

Clog, a seasoned ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, found himself ambushed during a critical mission, succumbing to his injuries. However, as he drew his last breath, he inexplicably awakened in the body of a nine-year-old child in a time far removed from his own. Bewildered by this strange twist of fate, Clog now faces the daunting challenge of navigating the complexities of this unfamiliar era while grappling with the memories and skills of his former life

S_PLANT63 · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chakra Unleashed

Rei returned to his room after dinner. After closing the door, he sat cross-legged on the floor and took out the pills from his pocket. The pills were purple and emitted a purple aura, making them stand out. "I hope it works as they say," Rei muttered, placing two pills in his mouth at once. A beautiful aroma of flowers spread in his mouth, enhancing his senses. The pill had a sweet flavor, like candy.

Rei accelerated his chakra flow, and soon the pills' effects began. His chakra grew continuously at a fast rate, surrounding his body with an aura. "Nice, very nice. I can feel power in every aspect of my body," Rei grinned. "I should test my jutsu to see how powerful they've become. There will be enough test subjects when I get a mission. For now, I should focus on creating a powerful, impenetrable defense. I'll have to check with the resources department when I get my contribution points," Rei thought to himself.

He sensed someone outside his door sliding a piece of paper underneath, just like last time. Getting up, he checked the paper. It read, 'Rei Kiriyama, come to the academy building 2 in Area B23 at 11 am tomorrow. Every jonin has to attend to form a squad. As a jonin, you have to attend, or else you will face penalties.'

"Don't want to babysit a bunch of kids, but what can I do," he sighed. Looking outside his window, he saw only the black sky, feeling the cold wind revitalizing his skin. "I will be the strongest in this world in a few years. After that, no more training, just enjoyment," Rei muttered with a determined expression.

Rei tossed and threw the paper in the dustbin.

He got up and sat at the table, picking up the notebook and opening it.

"I have very fast speed, but if I got someone matching me with speed, it would be hard to defend without a defensive jutsu. The iron body jutsu is a very powerful defense jutsu, but it lacks speed. I will have to combine it with wind to further increase its speed, and the resources department must have this type of jutsus," Rei began writing his future plans. "Can't afford to slack off," he felt himself getting stronger each and every moment.