
HighSchool DXD - Rise of A King

I don't own the series (DXD). I DO THIS FOR FUN. The profile is also owned by Dragon Lord https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/792703971890883273/

Ecchi_Dragon · Khác
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs


???: what should I cook for tonight, how about curry?, no that's to spicy.

???: I'll just cook his favorite, yup that should be good.

LuLu and Ezio is having a conversation inside the house, and without them knowing someone is about to show up.

???: what is this aura that I'm feeling. Is it coming from our house?!

???: 'it can't be, have they found us already.

please.. please be safe, I don't want to lose you too'

[Ezio's House]

LuLu: master I can feel someone heading towards us.

Ezio: who could it be. LuLu hide yourself for now, I'll deal with this.

'I haven't done anything yet, so it could be someone that I know. Let's just wait and see'

LuLu: be careful master, just call me when you need help.

Ezio: thanks LuLu. Now who could be this person.

Ezio stand near his bed for a while, after waiting for about two minutes. *boom* the door on Ezio's room suddenly exploded.

Ezio: *cough* now what?!!. 'this day couldn't get any worse'

???: Ezio!! Where are you?

Ezio: I'm right here, what was that all about.

???: your.. your okay? I'm.. glad nothing happened to you.

Ezio: well I could've been killed by that explosion.

After the smoke from the explosion got cleared a woman with blonde hair appeared and is standing near the door.

Ezio: *whistles* damn she hot.

LuLu: master do you know her?

Ezio: mhm wait a minute, let me check.

Ezio search his other memory and tried to find out who this woman is.

Ezio: her name is Alice and she's supposed to be my older sister, the only family member that I have.

Ezio: arhg that's the only thing that I saw from the memory, the.. the rest are all blurred…

LuLu: master are you ok?

Ezio: yup I'm good, I just had a little headache.

Alice: hey Ezio are you ok, why aren't you moving.

Ezio was talking to LuLu inside his head and he didn't notice that the women has been watching him all this time.

Ezio: i-i was just surprised by the explosion that's all.

Alice: I'm..I'm really sorry about that…

After saying that Alice pulled Ezio and hugged him tight.

Ezio: 'can't..breath… this bo..body is really weak…'

Alice: I thought I'd lose you too.

While hugging her younger brother, Alice was searching the area for the aura that she felt from before. The aura came from LuLu but vanished when she went back to Ezio's body.

Alice: 'where did that aura go, it suddenly disappeared before I even get here'

Alice: 'Was it Ezio, did he finally awaken his power. he does look a little different'

Ezio: A..Alice-nee I.. I can..t

Alice: I'm really sorry, uhm Ezio why are you naked anyway.

Ezio: 'oh shoot' uhm.. I was going to take a bath, that's all.

Alice: yeah you really should, your all messed up.

After that Ezio headed towards the bathroom. The first thing he did was check out himself in the mirror, because after getting reincarnated Ezio never check his appearance.

Ezio: hmm well this kids appearance is actually good, it just needs some more muscles.

Ezio's appearance is a 7 years old kid, he has a blonde hair and blue eyes just like Alice. If this body just took care of himself, then he'd be a lady killer.

Ezio: hah what a waste, well never mind that I'm here now and everything will change.

Ezio then lay down inside the bath, and suddenly the door opens and a naked Alice barge in.

Alice: Ezio let me wash your back.

Ezio: what…

Alice: come here, nee-chan will wash your back.

Ezio: 'well she's asking for it, never mind what I said before, today couldn't get any better'

Ezio immediately stood up and sit in front of Alice.

Alice: ummm Ezio did something good happen today, you kinda look different.

Ezio: well I have a beautiful sister that takes care of me, of course I'm happy.

Alice: 'woah something definitely happened, Ezio would never say those words. Ahh but hearing him say that makes my heart throb'

Ezio: nee-san you ok? 'Wait Is she blushing'

Alice: hmm yup I'm ok, I was just surprised at what you said.

Alice: my cute little brother is growing up fast. Haha you look so cute, come here for a sec.

Once again Alice hug Ezio tightly, but this time Ezio didn't resist. As he enjoys the naked body that is touching his back.

The two then stayed in the shower for a while, of course, nothing happened yet.

Alice Walkure - https://taba.fandom.com/wiki/Alice_Walkure