
Hiding Beneath

Allie has to take the place of her brother while training for war. But her roommate, trainer, commander, and other fellow soldiers notice how she doesn’t quite feel the male stereotype. Eventually when others come to know her identity, will they accept her? Or will they have more reason to secure women for “their own protection”.

Madsry · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Another Five Years

It was just a little after midnight when I heard my brother Alex and my parents speaking. At first it was only mumbling words, but I couldn't resist knowing what was happening! Alex had just gotten back after two years of training and I couldn't believe he didn't come greet me right away.

For two years I was scared he wouldn't be able to survive, but thankfully it went by fast and he could be home. He could be safe.

I opened my bedroom door and tried to sneak down the stairs praying they wouldn't creak. I needed to make sure my brother was okay.

I then pressed my back against the wall and turned my head slightly as I heard my parents in the living room.

"What were you thinking Alex!" My father spoke with a deep sense of anger hinting in his voice. "You served your two years! Why would you risk more time? Think of your mother and her health! Your sister needs to be protected! There's more males around now and I can't possibly protect her without your help boy!"

"If I sign up for another five years, the government pays us money dad! An actual income so we can live! Whether you believe me or not, I was thinking of my mother! I've always thought about her and Allie!" Alex spoke quite clearly but filled with rage toward my dad.

"Enough. Allie will wake up if you two don't calm down!" My mother's sweet voice was stern while trying to suppress the tension in the room.

I quietly listened realizing that my brother signed up for more time to serve in the military. After two years, the men had a choice to stop and work helping our territories economy. But the government would pay quite a large amount depending on how many years you continued with the military. I wonder why he would be so reckless! But was he being reckless?

And at that time, I knew he was being selfless.

My brother cares about our family more than his own life and did his best to provide since he was of age to work. My father didn't do well in supporting us growing up. Even having a daughter during this time of danger, he never seemed to take responsibility with his children causing much stress on my mother and brother. He wasn't exactly father of the year.

Men didn't have to report to the military camp till they were 18, but Alex went when he turned sixteen with my parents permission. He took on the role of being the man of the house quite literal after he discovered our fathers drinking problem.

He wrote me constantly and taught me self defense during his visits with us during the last two years. I also was very careful roaming outside in the town.

Even though it was now "safe" for women in the city to walk around, I knew I couldn't be careless. It was still a dangerous time for my gender.

My heart was breaking realizing Alex was going to leave for another five years. I don't think I could do that again. For two years I worried over his safety! His life was the most precious thing to me. He was my only friend and family member I could go to. I could feel the fear of death lingering again in my head.

Tears began to fall down off my cheeks at a rapid speed. I didn't want him to leave again. But I was now being selfish.

"How can you go back Alex?" My moms question snapped me back to their conversation. "You're incredibly injured! Your leg doesn't look like it will heal enough for you to report back so soon. You'll be a burden to them and you know what happens to the ones they deem useless.."

Moms voice trailed off. She was silently breaking into tears. She knew they would send him up to the front lines making him automatically dead and easy collateral damage.

I heard Alex sigh. "My leg will heal. They have medicine that can help with it. This isn't something to be negotiated mom."

"When do you leave son?" Father asked.

"Tomorrow morning I am to report back in uniform." He responded.

My heart sank. He just got back and was leaving so suddenly? Was he going to even see me?

"And I prefer Allie doesn't know I came home. In fact, since I am giving more time to the military, I can ask them to send her up north to a better facility where she is under better protection. She is growing up and I know she is going to be in more danger the longer I'm away."

I swallowed the air in my lungs. This was really happening. He was leaving me again.

Eventually my brother told my parents he was staying in his room that night and would leave first thing. They excused themselves to bed but I couldn't find myself able to move from my position. I sat there and I realized I was not going to get any sleep.

I quietly walked into Alex's room and gazed at him. His face was bruised and I could see his leg was slightly uneven. In fact, I could tell that it was broken and was healing, yet not in the proper position. He would have to break his bone again so it could heal properly.

Two years.

This man protected us for two years and decided to give up more of his life. He gave up more of his life for me? A woman?

Didn't he realize I couldn't have a life? I wasn't worth this pain he was taking on.

I closed my eyes and realized I had to make a decision now. And when I did, I needed to act quickly.

I needed to give him time to feel free. I couldn't enjoy my life to the fullest even though Alex tried to allow me to. So why couldn't I let Alex enjoy his life?

I started gathering his things and slowly crept back into my room packing away my things. This would be a long journey ahead of me. I only hope I was ready for what was about to come.