

"You know you have to face him right?" Leila says and i scoff suprised she can say that. "You have got to be kidding me,do you know how long he has had his power and how trained he is. how long have i known of magic, 6 months" i say pointing out the obvious. "But you are the only one powerful enough to face him Alpha" Rodriguez says in a mockkng tone. "And to top it all, it is your destiny" Brian says and i realized the obviois fact. I'm fucked. In a world where only Aristocrats are allowed to study magic. The chance was open for the norms to tryout for one of the biggest magic school in the whole universe. One of exceptional power will be found and trigger a series of event leading to war.Magic against magic, the most powerful shall prevail. Love blossoms even in the midst of so much strife. Follow the journey of powerful beings as they strife to protect their world from total anhilation.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs



My whole life I have been dreaming of the moment I will see them and even though this wasn't the way I imagined it happening it was exhilarating. I have heard stories about them but since our place was a locality we didn't have the chance of seeing them. Every norm has a fantasy of being one even though it can't be more than that can still want it.

These are the Supernaturals. Right in front of me, they were standing on the podium in the village square. They were clad in their robes showing their status, species and elements. They were standing overlooking all the Norms as we oogled them.

Now I know you are a little lost so let me explain it to you the best way I can. I left out something the other time i was speaking about my world. In my world magic is real as fuck. Yeah but being the segregating world it is only the Aristocrats are tested for it being that Norms are believed to not have any magic at all.

Now according to history, gods and angels who are called Founders bestowed their power on man making supernaturals. Talleus the god of forms bestowed his power to make Shifters, Haeclus the god of the underworld bestowed power to make Undeads, Phelien god of nature bestowed powers to make casters and the Archangel Calliel bestowed powers to make Magicians.

Due to the magical powers bestowed on them they had the ability to control one or more element pertaining to the power level. The other gods also gave their powers to other men but these were the major ones.

Like I said we were ruled by royals who are direct descendants of those who were given those powers while the Aristocrats are believed to be indirect descendants of them. Every year the Schools tested Aristocrats for magic and those with magic are trained to become warriors and leaders.

There are multiple Universities of magic in the whole world but the biggest and most powerful (since it is in the city of the King of all Royals and is the first and only one created by the gods themselves) is the one close to my area.

Healfard College for Supernaturals was the best and even the most powerful from other schools were transferred to come and school there later on in their final year due to the standards of the school. At least that is what I heard. Supernatural don't just come everywhere, there must be a reason.

Ohh my God something big is about to happen. The crowd was already full now and so they start addressing us.

"Good day everyone" he says and his voice is projected round the crowd, he was putting on a Grey and Electric blue robes with yellow trimmings . He was a Highdan Air Caster.

Everyone in our world also knows that there are 5 levels to mana in magic and it is determined by the colour of your mana thread (innate talent determines it not training). We have the Violet thread for Lowers (lowest class), Green mana threads for the Averages (middle class), Yellow mana threads for the Highdans(High class) then Indigo mana threads for the Seniors(higher than Highdans) and Gold mana thread for the Masters (most powerful).

The moment the words come out of his mouth the murmuring stops and the whole crowd quiets down. He scans to confirm he has everyone's attention before continuing. Being a supernatural anything he says holds more weight than even that of our governor so people cannot disrespect him.

"Today we are here for two things. First is to deliver a message from the King of an opportunity open to everyone and secomd is to fulfil a mission given to us" he says and everyone was listening attentively. I have never seen the villagers this attentive before. Wow power does garner respect

"Now the message is simple, The University is opening its gates to all for magic testing, both Norms and Aristocrats" he says and the murmurs spring up back. That is impossible, it has never been heard in the history of the school to open its door to Norms. I look at my friends and they both had the same confused look I was wearing.

"I know it sounds surprising and it is but the order came from the King himself. The testing is in few days as you all know. The testing is only open to people of age 17-19 and they must have finished high school." He says getting the crowd under control back.

In our world high school was like normal but when we are done we are given certificates done by magic to prevent forgery so no one can fake it.

 "The Test will be taken in the University and we will all be travelling there together. Anyone interested in taking the test should be here by 7:00am tomorrow morning from where we will be taking the train to the School. All you need is your proof of graduation and your stuffs. Those that have magic will stay behind in the school while those without will be brought back home safe and sound." He says and everyone was still very skeptical about it but they couldn't air their opinions and insecurities even though they wore it on their faces.

"Finally the King promises 2000 dollars to everyone who participates in the tests and a stipend of 20000 dollars monthly for those who have magic" he says and this gets the attention of the crowd. That is a huge amount of money to just give someone for having magic. The crowd begins to smile at the thought of such money "that would be all and don't forget you should be here by 7:00am to sign up for the train ride. Have a very nice day ahead." He says and turns as the two others behind him get up and they all walked down the podium and into the administrative office. The crowd begin to discuss amongst themselves and we find our way out of the huge pool of people.

The moment we were away from the crowd Simeon squeaks "Holy freaking hell, I'm going to get tested for magic" he screams and we had to cover our ears or he would burst our eardrums. He starts jumping for joy and Leila and I chuckle.

"Don't be so happy, there is no assurance you would have magic. I'm sure the possibility is very low." Leila says teasing him and he glares her

"I don't care I'm positive about it and I am going to take the test to confirm it" he says and I scoff. Keep dreaming bro

"Well I'm taking the test for the money on it. It won't hurt to make a few dollars" Leila says and Simeon was surprised at her mindset.

"Do you know the honour being a supernatural brings to your family and not to talk of the power that comes with it" he says angry because she is doing it for the money. Stop living in a fantasy bro

"I don't like to keep my hopes high, I'm okay the way I am." She replies then face me "what of you Keen, you going" she directs the question to me and I reply

"No I can't leave my mom and siblings with him. I have to stay to protect them and also bear the brunt of it." I say and they nod in understanding. We walk together for a while and when they get to a junction they both turn to the left to their street and I head on.

By now the sun was setting and the mixture of orange and pink hues beautified the evening skies. I start skipping in step since I was happy I sold this much today. I was at the short wooden fence already when I saw the shock of my life. My worst fear had come to life. My siblings were on the porch crying and I run up to them.

"What happened to you and why are you crying" I ask and they both point into the house and now that I was close I could hear the noise coming from inside the living room. The voices were heated and the noise was too much, it was like a world war was happening in the house.

"Daddy and mommy were arguing and we were trying to stop them, then dad hit us and chased us out" my younger brother says amidst tear and my anger begins boiling. I didn't know what but something in me snaps and a dam was opened in me. I felt like every emotion from my siblings was washing over me and it heightened my anger.

"Where did he hit you" I ask and they point to their faces "I'm so sorry I should have been home early. You wouldn't have to go through this if I did" I say apologising to them. They shake their head and my sister replies

"This is not any of your fault, we are sorry we could not do anymore" she says referring to the fight going on inside and my heart shatters the more at the thought of them going through something of this magnitude so young. The moment I hear my mom's scream I leave the twins and walk up to the door.

I pull it and it falls off its hinges but at that point I didn't even care how I did it as I enter into the house boiling. I enter and the old man was beating her to the chair. I walk up to him and hold his hand. He looks up at me and gives me a death glare but the anger has blocked all my sense of practicality. I have had enough of all this bullshit.

"Leave my hand now before I descend on you soon. You have a lot to explain young man" he says glaring me and I lift him off mom easily throwing him on the floor and help her up. He was shocked but the moment he gets over it, he stretches his hand to hit me and I catch it mid air throw him a sharp right punch and bend his hand in an awkward position placing my mouth to his ear as he wriths in pain

"Touch me, mom or any of my siblings again and you would live the rest of your life to regret that day" I say in a stern and threatening voice that sends shivers down his spine and I liked it. I free him and he takes a minute to get his body back in shape before facing me.

"I'm not surprised, what more do you expect from a bastard" he says dropping a bomb that shakes my demeanor. What did he just say? No that is impossible. The moment he drops the sentence the anger that had taken over me washes off me and a sense of doubt and pain takes over.

"What did you call me?" I ask and he smiles since he has achieved his aim seeing the shock and pain on my face.

"Did I stutter? Young man I said you are a fucking bastard. I can't give birth to a weak and disrespectful son as you. You are a disgrace to whoever must have fathered you" he says and It felt like my whole world shattered, I look to mom to prove him wrong and I see her crying and begging him to stop talking but I couldn't hear no more.

I was tuned out from the world. This cannot be true. The most hurtful thing in this situation is the fact that I knew it but I tried my hardest best to deny that reality. The hatred, the anger, the abuses and all have been pointing me towards this realization but i just ignored it.

The most hurtful thing to me is not being a bastard, it is the fact that I have endured this pain and abuses thinking I couldn't face my father. So I have been enduring this pain in vain. He taps me and I face him, his face now red with rage and mine filled with confusion.

"I have had enough of you in my life. I want you out of my house before I get back. If you aren't gone you know what I can do" He threatens and walks out slamming the door behind him. I look to mom who was sitting with her hands over her face crying profusely.

"Is what he said true?" I ask and she bursts into another round of tears answering my question indirectly "why didn't you tell me?" I ask and she keeps tearing up. Sometimes I just feel like I could strangle ladies when they cry unnecessarily. Why can't she give me a definite answer, she just keeps tearing up like I'm the villain here.

"I couldn't and I still can't" she says then cleans her tears quickly "You have to go pack up now. He must not meet you here" she says and I was shocked, is that what she should be thinking of now. I had a lot of questions on my mind but she didn't let me ask any before pushing me up the stairs to pack.

I enter my room and pack the few of my stuffs into a bag. I pack my documents and stuff it into the bag and walk down the stairs.

"Where will I go and I need answers to questions running through my head" I ask and she smiles at me. She walks up to me and pulls me into a bear hug. A tear drops and when she releases me her eyes were red and swollen.

"You will go to your grandma's place in the village and of the questions, I can't answer any of them but I'm sure mom will be able to answer to the best of her knowledge. She remembers something and runs up the stairs, she returns back with a pouch in her hand "this was given to me to give to you at 18 by your birth father but I have been so scared to tell you. I swear, I wanted to but I didn't know how. She looks at the clock and her face looses colour. "He will be back soon you need to go now" she says and I pull her in for a hug.

"Will you be fine?" I ask and she nods faking a smile for me which I return before turning and walking out the door. I walk to my siblings on the porch "Guys I will be going away for a little while" I say and their face changes to that of hurt "don't worry it won't be for long, just for a little while. Make sure to take care of yourselves and mom and be very good, don't stress mom at all" I say and they nod their head with tears on their faces. I pull them into a long hug and they tear up. Once I start to feel tears brimming on my eyes I release them, turn and walk away.

To A New Phase of Life