
A Stranger's Touch

After a few minutes of surprised silence, the witches begin clapping as a woman in a long black dress walks over to greet the men. She slightly bows to them before turning to face everyone else and says "Ladies, I want you all to meet the last and most powerful Druids left here on earth." 

I feel my stomach clench as my mother lightly touches my elbow. The crowd grows uneasy as they all start whispering but the woman next to the Druids lifts her hands and says "Ladies! Please, let me explain. We are powerful but ever since we lost of male counterparts, we've lost our true power. These men agreed to step forward when news spread of our Hallows Coven."

I stiffen as everyone turns to look at my mother and I but I keep my face blank as I try to analyze the whole situation. All the Druids died out over two hundred years ago and the last time I checked, they didn't get along with us witches. If anything, they were out to kill us.