

Clog, a seasoned ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, found himself ambushed during a critical mission, succumbing to his injuries. However, as he drew his last breath, he inexplicably awakened in the body of a nine-year-old child in a time far removed from his own. Bewildered by this strange twist of fate, Clog now faces the daunting challenge of navigating the complexities of this unfamiliar era while grappling with the memories and skills of his former life

S_PLANT63 · Tranh châm biếm
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"Shadows of Twilight: The Enchanter's Vow"

The room was dimly lit, stained with blood and chaos, with splattered body parts lying here and there — enough to make even an experienced ninja vomit. Five more figures emerged in the vivid darkness of the room.

The group, clad in black robes bearing the insignia of Twilight, indicated that they were the reinforcements headquarters had sent.

One of them, exuding powerful chakra, approached Rei and Ruby. He surveyed the room with precision and asked in a hoarse voice, "What happened here? Who killed that jonin?"

"I did," Rei replied in a low tone. "But how? You're just a chunin," the man said. "Master Alucard had injured him to such an extent that it allowed me to launch a sneak attack," Rei explained. "Are you the one the headquarters is looking for?" the man inquired, lifting his chin. "Yes, Master Alucard mentioned this to me before," Rei confirmed. "It's truly a pity that he died. Though he lacked strength, he was fiercely loyal to the faction. My name is Julian; you may call me Master Julian," he declared. Rei nodded in acknowledgment.

"Rei, you are very strong. If you seek vengeance, you can come with us," Julian offered. "Thank you, sir, for this opportunity," Rei thanked him wholeheartedly.

Several days later,In the moonlight, six figures stood before a three-storied building that loomed solemnly like a fortress. Rei sensed seven chunin-level and three jonin-level chakras emanating from inside the base. Rei and the others entered the building. They were confronted by three jonins. The enemy jonins did not expect Twilight to send such a formidable force. One of them was Julian the Enchanter, well-known in the ninja world. After that revelation, they lost their will to fight and began retreating. "Rei, go after the chunins. We'll handle the jonins," Julian commanded. Rei nodded. With a series of hand signs, six clones appeared.