
Hidden Skill: [Appraisal]

Kurumi Touya: handsome and unlucky. After devastating grief, he is thrown into another world and only given/found to have the everday skill [Appraisal]. In the midst of misery, a light shines, and clears away the darkness. 「O human, you have been given a chance. Go. 」. And so he does, steadily climbing towards the dazzling glow. ________________ Image mine :) I tried writing in a lightnovel-esque style, so the chapters will be a bit short(not very good at it, and I'm calling them chapters but they're more like pages) Honestly I'm a noob at this stuff so feel free to comment \_ツ_/

WalnutWenia · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Start

Knowledge Is Power.

Touya had followed such a saying since he was young.

It had helped him in numerous exams, quizzes, and made him more well read in general.

But it could not help him before he died.

His cause of death:

The book.

The book that he had been reading on the train.

How ironic.

Titled the "Magicks of Life", it was somewhat of a reference book which held countless topics.

A a magnificent tome, full of many beautiful, glittering worlds, and though he did not know who the author was, his admiration for their work lead him to read it anyways.

And it was that very world that took his life.


Somewhere, Someplace

Touya lay unconscious on a hard, wooden floor.

Where he was, no one could say,

The reason being that there was not a person in sight.

There were, however, other creatures.

Creatures that lurked and crawled in the dark.

And in that darkness, he stirred*.


Author's Note:

1. As in he's starting to wake up, not some edgy thing

Story flow is choppy and I'm dissatisfied, might revise

WalnutWeniacreators' thoughts