

After feeding Binx, I call it a night and climb into my super comfy bed. With the snap of my fingers, the lights turn off and I'm basked in total darkness. The only light I can see is the moonlight coming through the bedroom curtains.

Before I realize it, I'm awakened by my phone ringing. I groan and roll over to ignore the evil thing but when it continues to ring, I reach out and call the phone to me. It flies to my hand and after hitting the 'answer' I croak out "Hello?"

"Uh... you're Miss Hallows, correct?" The timid voice says on the other end making me growl. What time was it? I pull the phone back to look at the screen and squint to see that it was seven in the morning! What is wrong with people!?

I push down my irritation and pull the phone back to say "Yes, that's me. How did you get this number?" This was my private number so people shouldn't be able to call me like this. I have a small office with a receptionist who takes messages so I don't get these freaking calls at the buttcrack of dawn.

He awkwardly clears his throat and says "I... I asked around and someone named Kyle at the Blue Nile gave me your name and number... I hope that's okay." Kyle? I grit my teeth in anger and sit up as I ask "What's the problem?"

He's silent for a few seconds before saying "I... I saw women being snatched off the street." I sigh and lean back as I say "Then you should call the police. They'll be able to help you." I go to hang up but the man quickly says "Wait! The police can't find any leads and the thing that's snatching the women aren't... human."

I bite the inside of my cheek and ask "You not hiring me for a job, right? So you're just notifying me?" I can hear the man shuffle nervously on the other end of the phone before saying "The police are useless and I heard that you're more... pleasant to deal with when it comes to the Super Naturals... I just don't want to see more women being snatched."

I sigh in defeat and say "Then I appreciate it. I'll look into it." With that, I hang the phone up and throw it back on the nightstand. It's still too early to hunt Kyle down so I roll back over and try to go back to sleep but no matter what I do... I can't.

All I can think about are the missing women. Sighing, I fling the covers off as I jump out of bed. I go to the bathroom and take care of business before walking to the kitchen. Binx lays on the couch, belly up with all fours sticking up in the air. Dead to the world.

I snort at the fat thing and start a pot of coffee as I look out of the large window over my sink. Dark clouds block out the sun as rain threatens to fall. I feel my lips tilting up in a smile when I think about the wonderful weather. I loved when it rained...

When I smell the aroma of the coffee, I slowly close my eyes and take a deep breath. This was the true magic brew... I pour me a hot cup and move over to my kitchen table. Potted plants of all kinds nearly take up the entire space but being here made me happy. Sea glass of all colors hang from clear string in front of the window, catching the weak sunlight as they gently move in the breeze of the AC.

I reach out and boop a leaf on a Devil's vein with a smile as I sip the hot coffee. It was like magic for my soul. After my cup of coffee, I quickly get dressed and feed Binx. I tell him and the house bye before quickly leaving.

This neighborhood was mixed between humans and Super Naturals but for the most part, everyone was kind to each other here. Mrs. Lee waves at me as she waters her flowers so I send her a quick wave before unlocking my car.

I open the door to get in and freeze. Damn... I forgot. I look around to make sure no one's looking before waving my hand over the interior of the car. The car is instantly cleaned and ready to go. I look around once more before nodding with a smile and slipping into the car.

I crank her up and drive to my shop. Sure, I could have opened a witch shop like most witches but... that would require me to actually be good at making spells and potions. Which I'm not good with either.

Unlike other witches, I don't have to really chant, make up a rhyme or anything like that. My magic comes to me when I call and it's like second nature, completely natural. But according to other witches, it's anything but natural.

One of the many reasons I stay away from other witches and their covens. The last witch that found out who and what I was tried to kill me. After running for ten years, I killed her and put an end to the whole thing.

It was still early on a Saturday morning so traffic was pretty light. I pull up to the office and walk in to find Shelly behind the counter. Shelly was a Brownie. A type of fae that lost her last home and with that, she lost her job.

Brownies normally stick to homes but after losing her husband, she needed work and I took a liking to the woman. She was always making snacks and cleaning. I LOVED it, especially when she made her famous cookies.

She looks up from the computer with a surprised look and quickly says "I wasn't expecting you so early this morning! Is everything okay, Dear?" I give her a warm smile and tell her "I got a strange call this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I just wanted to swing by to see if I got any mail."

Shelly nods and hands me a black envelope. I take the envelope with a frown and turn it around to see my name written on the front with perfect penmanship. It looked like it was written in liquid silver but I had a feeling it wasn't.

I slowly open the envelope and pull out a black card. I release a little of my magic and watch as the words on the card come to life. "Mandatory meeting Sunday night, formal dress." the card says before slowly disappearing.

I grit my teeth in annoyance and ignite the black envelope. Shelly looks over with a questioning look but I wave her off and say "Stupid politic stuff." I'm not on the council but because I'm over a hundred and without a coven, I have to go or there will be consequences.

I don't want to be hit with fines or be thrown in prison so my ass will be going whether I want to or not. After checking my emails and seeing my next few job offers, I turn to Shelly and say "Clear my schedule for tonight."

Shelly nods and says "I will push back your two meetings to Sunday." I rub my temples and say "Sunday won't work. Double book for Monday." Shelly looks mildly shocked but she nods her head and asks "What's going on tonight?" I smile at her as I say "I'm going hunting."