
4) Coffee and Conversation.....

Work was starting later for him today since they got a call about supplies that needed to be dropped off and since it wasn't his job he didn't need to be there for it. He did wake up on time though and since he was meeting her at eight made sure to look his best, though with paint and holey pants it made him looked more rugged like a real worker.

Taking off he went straight to the coffee shop and was ten minutes early so he beat her there, going inside he took a seat next to the window after ordering a banana nut muffin. Taking out his phone he checked some emails before putting it away, he couldn't stop his eyes from looking towards the door every time it opened up.

Finally at three to eight she walked in, she was wearing a business suit with a pencil skirt she looked ready to fight it out again in court. He was finding out that he was really attracted to the office look as long as she was the one wearing it.

He was caught in a daze staring at her flowing blonde hair and light blue eyes that shined just right from the sun coming in from the windows of the shop. She looked around for a moment before she finally spotted him, she let out a smile that made his heart stop for a moment, for a second he thought he died.

Letting out a smile to match hers he stood and gave her a quick hug, he was glad to make it quick because even the short hug was something that felt good having her body against his. "Hey there all-star lawyer, what are you having I will put a order in."

"Just get me a Latte with a double shot of caramel, I need a little energy for this morning. Meeting a terrible client I can tell just from one phone call." She said with a smile but it ended with a sigh since she seemed to really not like the person, he nodded and went over to get them something.

Walking back over he sat across from her, she was digging into his muffin shooting him a small smile, "Yes, please just go ahead and dig into my food."

"What you are the one always asking about my eating habits. I'm starting to think that you have a fetish about it." she told him after swallowing the food while smiling playfully.

"Well excuse me but I enjoy eating a lot, just making sure you are also enjoying one of the finer things in life." he said defending himself.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah whatever you say," She stopped when the waitress set their coffee down and took a big gulp shivering at the taste of the extra caramel, "So this is a date shouldn't we be learning the basics about each other?" after swallowing she asked him licking the foam off of her lips.

Luckily he had good hearing or he wouldn't have heard that, when she licked her lips he was in a trance seeing that sexy little pink tongue, "*cough* Yeah you are right. You already know my name and where I work so how about another basic, were you born here in Portland?"

"Yup, raised by my mother here all my life. Though I am well traveled do to her work." she answered nodding, "What about you?"

"No, born and raised in Texas hint the little southern drawl in my voice. And to answer your next question no family, there was an accident when I was younger and I lost them." he kept a smile on his face the entire time.

She looked sad for a moment before changing the topic, "Well then keep the questions no need to hold back I am an open book." she didn't want him to be sad about where the last question led and wanted to see a smile back on his face.

"Alright then," He chuckled knowing what she was doing, "what's something you want to learn or wish you were better at?"

"Mhmm good one I haven't thought about that much. Well if I had to think about it though I would love to learn an instrument, most of my life has been me learning languages or law so it would be good to branch out." That was the only thing she could think of at the moment, she had spent most of her youth learning stuff her mother taught her so she did get the chance to learn one.

"Really? Which one do you want to learn to play?" he asked with interest he was the opposite of her and while good in business he was terrible in other things but he was good with instruments.

She tilted her head cutely while taking a sip of her drink thinking it over, "I don't know maybe the piano or guitar, those are the usual ones right plus even if I can't sing well I still want to learn them."

He nodded, "Yeah those are the simpler ones if you start to learn them, they are so widely known that it is easier to find a teacher for them. It took me two months to master them while the others it took almost half a year since they weren't that widely acknowledged."

"You play?" she asked with interest, he nodded and went on to tell her about all the ones he played, he even kept a piano in his storage. "Wow maybe you can teach me one day." she said with a smile.

"Sounds like a plan then." he smiled back actually looking forward to teaching her if they ever got around to it, they both realized that they like being around each other but Beau could sense she was hiding something. He didn't know if she was Wesen or not since if she was, then she had been hiding it well and not Woged around him once since they met.

"Okay be straight with me," Beau asked looking at her seriously, "You are one of those black widows right? There is no way a girl as beautiful as you can be single, this is the whole let's get the looking guy quickly right?"

She stared at him for a moment before sighing, "Damn how did you know? Well even though we are in a crowded shop it seems like I can't let you leave here alive."

Beau looked at her wide eyed not expecting her to admit it, "W-What! I was right?"

"No you idiot, Black widows only go after rich people and I don't see you flaunting around money everywhere." she laughed rolling her eyes at him, the whole atmosphere went back to normal.

"Who says I'm not rich huh? You will never know." he said wagging a finger at her while also smiling, he knew she was still hiding something but he let it go everyone had their secrets. As long as she didn't do anything to him or anyone he care about, which can be counted on one hand, then he was fine with whatever she did.

They continued like that for awhile telling each other little things about one another while also making jokes in between to keep the mood light and flirty. After an hour he needed to be at work so they called it quits on the little date, "Well Miss. Schade how about I walk you to your car since this has to come to an unfortunate end."

"That's fine but don't expect a goodbye kiss." she said with a flirty grin before standing up and walking out with him.

She might not have said no goodbye kiss but that didn't stop him reaching for her hand and walking hand in hand to her car. Feeling him take her hand she looked down then back up at him, seeing his smug smile she rolled her eyes but didn't take her hand away from him letting him do as he wanted.

"Well have a good day at the office honey, go keep the bad or good guys out of jail whichever you want." Beau said with fake honey in his voice and a sweet smile.

She rolled her eyes again something she figured she would be doing a lot around him, "Stop being a tease loser, message me when you have some free time okay? and be careful out there this isn't like Texas even winter for some reason it is still wet and rainy here."

"Ahh how sweet someone is worried about me." he grabbed his heart making lovely eyes at her.

"See you later idiot." she said giving him a short hug and getting into her car and driving off. He watched her go with a smile, after he the car was far enough away and he didn't see it anymore that is when he finally got into his own car and left.

So is she the one or will she just be a hook up?

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts