

Clog, a seasoned ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, found himself ambushed during a critical mission, succumbing to his injuries. However, as he drew his last breath, he inexplicably awakened in the body of a nine-year-old child in a time far removed from his own. Bewildered by this strange twist of fate, Clog now faces the daunting challenge of navigating the complexities of this unfamiliar era while grappling with the memories and skills of his former life

S_PLANT63 · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs


Almost all kids in the ninja villages aspiring to be ninjas unlock their chakra at a young age. Nine years old is still young, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to open his chakra points.

Most people in hidden villages unlock their chakra with a senior who guides their chakra flow. Unlocking chakra shouldn't be a problem for Rei. To unlock chakra, the body needs to be fit; if not, then it can't withstand the power of chakra flow.

"My school will start in January; it's now December 20th. I hope I can unlock my chakra by then," Rei thought to himself.

Rei set his routine: he would do a 5km run and 30 push-ups for 10 days. "I hope my body will be eligible after doing that."

He started running in lane number 7 for 2 hours. Rei became hungry after that, so he ordered some food from the street stall. Rei then ran another 4 km because he could.

As Rei continued his rigorous routine, he felt the burn of determination fueling his every step. With each push-up and every kilometer he ran, he could sense himself getting closer to unlocking his chakra. The street vendor's food provided him with the sustenance he needed to keep going, and he pushed himself to run even further, determined to make the most of every opportunity to train.

Despite the exhaustion that threatened to weigh him down, Rei's spirit remained unwavering. He knew that his goal of unlocking his chakra was within reach, and he refused to let anything stand in his way. With each passing day, his body grew stronger, his stamina increased, and his focus sharpened.

As the days dwindled down to the start of school in January, Rei could feel a newfound sense of confidence coursing through him. He had pushed himself to the limit and beyond, and now, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With a steely determination in his heart, Rei continued to train, knowing that his journey was only just beginning.