of felt bad to not have realized that her Christian education might have weighted on her so much until now, but I was glad I brought her with me today and let her meet Gabriel.

Our impromptu picnic had to come to close however as I felt other Seraph's entering Heaven.

"I'll come and visit when I'm free to teach you about His systems. I'll see when I can introduce you to Sera as well." I told her as we said our goodbyes.

"I look forward to it Lith." She gently replied with a warm smile.

"It was an honor Lady Gabriel." Jeanne emotionally said to her with a respectful bow.

"You don't need to do that Jeanne. I would really like if we could be friends." The Seraph replied as she grabbed Jeanne's hands and looked directly into her yellow eyes hopefully.

"I would like that too. Gabriel." Jeanne responded with a soft smile as the two shared a hug.

"I'll bring Jeanne along next time so you two can talk. Might even bring the other members of my peerage too." I told the lovely angel as I opened a portal.

"I can't wait to meet them too." She happily said as she waved at us through the portal.

Closing it, Jeanne and I thought about the helpful day today had turned out to be for both of us.

"I'm happy for you Jeanne. And if you ever need to talk to anyone, you know I'm always there for you." I told my peerage member honestly as I grabbed her hand.

"I know Lith. Sorry I didn't tell you about it, but even I wasn't sure what I felt about the past." She softly replied with a small squeeze of her hand before she let go. "But I think I want to paint for tonight to clear my heart completely."

"I understand. Can't wait to see what you'll create." I told the girl as she took her leave with a small smile.

-Back in Heaven, a moment after Lith and Jeanne left.

"Gabriel." Michael called out as he landed beside his sister. "What are you doing so close to the seventh Heaven? You didn't go inside again right?"

"Just for a bit. I wanted to feel closer to Father." She answered not really lying since she actually did.

"*Sigh* We all do." Michael replied a bit sadly as he patted his sister's head a bit. "Sorry for leaving you alone so much."

"It's ok. I understand brother. But I wasn't so lonely today. I even think I could make some more friends soon." Gabriel truthfully said, but didn't mention that these friends would be devils since she knew how protective her brother was sometimes.

"That's good. I'd love to meet these friends when you do make them." The archangel said to her fondly.

"I'd love that too." Gabriel happily said, "But for tonight I think i will go to bed brother."

"Go ahead. I wish you pleasant dreams Gabriel." Michael responded with a warm smile.

"Thank you brother." She replied as she went back to her home, thinking about the two devils she had befriended today and feeling excited to see them again.



As you probably noticed, I am going for Enkidu from Fate for Lith's second Sacred Gear.

It thought about it and then this one hit me.

Overall Enkidu would sort of act like Regulus while in Sairaorg's Peerage, but without the need for a pawn piece due to already having an independent body. He would be a mix between independent avatar and weapon type as a sacred gear, but isn't technically one.

I also decided to give him the backstory you saw above as a way to establish his presence, general strength and the inspiration for sacred gears as a whole.

I thought it would go well and offer the ability to have proper armor, battle power boost while using his Longinus' and a flexible weapon during combat.

Independently, without having access to Gilgamesh's treasures anymore since I won't keep the treasury as a thing, I would say around ultimate to peak ultimate in power, but is a beast when facing a god due to his innate anti-god abilities.

Next is Gabriel.

I wanted to have some way to form a relationship with Lith, so I thought him doing it this way would be good overall.

Kinda hard write her and not make a Serafall clone so far, but I'm doing my best.

I also thought that although Jeanne hates the church, she could still have some feeling regarding the whole Devil thing and sometimes hearing someone tell you it's ok is all you really need.

And yes, Lith went on a five-finger shopping spree in Heaven.

Hope you guys liked how I handled his new path for a second sacred fear that is stronger than the original intention.

Enkidu kinda came to me when I remembered his other name as the Chains of Heaven and thought it would go well with the holy nails.

Gabriel shouldn’t appear too often right now, but I think I’ll mention her from time to time.

Next up should be getting Enkidu and then a travelling/recruiting arc.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts