

Clog, a seasoned ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, found himself ambushed during a critical mission, succumbing to his injuries. However, as he drew his last breath, he inexplicably awakened in the body of a nine-year-old child in a time far removed from his own. Bewildered by this strange twist of fate, Clog now faces the daunting challenge of navigating the complexities of this unfamiliar era while grappling with the memories and skills of his former life

S_PLANT63 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs


In the cool March of 2009, Rei returned home after a grueling day of school and training. His hunger gnawed at him, but the fridge yielded no satisfying options. Determined, he locked his house and set out to buy noodles and drinks.

As he walked back home, Rei sensed a presence in the backyard. Instinctively, he flickered to a nearby tree, eyes scanning the scene. Two bloodied figures faced each other: one in a black cloak, the other in red adorned with a mantis symbol. Their depleted chakra levels indicated a fierce battle.

"Should I intervene?" Rei pondered. "Perhaps this is my chance to align myself with the ninja world." The stalemate broke, and the black-cloaked man collapsed. The red-cloaked figure lunged, knife poised. Without hesitation, Rei materialized behind the attacker, shovel in hand. A swift blow rendered the man unconscious.

"Thank you; you saved my life," the black-cloaked ninja said gratefully. Rei's hidden grin betrayed his curiosity. "What brings you to my house?" he asked.

"I shouldn't share this, but you've earned it," the ninja confessed. "We're part of a team ambushed by the Enkar group. My comrades fell." Rei's confusion deepened.

"True," the ninja continued. "And the man you knocked out? He won't breathe again. You've crossed them. Now, your choice: face their wrath alone or join our False Darkness group."

Rei's heart raced. "I'll come with you," he decided, stepping into a shadowed path that would forever alter his destiny… 🌙🗡️