
Hidden Omega

****18 or older please**** Will is leading a great life as an Alpha in the A.V. industry. He is a leader in fan interest andattrated the interest of the hottest Omega in the industry. Everyone views him as the hottest, luckiest guy that cannot go anywhere without stealing hearts. But the truth is, he's an Omega. When a dominant Alpha begins working in the same filming studio, his who life gets flipped upside down. Will has to figure out how to keep his secret and still fulfill his Omega needs.

K_B_Bloom · LGBT+
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176 Chs

Chapter 38

I spent the entire day packing, but stopped when the movers got there. I instructed them on where I wanted item to go in the new place.

I paused when I got a call, "yeah?"

"Will," Cam began and I could hear pain in his voice. "You need to come back."

I sighed, "I'm not coming back, Cam."

He began sobbing and something inside me ached, "Hunter has gone down hill. I don't think he's going to make it much longer."

I felt my heart skip, "what happened?"

He cried harder, "his parents passed away in recently." Tears began welling in my eyes, "he is losing the will to live!"

"Send me the address." I said before hanging up and I rushed to change into better clothes. I dialed a number but it went to voicemail, "hey, Elijah, I have something urgent to do. I will call you once I know when I will be going to your place." I slipped on some shoes before taking my keys and rushing out the door.

I got into the car and fought my body to stop shaking. I raced over to the school and saw Chase walking off the school grounds with the twins. I stopped the car and rolled down the window.

"Chase! Get in!" He looked to me with worry as he saw my tear covered face. He rushed to get the kids in their booster seats before getting into the front seat.

"What's going on, Nick?"


I wiped my face but tears still flowed, "my friend's condition has gotten worse. I have been called to see him just in case he passes on."

"Oh my God," Chase whispered but I didn't look to him as I continued to cry.

"What's wrong, Momma?"

I forced my tears to lessen as I looked to Ashley and Archer, "my friend is very sick so we are going to go see him." I began shaking, "I have wanted to introduce you to him but not like this."

"Is he going to be okay?"

I bit my lip, "I hope so, baby, but i don't know."

They were all quiet as I turned on the radio and drove for 3 hours back to my old world. I rushed through the familiar streets to the hospital.

When we got there, I parked the car, turned it off, and grabbed Archer out of his seat. Chase followed suit by grabbing Ashley. We carried them inside and went straight to the counter.

"I'm looking for Hunter Winston's room."

"Take the elevator to the third floor and go to the desk. They will help you from there."

I didn't even respond and rushed off. Chase followed me onto the elevator and, as it moved, he used his sleeve to wipe my tears off my face. When it opened, a young woman looked to me, "where can I find Hunter Winston?"

"Down the hall, the sixth door on the right."

I rushed that direction but stopped at the door. What am I going to do? What could I say? I ran. I left him behind. He may hate me.

I looked to Chase and he smiled sadly towards me, "go see him. You may not have much time." He took Archer from me and brought the kids to a small sitting area near the door.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A slightly aged Shannon opened the door and froze. "You bastard!" She yelled before slapping me across the face. Well, at least if it bruised, both sides of my face would match. "After all this time! And you show up now!"

I cried as I looked to her, "Cam called me. He told me Hunter might not make it much longer." I began trembling, "I know I have done something I can never take back, but if this the end of his life I want to at least tell him why. Why I left and how much I love him!"

Tears filled her eyes, "you better have a damn good reason." She moved out of my way and I froze. Hunter, along with Asher, sat in the room. They both looked to me with shock as I collapsed to the ground. I could not speak, nor move, nor look away.

"Will," Hunter whispered, "why?"

I looked to the floor as I cried harder. I should have told him before I left but I was too scared.

"Ash, wait!" Chase hollered as I turned when a small body embraced me. "Archer!"

"Momma!" Archer cried as he came and latched onto me also.

I looked up as Chase came in as even Shannon looked to these children in horror. They now understood. "They heard you cry and I couldn't stop them."

I took a deep breath as I looked to the ceiling before looking to Hunter. I wrapped an arm around each small body before I looked to them."It's alright, babies. I am crying because I am happy to see my friends."

"He's your friend, Momma?" Both Hunter and Asher stiffened as their worries were confirmed.

I stood and took their hands before leading them over to Hunter's hospital bed. He stared at them as his eyes filled with tears. "Hunt," I whispered as my voice quivered, "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I didn't know."

Archer hopped over and grabbed Hunter's hand, "I'm Archer!" He stated with excitement, "and that's my sister, Ashley."

"How do you know Momma?" Ashley asked as she hung off my arm.

Hunter seemed speechless as he looked between the kids, "he's our family."

"Just like Chase!" Archer cheered as he looked to me with approval and I smiled.

"Ash, Archer," Chase stated, "now that we know your Momma's okay, let's give him time to talk with his friend."

He came over to us and took their hands, "thanks. Go grab something to eat." I said before kissing his cheek. I leaned down and kissed each kid on the forehead before they left with Chase.

I looked back to Hunter but my eyes met Ashers' on the way there. The amount of pain was unbearable.

"Momma," Hunter whispered as he looked to me while I began crying again. "They're his?"

I felt my legs begin to shake and looked to Shannon when she touched my shoulder. She set a chair beside me and guided me to sit down. The shaking finally took me over.

"They can't be anyone else's."


I looked to Asher before looking back to my lap, "the filming." I gulped down the pain, "it was a already over before we could even stop it."

Hunter slammed his fist on the bed as he began shaking, "how could you just leave us and forget us?!"

I held his fist in my hands, "where do you think the name of Archer comes from?" He thought for a moment before looking to me with surprise, "I didn't want to take your name so I chose the closest I could think of." I looked to Asher, "and how could I forget the third musketeer? Ashley goes by your nickname." I buried my head into the sheets near Hunter's hand I held, "I didn't want to go! It took everything I had to leave you!" I hiccups as I cried, "I reverted back to the times in high school and all I could think was go run. I didn't want you to get involved with that Alpha! He will be like the rest! He will hurt you!"

Hunter latched onto the front of my shirt and yanked me to my feet. He embraced me as he began crying and I clung to him. "You idiot!" He yelled before squeezing me even tighter.

"I'll be damned!" I looked over to see Cam and Sean at the door. As Hunter released me, Sean came over and hit my shoulder playfully. "Haven't heard from you in a while. You got me worried."

"You knew where Will was and didn't say anything?" Asher hissed as Cam grabbed onto Sean's waist. He did find a good man.

"I only knew his address and sent money to help the kids," Sean said as he looked to me, "he would only contact me to say he got it."

I looked to him before looking down, "you were already doing more than you should."

"Cam said you got jumped but damn, that's one hell of a bruise."

I sighed, "I'm moving to keep us safe from stuff like that happening again."

"So where are the brats?"

I kicked his leg slightly, "Chase has them."

"Is that the name of that teenager?"

I nodded to Hunter, "he's just like me at his age. I came across him after he was disowned and gave him a safe place to crash. He helps take care of the kids when I'm at work." I looked down when my phone vibrated. When I opened the message I smiled and took Hunter's hand.