

It was a warm summer evening when they came. The vehicles pulled into the nearby parking lots one after another.  They pulled in with their headlights off in spite of dim illumination of the street lights. Dozens of shadowy figures disembarked from a line of dark SUVs, Vans, and police cars.  In the flickering light of the streetlights they surrounded the apartment building in near silence.

A few of the neighbors came out to watch the disturbance.  They watched as the men and women crept up the stairs and positioned themselves around a normal looking apartment door.  As they paused in position the sudden silence made it feel as though the world held its breath in anticipation.

The leading man of a swat team nodded at the other men. Then a man in a suit walked to the apartment door. He raised his hand up to knock.


Nick had just sat down in the kitchen of the apartment he shared with his mom.  He was unwrapping the foil from a sandwich when some asshole started banging on the door as though there waa fire. 

"FBI, open the door." A loud voice proclaimed. 

'Shit!' Nick thought. His mind raced. He didn't think he had anything that could be used as evidence here. His eyes fell upon his burner phone. It was encrypted, but still…  Grabbing the foil from the sandwich, he hurriedly wrapped it around the phone and shoved it in the microwave. 

Outside two SWAT members swung a ram between them. With a sudden bang, the front door of the apartment burst open and a crowd of police and FBI agents surged through the opening. Nick had managed to hurriedly press the popcorn button and stepped away.

"I'm coming out! I'm unarmed! Don't shoot!" Nick yelled as he stepped out with his hands above his head. He turned showing them his back and slowly moved his hands behind his head and interlacing his fingers.  "Don't shoot! I'm cooperating!" The local police watched as a trio of federal agents swept towards him with guns drawn. The SWAT team started sweeping the rooms and the ruckus they caused covered most of the sound of Nick's burner phone frying in the microwave.

One of the federal agents slammed Nick into the wall and started cuffing him.  They wrenched his arms behind his back as they read him his Miranda rights. "You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney..." Nick heard the man say.  Other than a quick intake of breath as the other agent cuffed him, Nick stayed silent. 

Another agent saw the burnt phone in the microwave and she swore angrily.  The corners of Nick's mouth twitched upward. Then the agents started searching for evidence as two of the federal agents forcibly escorted Nick out of the building.


The news shows across the nation each ran clips. They showed agents pushing the young man into a waiting cop car as the other agents brought out his computer and searched for evidence.  Other clips showed other arrests. In each case those arrested were young.

A pretty reporter with fiery red hair and a pretty green dress spoke in front of the camera. "Dozens of arrests have been made today in connection with many criminal activities inside a large high school outside Chicago. Sources have claimed that police were investigating a massive crime ring within the school."

Her partner was a brown haired man in a suit and tie. "Allegedly it was all controlled by a shadowy figure that was calling himself Mr. Black. Is this true? Who is this mysterious Mr. Black?  We'll keep you updated as the story progresses."

Reporters from across the country began to swarm towards the high school in question. They could smell an amazing story.  They would dig up the juicy details even if it killed them.


Inside a dark grey interrogation room, Olivia Wade stared at the young man in front of her.  Suspects were usually worried, scared or angry. This suspect merely looked amused. Her partner Robert's palms slammed on the table top with a bang as he leaned forwards menacingly. 

"We have witnesses and evidence that say you are Mr. Black." He said almost growling. "We have you on multiple counts of extortion, racketeering blackmail, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, game fixing, gambling, illegal wire tapping, and even child pornography."  The words were spat out rapidly in a forceful tone. 

'Really...' Nick thought to himself while staring down the detective. 'I didn't run the sexting ring. I just ran a forwarder that kept track of who accessed it.'  Instead of responding to the detective's accusations, Nick leaned back in the chair. He calmly examined the detective for a few moments and recalled a phrase from a comedian he had heard before. He finally spoke in an almost languid tone. "I do not recall. I need an attorney."

To the two police officers the words sounded almost mocking. Robert actually growled before turning around and walking out the door his fists clenched in rage. A moment later Olivia followed him out.  Nick was left sitting alone in the silent interrogation room.

"You were losing your cool in there." Olivia pointed out in a gentle tone.

"I know that bastards behind all of this." Robert spoke, the anger making his voice quiver. "I just know it." He paused to calm himself. "My niece actually uploaded herself into the damn sexting ring.  She felt like it was a status symbol!"

An FBI agent glared at them. "Why did you interrogate him before us?" The man glared at the two local officers.  "You know that some of these are federal crimes! Now we have to wait for his attorney!"

Olivia frowned, they had been investigating this case for over a year now.  "This was our case originally what gives you the right to interfere?"

"When your so called Mr. Black branched out into federal crimes!" The agent wouldn't back down. "That gave me the right!" The cop and the agent glared at each other in something like distaste.

Inside the cold grey interrogation room, A seemingly unconcerned Nick began to him to himself as his fingers began tapping out the rhythm to Hey Lion. 'I'm almost 100% positive that they are bluffing. There shouldn't be enough evidence to indict me.  I've been careful to distance my identity from Mr. Black.' He thought. 'Hopefully my lawyer can get me out before they convince mom that I'm evil.' His fingers slowed. He suddenly realized that even if His lawyer got him released he was probably going to have to shut all of the operationa down. It was fun while it lasted though.  

This is kinda a short chapter. Later ones will be longer.

Thorniercreators' thoughts