
Hidden Are The Secrets

She has always felt lonely yet not alone. She had friends but never a best friend and she had never confided in any soul but it knew and that is her book. She found passion and life in writing. 'Seemingly Poetic' was her Penname. She had just began her first chapter of her book she randomly titled 'Hidden are the Secrets ' when she fell asleep only to be awakened in her novel. Sounds cliche, right? But it's not. No synopsis in her story, no characters, barely a chapter, precisely a quote and few thoughts in her mind. What exciting adventure awaits her? Find out...

Sukyna_Katamba · Thanh xuân
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1 Chs

Diary Entry

"Be thy riddle "

~ Seemingly Poetic. It read.

The sound of scribbling halted as soon as the sentence was completed. A black fountain pen fell from slender fingers belonging to a fair wrist. Seemingly bored from procrastinating, she sighed.

"It's really hectic to write with just a thought in mind," she mumbled.

Her head rested in her right palm as she gazed through the window. Although there wasn't anything interesting to look at through the window, she still enjoyed it.

Suddenly, a bright light too blinding to look at flashed before her and before she decipher what was happening, everything turned dark.


"Young Miss! Young Miss! Please wake up," spoke a female in a monotone.

She stirred a little in her sleep before going back to sleep. However, the next words from the monotonous person jolted her to reality.

"Young Miss, wake up. Today's your engagement party with Young Master Cien from the Ryan family," she informed.

Sitting upright on the bed, she scanned her surroundings. This definitely wasn't her small room in her studio apartment. The room before her was lavishly furnished with luxurious antiques. Beautiful. That's how she could best describe it.

"Young Miss!" Came the same monotonous voice.

Craning her neck to see the person, a pair of expressionless eyes met hers. However, she still couldn't recognise this face. Just before she could ask who she was a female voice sounded from the back.

"Lucinder, Lexia is still sleeping isn't she?" She said,

"So this elderly lady's name is Lucinda," Seyan thought to herself.

She wasn't elderly as she described her to be but because of her stern facial expressions, she fit the description.

Now that she thought about it, she surprisingly shared the same name as the girl. 'What's happening here?' Lexia thought to herself.

Lexia turned her eyes to see the woman and she resembled her late mother whom she only saw in the photos. Yes, in the photos. However, the lady before her had a gentle expression on her face.

"Baby, you're finally awake," she said while heading towards her.

Holding her hands gently she uttered, "You have no idea how worried I was."

Lexia felt so emotional when she heard that. In her previous life she stayed with her aunt, a workaholic who barely had time for her. Although she didn't mistreat her, she always felt lonely. Just like that she never even got a chance to make friends.

Subconsciously, tears made their way down to her cheeks as she thought inwardly, 'I have a mom. I have a mother and she's alive.'

The gentle lady seeing this got worried, "What's wrong dear? Tell me where it hurts."

These words jolted her back to reality as she shook her head in denial, stuttering, "No I'm ok...m-mom."

The lady was astonished at the sudden endearment and Lexia also noticed it. 'Why was she like this?'

Suddenly, a voice flashed in her mind.

"I'll never call you mom. You're not my mother! Where were you all those years? Where? It seemed as though you were happy without me."

Judging from this, it seemed to be the original owner's memories. However, Lexia wasn't one to apologise with words she'll just act upon it as soon as she got the full picture. Gently, she held the woman's hands.

" I'm fine, mum."

Soon they went to the sitting room to meet the so-called fiancé. Reaching there Lexia met the coldest and handsome creature she'd ever met. He just had to sit there and ooze chillness like an air conditioner.

He had soul rooting orbs dark as the abyss that fit the description, 'If danger was a person.' On top of that Cien, was a walking sin yet dangerous at the same time.

On the other hand Lexie subconsciously sat down next to her mother with her eyes glued to the guy. Meanwhile, Cien felt a gaze stare at him. Craning his neck to look at the source he met with the most clear eyes he'd never met.

Lexie's mother cleared her throat bringing the two back to reality. "So Cien what brings you here so urgently," began Lexie's mother.

'I thought it was a party.' Lexie murmured to herself.

"I wanted to break the engagement," he suddenly stated.

Lexia's mother had her eyes comically widen in shock that she almost choked on her tea. Meanwhile, Lexie looked calm as though the conversation wasn't about her.

"R-Reason?" Lexia's mother asked while casting a side glance at her daughter who all along was still staring at the man before her.

"I found the one I truly love," he reasoned.

A light chuckle sounded and the two turned to see the source. It was Lexia. Although it was just a chuckle, her expression looked soft and her eyes formed a crescent as the smile reached her eyes. A dimple formed on her right cheek and simply looked cute and lively.

Cien who had been monitoring her expression got so mesmerised as he saw her small act that he forgot he was supposed to break the engagement.

"Alright, you got your loved one, so how are you going to compensate me?" Lexia spoke out this time.

Cien jolted back to reality as she heard this. This was ridiculous! Where does the compensation come from? Clearing his throat, Cien defended frowning, "What do you mean compensation?"

Lexia once again chuckled before answering, "Mental damage fee."


Everyone stared at Lexia with dumbfounded gazes. As she sat there staring sipping her glass of juice, she held confidence but not aloofness. Her expression didn't show any mental breakdown but she simply exuded an aura of a not pushover lady.

Despite Lexia's outrageous demand, her mother didn't interrupt nor did she refuse. To Lexia this showed support and deep down she felt excited and warm.

After a brief silence, Cien replied coldly, "Don't push it Miss."

" Honestly, I won't accept a broken engagement without compensation. You must compensate me earnestly," Lexia countered with a confident smirk lacing on her lips.

Cien challenged, "And if I don't?"

The smile disappeared suddenly as she raised her eyes from her glass, "Put your thoughts into action and you'll see."

Placing the empty glass on the table, Lexia stood up, smiling, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr Cien. I'm looking forward to your cooperation."

Staring at her mother she reached for her and gently said, "Shall we, Queen mother?"