
High King of the Rivers

born after the awakening of the elves but before being forc.... found and taken to Valinor this is the tale of the first and only High King of the 4th clan the Cantëayr King Of The Rivers one of the first of elves in Middle-earth and with the Valar. (I OWN NOTHING FROM THE WORKS CREATED BY JRR TOLKIEN OR THE 6 MOVIES I ONLY CLAIM MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS)

Nerdy_stoner · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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17 Chs

Travel to The Hiddën Oásis

(The current timeline form the awakening till now in normal years is 13 years and 8 months correct me if I'm wrong but I Remember something about Light of the trees years is like the length of 2 actual years so by the Floating jewel of the river it is 13 real years and 8 months or in 'LoTY' it has been 7 years and 20 months interesting ya not when you have to keep track of it in both years because one just no... sorry for that)

(End of Flashback)

(Cantëaian POV)

Opening up my eyes and seeing that I am back on top of The Floating Jewel of The River remembering Cavyër and Caviön are by me and the question about where my Little Star is. I smile looking back at the docks where walking around a young but healthy white tree with a slight glowing shimmer in the golden leaves in the center of the dock yard. With 2 guardians is a caretaker holding my Little Star as he is reaching out in the air towards the leaves. He is laughing the most adorable and loving musical voice and the tree itself seems to be making the best of life the leaves of the trees are swaying with the infants laughter and I say never taking my eyes of him.

"He is down in the dock yards playing with the Nënluyár Tree of Bonds we received after the saplings planting ceremony 5 years ago. And every year's ceremony since that tree glows brighter for days afterwards I don't know what Tree Beard and the other Ent's did or if it was a gift from the mother of trees herself but all 4 of the Elven Cities have a tree just like our Tree of Bonds."

While I'm thinking about running down the stairs to go be with my infant (elves age slower so at 10 the look at best 6 at worst 4)

Cavyër choughs to get my attention and says.

"My lady the 3 guardians that will be leaving with you and Lijës to the Nelyar will be prepared in the hour. Then you should be leaving for The Hiddën Oásis so you should get ready"

I grunt and look at her with a glare before it softens.

"Yes, always with a schedule with you my sweet friend if you could set out my armor and a bag with my dresses and pack a bag for my Little Star too."

I then look at Caviön and say

"Can you make sure the East gate is clear and our own tree sung cart if you please might as well show it off to the only clan that can do this.... With our completely wiping themselves out for a week at least then you 2 are in charge don't let the ruler cast push you two around Cavyër the Best Blacksmith of the Nënluyár the founder of Nënluyár steel. And you Caviön are the Watchmen of the North the General of the guardians of Nënluyár. I will be gone for a few months Lead well one of you will hate it the other will love it oh and have fun with Talíön and Jewëls you two"

Without waiting for a response Gálë flies off my arm and towards the East tower perching herself there's I run down the stairs at inhuman speed with grace that would even shock the Valar of dancing... After making it to the bottom of the circular Tower with 8 tiers I dash through the market place as I make my way to the portcullis and when I make it to the black door just big enough for dock workers and eventually the trade that will happen through to my city I rip off my black elbow length leather glove that my falcon rests on when with me and open the door to see descent sized fishing boats that are using nets to catch large batch they work for the calm of the bay but not in the wild of my Loves kingdom looking around I see the dock yard built out over the mouth of the River into the Bay enough space for 8 of our fishing boats in the 2 long sea green stone with 4 on each side with no worry of falling off but in the center of the dock yard is my target I rush over to the Tree of Bonds and as soon as my Little Star sees me he starts squealing with joy almost jumping out of the caretakers hands before I scoop him up and spin around quickly before looking at the guardians and saying

"Thank you for watching my son out here you 2 please go have something to eat before you return to your post"

I then look at the caretaker

"Thank you Márrön hope I didn't stop the building of a grand new friendship"

"While the little chieftain is a quite a active child he is a joy to be around and there is all the time in the world to build a truly grand friendship"

Márrön replies and then I tell her

"Me and my little Star are going to The Hiddën Oásis we will be gone for 3 months we will see you then my friend"

She smiles and bows a short while Later I am in my room just finished putting my son in the finest miniature ice blue leggings and shirt with a white robe that has embroidery of pale blue river all over it. On the back is the crest of our house the house Cantëayr the 4 stars over the ocean and a wave rising up and a sea green belt to hold the robe together fitting him perfectly. He has little Elven boots in a sea green color.

I am putting on my own armor that looks just like the guardians with the only difference being the color my armor is a pure white with the ripple's being a pale blue. My cape is Sea green, and my belt is sea green along with my quiver and sheath my spear and sword are a pale ice blue. with the wrappings over my spear is a sea green and the hilt of my slightly curved bastard sword is sea green with white wrapping's. as I put on my helmet having feathers from Gálë who has been with me since I was declared as the first pregnant Eldar. Since then, anytime a feather falls from her it gets picked up and I put them inside my own helmet. whereas my captains of the gates have died blue feathers I have feathers that are actually pure white except for the deep blue at the edge of them. My 50 arrows in my quiver are white elder wood and blue feathers with a sea green head my long bow is made out of elder wood and is slung over my right shoulder. My shield is white with my house crest engraved on it like every shield that any Nënluyár has the same one engraved on the front my breast plate. My shield is slung across my back by a sling that rests perfectly against my long bow.

Turning around I pick up my son and bring him to my chest while I turn and pick up my spear with my free hand. And start heading to the east gate by the time I get there I see 4 people all in armor like me only difference is the colors and the helmets the 3 guardians look like all the other guardians and don't have any feathers their helmets. While the last one who is Lijës in golden colored armor with his helmet having the pure white feathers going from ear to ear instead of the other feathered helmets to show his position as the admiral of the Nënluyár. And on his chest is engraved a drawn bow and arrow with 4 stars above to show his own house, House Ligös is under the protection of mine as his chieftain while his shield is the same as the rest of ours.

The Cart that is Infront of us was something that could be gifted to the Valar themselves it is made out of all the bones of eels, deer's, and wolves. Along with ash wood, and elder wood that are almost woven together it's not just bending the bones and wood in and out of each other really if doesn't feel like we have much control over crafting like this. Because you have to let the song take you while you are crafting and for some reason it is harder to do that while not smithing a weapon or building a settlement or at the very least a home, I loved doing that. It just takes time to learn how this form of magic works especially when we have a weak connection to the magic of nature but still the Ent's friend is an amazing gift of you know how to use it or have a sister clan. That's patron is the huntsman of the Valar and the brother of the Valar of the trees hahaha... Is it a wrong maybe do I care as long as no one gets hurt or dies I don't care. My people are my concern, and I will emulate what the Nelyar have done until we are just as skilled as they are.

"My lady, are you ready to set out"

The middle guardian asks, and I nod while saying

"You will be leading the cart while the 2 behind you ride a horse each leading vöid and another for Lijës. in case we need it I'd rather have extra and not need it then need it and have barely any you will be following us."

And I look at Lijës who is smirking, so I say

"You are riding with him can't have anyone getting lonely.... Before you say anything, I have my little star to keep me company now hold him while I get in when we are all loaded up, we leave the gate and head for the opening in tree line that is lined up with the gates like a straight line after passing over the grassy fields and coming against the trees I hear Lijës loudly tell the guardians

"Stay on the pathway if you exit the pathway, you will get lost with no telling when you might come out it wouldn't be the first time back when I was just a hunter it was like that for a few people I knew"

We all laugh but you can tell all 3 guardians are being extra careful to make sure they don't leave the path which means going slow I don't care it gives me time to admire my son's face the features that are mine I can definitely see but I pay attention to the features that Are Ulmo's the angular princely face with the shape of his eyes and even the color of Icey pale blue eyes that constantly switch to alluring green eyes of the Nënluyár people and back to the Icey pale blue of Ulmo I was so lost looking at his messy white hair that had a slight curl to the locks of hair when I hear the guardians yell an notice that it is getting darker and neither of the guardians know what to do I talk into their mind and calm them while telling everyone that we are being watched all around us elves in green boiled leather armor and leggings with 2 short swords with slight curves forward and short bows made of brown wood drawn and pointed at us I get tired of it and say.

"I am chieftain of the Nënluyár of the Floating Jewel your chieftain is expecting me"

I am sorry my lady we can lead you to Enel and Enelyë but she is giving birth right now so you won't be welcomed like you should have been I nod with a small smile

"No need to worry my friend just lead us to guest room for we are tired, and my little star must be getting tired"

I said while sitting back down happy to see the natural gem of the Nelyar the Hiddën Oásis