
Hiatus:Ultimate Card System: One piece

Vencha · Tranh châm biếm
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21 Chs

Chapter 15: G2 Marine Base

One hour later Toshiro reached the west side of the island. Ace was waiting for him on his boat, it was more of a surf-board than a boat. Ace looked irritably towards the walking Toshiro and said, "You are late". Toshiro replied, "I am right on time. And I had to find my fellow ship builders and tell them that i am going off the island so that they won't be worried."

"Tsk, Get on. you should stand by the mast and hold on to it. My boat is pretty fast. We should be able to reach marine base in 2 hours." Ace prompted Toshiro.

After getting on the boat Toshiro quickly held on to the mast and Ace used his devil fruit abilities to move the boat towards the G2 base.

2 Hours Later.

"G2 base is finally visible. we should move towards the forest part of the island. It won't be good to either of us if someone recognizes you." Toshiro advised Ace.

Ace just nodded and moved the boat quietly towards the east side of the island which is fully covered with vegetation. After getting off on the island they quickly hid the boat and started moving towards the island. Soon they came across a marine patrol, Ace quickly knocked him off and stole his clothes and tied him up to a tree. Then he used his disguise tools to attach a moustache and combed his wild hair. No one would believe that the person in front of Toshiro is Ace, the second fleet commander of white beard pirates.

"Lets go. You deliver the letter to Moda's parents and i will look around for some clues on Teach. There must be some clues in the base." Ace told Toshiro.

"No problem. Just be careful. I will come find you once the letter is delivered." Toshiro shrugged his shoulders and agreed.

They both went towards different directions. Toshiro went towards the front gate through which is the visitor's entrance, while Ace followed some marines through the staff entrance.

Toshiro went to wards the booth where a marine was stationed to receive the visitors and said, "I am here to deliver a letter to someone who works in the Base canteen."

The marine asked his name, home island, occupation etc.,. after some time he was temporarily issued a visitor's license and gave directions to the canteen.

The G2 base was very large and contains many sections and towers dedicated to different departments. The place Toshiro was going to is to wards the tower in the left where the dock of marine ships is located. He soon reached the tower and went in side the canteen, he scanned around the place, it was very spacious which can accommodate hundreds of marines for their lunch. A surprise glint passed through Toshiro's face when scanning the canteen, as he watches Ace stuffing his face with food (meat) and many empty plates on his table.

"Sigh, I guess meat comes first for both the brothers in any situation." Toshiro muttered to himself.

He ignores ace and started walking to wards the kitchen. Soon found Moda's parents, he went to them and handed the letter to them. They both were surprised and happy to receive the letter. They thanked Toshiro and asked him to eat their cooking. On their insistence, Toshiro sat on one of the tables and soon Moda's mother began to place food all over the table.

"Eat up. Young people should eat more. My husband put some extra effort when cooking for you." Moda's mother said while smiling kindly.

"Thank you for the food. I am just paying for your daughter's hospitality." Toshiro said and began to eat the food.

Toshiro and Moda's parents spent about an hour talking. Soon there was a commotion outside. Toshiro quickly got up and looked towards the noise through the window. What he sees stunned him. There was a marine ship that was on fire.

"Did this idiot do something?" Toshiro muttered to himself. He looked towards Moda's parents and said, "Thank you for the delicious food. I have to leave now."

He quickly took off towards the dock where the burning marine ship is present. After reaching the dock he asked a marine solider on the situation, only then he calmed down. It turns out that the ship was a marine intelligence ship with not much firepower. Some pirates targeted the ship and set it on fire. some how they managed to get the ship towards the nearest base, which was G2.

Soon there was a huge fire ball coming from the burning marine ship towards the dock. It turned out to be Ace who was carrying two marines on both his arms. The marines cheered loudly for the lifes saved. But soon the cheers stopped. Reason? Ace's moustache burned off along with some of the marine dress. The Marines at G2 quickly recognized Ace.

"Hahahah, busted I guess? Ok then i will be on my way. By the way the food here is very good. Oh and i will be waiting for you at the boat." Ace said loudly and soot off.

The marines stunned for a second and started chasing Ace. Soon the discussion started.

"What did Ace mean by 'waiting at the boat'?"

"Is this some kind of code?"

"Not sure. we should first chase him."

"Yeah. Let's go quickly."


Toshiro who has been watching all this understood that Aee was talking to him. He quietly made his way to wards the Marine intelligence ship and used soru to get in. After some tome he came back with an unconscious marine and a file. He left the marine on the dock and left from there with the file.

Soon he reached the place where they hid the boat. He found Ace already put the boat in the water and waiting for him.

Toshiro walked to him with a smile and said, "Well, I have some good news for you." while waving the file in his hand.

"Is it what I think it is?" Ace asked with some hope in his eyes.

"Yes, this is the current location of Teach. He seems to be in Banaro island. as per the intelligence report, Blackbeard pirates are ransacking the whole island. He seems to be making a temporary base. Marines are not sure about his plan. He also seems to be careful and not directly engaging with the marines and when engaged there are no causalities in marines side. Seems like he is showing some good will towards the marines, don't you think?" Toshiro quickly explained what he found about Teach to Ace while summarizing the content of the file.

"Yeah, this is completely different from how he operates. But it doesn't matter. Now i know where to look for him, he can't escape from me now." Ace said with determination.

"Do you have to go?" Toshiro asked.

"As his former captain I am responsible for his punishment. It is my duty to get him back and present him in front of my old-man." Ace said with a serious face.

"I understand. I won't stop you but be careful. Reach out to me if needed." Toshiro said to Ace.

"Thanks buddy. You really help me by finding his current location." Ace said with a smile.


[Mission: Help Ace find whereabouts of Marshall D Teach

Objective 2 : Completed

Rewards: 1 Heal card and 1 card point]

[Congratulations on completing the mission]

[Congratulations on making a small effect on the original timeline

Bonus rewards: 1 skill card.]