
Hidden knight legend

Rongyao Zhi Guang is the embodiment of the Queen of the Universe, He carries out the task of ending the oppression of the small people. Disguised as the leader of the Rajawali College, participating in a martial arts competition is just an excuse so he can find a human being incarnated as a demon. Can Rongyao Zhi Guang save humanity? Can Rongyao Zhi Guang find the demonic figure?

Firanda_Firdaus · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1 Chs

Episode 1: The beginning

Water, fire, wind and earth. 3000 years ago, there was a great kingdom called the Kings of the Universe Palace. The kingdom is led by a strong and firm King, but no one knows where the kingdom is. Various schools of martial arts compete to get the support and strength of the King, not even infrequently some of them claim to be the incarnation of the King of the universe.

Tai Wong College, is one of the names of the martial arts college that claims to be the incarnation of the king's palace in the universe. Led by the chairman Rong So Kan, they made the college as ruler and oppressed civilians.

"Chief, I heard that in the Southeast Star Kingdom there is a martial arts competition. Many of the universities took part in it." Lan Gui informed Rong So Kan that he had heard that the elder was talking about the match being held in the Southeast Star realm.

Rong So Kan took a cup of tea and took a sip of it then put it back down, information from Lan Gui was eagerly awaited. He was very impatient to follow the match, the memory of a few years ago of a man with golden yellow hair who had made him almost die will never be forgotten. He will avenge the defeat so that everyone will believe that he is the incarnation of the King of the Universe.

Royal College….

"Afzam, what do you think if I return to this match?" Rongyao Zhi Guang standing in a park in the middle of a lake, surrounded by cherry trees. He turned his back on his younger brother.

"Big Brother, you should not participate. I'm sure that the head of the Tai Wong school will also come, brother once defeated him, there's no way that Rong So Kan doesn't have a grudge against big brother. Brother is the only person who doesn't believe that he is the incarnation of the King of the Universe." Afzam stood staring at his brother's back, he didn't even know why he refused to believe it.

Rongyao Zhi Guang grinned faintly, what a ridiculous question. Will he have to believe all of Rong So Kan's hypocrisy?

He turned his body and walked over to his younger brother,"Afzam, the time will come. You will know the reason why I don't trust the head of the Tai Wong ity school so much."

Afzam was silent thinking about Rongyao's words, but he was very curious as to what his older brother and the head of the Rajawali College were hiding.

"I'm taking a break, you have to remember, Afzam. No matter what happens, Rong So Kan is not an incarnation of the King of the Universe," Rongyao added before he left Afzam.

The World's Throne Palace…

The pillars are made of pure gold, the throne of ruby ​​gemstones. A man sits on the throne holding a commando stick, a scepter made of millennium with a dragon engraved on the stem and a star moon shape on his head.

In front of him there are many royal courtiers, besides that the generals are ready to wait for orders.

"I purposely gathered you guys, because I have something very important to say." The King looked at the royal courtiers and generals in front of him.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to convey? We are all ready to take orders." Yiban De stood upright in a ready position before his King.

"I'm sure that all of you have heard the news about Rong So Kan, the head of the school Tai Wong hasn't stopped saying that he is my incarnation. I want you, Yiban De, to meet him. You don't need to show your body, just your soul. Because I still need you to be a spy there." The King gave the order, lips smiling faintly, sapphire irises shining.

"Fine, Your Highness." Yiban De nodded.

The King smiled, he would not let anyone use his name let alone have to claim to be an incarnation of him.


Tok …

Tok …

Tok …

There was a knock on the door, a man brought a scroll containing information about the events of the match and who the participants were going to be.

Rongyao Zhi Guang opened his eyes , he got off his bed, deliberately meditating to enter another realm. The man walked over to the door, his hand outstretched to open it.

"Greetings, Your Highness Prince . I want to give you this scroll." The black haired man handed over the scroll in his hand.

Rongyao took the scroll and opened it, his lips curled into a smile because it was from his father. The father gave information about the match event in a week, "Uncle, tell Dad I've received it. Also tell me not to worry because I'll be fine."

"Yes, I'll pass it on. I'll excuse myself, Your Highness the Prince." A man who turned out to be the bodyguard of the Southeast Star palace immediately disappeared before anyone knew of his presence.

"Huff…Who would have thought that the head of the Rajawali College was a Prince of the Southeast Star Kingdom."

Rongyao Zhi Guang glanced at his friend, pretending not to know even though he had always known.

"Hu Wang, what the hell did you come here for?"

Hu Wang is a friend of Rongyao, he is the son of one of the leaders of the white Meliwis school.


Hu Wang came down from the roof, it was the man's habit to show off his lightning skills.

"Heheheh …Zhi Guang, I heard you decided to take part in the match event next Sunday. Are you sure that the poison in your body won't come back again?"

Rongyao Zhi Guang didn't respond, but the expression on his face showed that he didn't care. He turned around and went back into his room, deliberately not closing the door so Hu Wang could come in too.

The black haired man smiled happily, he followed the footsteps of his best friend. He was quite relieved that Rongyao Zhi Guang didn't kick him out.

What will happen next?