
Chapter 81: Small Bite, Big Bad Luck

Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish Highlands

December, 1st, 1002

The death of Salazar Slytherin had gotten the castle by surprise. The man had passed away while in his sleep from unknown causes, but Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor knew that his wife's, Esmeralda, death had deeply affected the wizard.

"Some wounds just don't heal."

Godric Gryffindor said in a show of scarce wisdom. The founders of Hogwart were now reduced to two alive members.

During the magic will reading of Salazar, his disowned son decided to show up just to spite his father's name. He had gotten very mad when Salazar had left nothing for him, mentioning only that he was still disowned and that he and his descendants were forbidden to ever take the Slytherin name. and to add salt to his wound, Salazar's 'squib' daughter, Jade, and Selena got everything that the deceased wizard owned, with Selena holding the Slytherin title and Hogwarts quarter.

"You harlots! You stole what rightfully belongs to me!"

The self-centered bigot said, yelling to Selena and Jade. He then made a move to take out his wand on the women, but before he could get to it, the people in the room for the will reading saw the self-centered bigot being launched to a wall and sticking to it while upside down. When the offender opened his eyes again to look at who had done that to him, his eyes had a hint of fear in them. Erik Ravenclaw had stood up from his seat beside Selena and was now towering over the self-centered bigot form, who was having some difficulty breathing. He was the sole target of the pressure being caused by Erik's magic.

"If you touch a hair of Selena or Jade's head, or if you even look funny at them, I will hunt you down, to the Underworld and back if necessary, and I will make you suffer a worse fate than the man that caused your mother's death did."

Erik said to the man, who was almost suffocating and pissing himself. His stormy gray eyes showed a fury behind them that no one thought was possible to exist. It reassembled the sky just before a great storm would hit. Erik's long hair, which was normally braided in a nordic style, had loosened itself and was dancing in a wind that didn't exist in the room.

"Are we understood?"

Erik asked the trapped man, who stood in silence staring at him. The fear in his eyes was increasing by the minute. When he didn't answer, Erik walked closer to the man stuck on the wall while upside down and waved his hand. The man that was stuck was then dragged through the wall's surface up until his head was at the same height as Erik's eyes. Erik then looked again at the man's eyes and asked again while intoning more strength in his voice.


This time, the man started to madly nod his head. He would agree with anything, just don't let this… monster come near him again.


Erik said and waved his hand, releasing the self-centered bigot from the wall. With a dull 'thud sound, the man crashed on the stone floor of the room.

"I think that your presence here was already overextended. Executor, does his name appear in any other part of Salazar's will?"

Erik said and then turned to question Salazar's Will's Executor. The balding old man, who was accompanied by his son and grandson, negatively shook his head. With that, Erik looked back at the self-centered bigot who was a mess on the ground.

"Then it's time for you to go."

Erik said and snapped his fingers.


To the amazement of everyone in the room, a magic circle started to materialize above the man. The magic circle was emitting a soft blue color and had a big raven on its center. After it finished materializing, which took around fifteen seconds, it shone and engulfed the man that was once Salazar's son in bright light. The next instant, only moted of blue light remained around, and that was slowly fading away now.

Erik walked back to his seat beside Selena and sat on it as nothing had ever happened. The room stood in silence, with most of its occupants looking at Erik while gawking. It took Rowena Ravenclaw making a sound like she's clearing her throat to stop the people from gawking.

"Executor, can we proceed with the will's reading?"

Rowena Ravenclaw asked the old man in a gentle tone that for certain left no room open for discussions.

"Wha- Ah, yes. Let's continue reading the Will. For my friend and rival, Godric…"

The old Executor, after getting his bearings back, continued the reading of Salazar's Will. Salazar Slytherin had left some other small stuff to friends, but most of the stuff was divided between Selena and Jade.

After the reading, Selena and Jade had a talk where Selena said that if Jade ever had magic wielding son, she would transfer the title gladly to him. Unfortunately, Jade had come to give birth to three children. All of them were girls who didn't have the gift of wielding magic.

Later, back at Ravenclaw's office, Erik was being glared at by three women. Selena, Rowena, and Aria were giving him glares and Erik knew the reason why but if he had learned one thing about women is that you must not say anything until you know what you are guilty of. Of course that this is only valid to women that can be mad at you, and not any random Karen.


Erik said while making a confused face to the woman.

"What do you mean 'what'?"

Aria, Erik's mother, said while still glaring at him.

"Yeah, Erik. When did you complete the Ravenclaw magic circle?"

Selena said, throwing Aria in a loop, and Rowena was nodding, agreeing with her daughter's question. Erik laughed internally. Selena, definitely, had her priorities set right.

"I completed it some days ago."

Erik said and then raised his hand with the palm facing up. He concentrated a little and a blue magic circle started to materialize on top of his hand. Since it was not 'shielding' any magic formula, the circle was completed in less than five seconds.

"Neat, isn't it?"

Erik said while smiling. Rowena and Selena were looking at the circle and around it.

"WAIT… That's not what I meant!"

Aria said with an exasperated tone. The three other occupants of the office looked at her strangely.

"Ok, the magic circle is 'neat', but that was not what I meant!"

Aria said, making the trio raise an eyebrow.

"Then what?"

Selena asked her mother-in-law.

"The attack and disappearance of that man."

Aria said with her exasperated levels going up by a notch.

"Oh, that. Aria, you have to see from Erik's perspective. The self-centered bigot had just raised his voice at Selena and Jade, had cursed at them, and was going to pull their wand at them. By our laws, Erik could have killed him without any retribution coming his way."

Rowena Ravenclaw said, replying to Aria's doubt. In her eyes, the boy had gotten out easy.

"Yes, mother-in-law. What Erik did in place of killing him, was show off his power while threatening him very clearly. That way he would think three times before going after Jade or me for some kind of revenge."

Selena said to her mother-in-law, explaining the situation better. In her eyes, the guy had gotten out easy, but knowing Erik the way she knows, he would be doing something about it very soon. She then looked at Erik and another thought passed by her head.

'That is if he already didn't…'

Unknown Village, Somewhere South in Britain

December, 1st, 1002

A man was mumbling madly while drinking cheap mead from a tankard while sitting on a table from a cheap tavern. It was the self-centered bigot.

"... That damn bastard Ravenclaw. I will show him who is the more powerful wizard…"

The man continued to mumble not very intelligent things about getting his revenge when he felt a pinch on his neck. Quickly, he got up and turned while drawing his wand just to see an empty wall. Unfortunately, for him, a group of eight men saw his reaction and started to speak with each other in low voices. Soon, the group of eight stood up and walked to where the man was drinking alone and surrounded him.

"So, wizard, I heard that you can magic us some gold?"

One of the men said. The self-centered bigot looked up from his empty tankard and immediately had a scowl on his face.

"Go crawl back to the pile of shit where you came from."

The man said without noticing very well that he was severely outnumbered. The man who was cursed got really angry at that. He looked to his companions and they all nodded at each other.

"Let's teach him a lesson!"

Before the self-centered bigot could react, he felt a heavy hand hitting the back of his head. Things started to get dizzy and it was then that a rain of punches and kicks started to fall on his body. At one moment of the beatdown, he was knocked out. He woke up an hour later, with his entire body transformed into a giant bruise in a way that he could barely move. He looked around through his swollen eyes and saw that he was in a ditch outside the cheap tavern. To do more damage to his already damaged ego, he took a deep breath and was assaulted by the heavy smell of shit. He was in a ditch used to discard excrement from animals and people.


Half an hour later, the self-centered bigot was inside a small pond taking a quick bath to remove the repulsive odor from his body. His wand had been broken through the beating and he was now madly rubbing his body with the mud of the pond while continuously rinsing it. It was then that he felt a tremendous wave of pain traveling through his body and he let out a guttural scream.


He quickly took his hands to the affected area from where the pain was radiating, his 'manly' tool, and felt that something extra was attached to it. Fighting through the pain, he managed to yank the thing out of his 'thing' and give a look at the cause of his pain.

It was a turtle. An effing turtle had bitten on his 'manly' tool while he was in the pond. With anger in his bones, he threw the turtle away, which meant that it just went back to the pond, and weakly walked out of the pond while still twitching because of the phantom pains. He then weakly laid outside the pond while looking at the sky through the tree's branches that were above him.

"How did my luck get so rotten?"

He complained loudly, just for a branch of the tree above to break and drop on him.

"Mother Eff-"

Four hours later he woke up again with a broken nose.

Hogwarts Castle, Somewhere in the Scottish Highlands

December, 1st, 1002

Already in his bed with his beautiful wife by his side, Erik received a mental confirmation that the operation had been successful. Since the activation of his sacred gear, Erik had been creating more complex monsters and each time reducing their sizes even more. Right now, the smallest monster that Erik could create was the size of a mosquito. And that was what he had sent on a mission.

The mission? Screw with the self-centered bigot. How? The 'mosquito' sized monster would inject the target with venom from a Malaclaw. This particular venom would cause extreme bad luck to the person for a week, and Erik hoped that it would be an unforgettable week for him.

With a smile on his face and Selena nested on his chest, Erik went back to sleep.


Chapter #81 is done!

Chapter #82 is incoming in one, max two days.

Stay 'tuned'!

DonnutHermitcreators' thoughts