

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: swords and roses by Sage1988

supahsanic6969 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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The Ring, the Reach…

Screaming Iron Born surrounded the The Ring but no matter how they screamed or how many ladders they used trying to climb the enormous walls with, the defenders refused to allow them access as archers on the walls picked them off while other men pushed the ladders off the walls, sending any Iron Born that happened to be on them plunging to the ground.

Ser Gunthor Hightower was worried for his wife and their new son as he surveyed the situation, looking out at the sea of badly organised tents that surrounded the castle, he had been unable to get any news of what was happening else where as most ravens where being shot down by the enemy before they even reached the castle but he could only hope that things were better.

He was about to retire to his rooms and spend some time with his family when a bird swooped down from very high up and dropped a scroll at his feet, he got a quick glimpse of blood red feathers and then the bird was gone, flying higher and faster than any raven ever could. Gunthor picked up the scroll and read it quickly, a smile emerging on his face and he rushed to his rooms where he found his wife Talla playing with their young son Randyll, the stress showing on her face but she smiled for the sake of their son. She looked up and saw the smile on his face and asked.

"What is it?"

"Help is coming, we will not be under siege much longer." Gunthor told her while handing her the message and then picking up their young son who was now three years old and would soon be too big for him to do that any more, Randyll beamed at the sight of his father and cried out.


Gunthor's eyes nearly watered at that, now holding his son...his son words that honestly scared, delighted and shocked him all in one go. Never had he thought to be a father, nor have a wife as beautiful as Talla.

Speaking of his wife now that she had read the scroll she looked far better, a relief army was coming under Harry's command to break the siege now enough men had returned from Renly's bloated host.

- x -

Two days later under cover of darkness Harry led a charge on the Iron Born camp, not used to siege warfare they had not put patrols in place to spot land armies approaching meaning Harry and his army had been able to get close enough for a surprise attack.

The riders that went in first cut down whatever men where out of their tents while others with torches set the disorganised tents alight, sending half burned or dressed men running around in complete chaos as they little time to think or react to anything.

But worst for them was yet to come as the infantry and heavy cavalry arrived on the scene, smashing into the Iron Born camp with such force that they shattered any sense of leadership or unity with many of the Iron Born just taking flight and running only for the cavalry to run them down.

Harry riding Storm was amongst the heavy cavalry as they charged, swinging his sword with such force that he either split necks open or took a head off completely. When the battlefield became too crowded he dismounted and joined the armoured infantry in the fight, drawing his second sword and with his two blades hacking into the enemy, butchering them with his green cloak acting as a beacon to his troops who could see the ease with which their commander was slaughtering their enemy, regarding it with awe and respecting him a lot more. He might be a rich lord but to the professional warriors he was one hell of a soldier that was not afraid to get down and bloody with them on the field of battle.

An hour later it was all over, while the few thousand corpses were disposed of and the hundred odd prisoners they had taken were secured, Harry met a relieved Gunthor and Talla who he greeted warmly before he went about arranging for Talla and young Randyll to be sent to the safety of Bloodstone until things had settled. With that done and the civilians that had taken shelter at the castle send back to whatever was left of their homes, Harry gathered the lords under his command in the main hall to discuss their next move.

"With the last siege of the coast lifted we have to strike before the Iron Born have a chance to regroup." Harry said to the group that sat around the long table, all of them even Kanoro nodded in agreement. "So we must retake Greyshield and re-establish a defence perimeter to keep them out."

The lords were surprised at the idea, a landing from the water was sure to be hard as they had proven themselves when the Iron Born had tried to do the same thing at Oldtown although all of them doubted the Iron Born would have any kind of defence like they had. Still there were a large number of enemy ships around the island and that meant a naval battle against the Iron Born and pirates on their preferred battlefield, the sea.

"I don't know if we have the ships for that." Paxter Redwyne said with concern, he might be a legendary commander with a large navy but even he hesitated about such an engagement. Other lords who contributed ships and men to their forces were likewise worried but Harry smiled.

"There is a weapon on my ships that will more than make up for their skill on the water and Oakenshield sent word of a large number of ships going north in search of more easy pickings than risk facing us again." Harry said, only about two hundred ships remained around Greyshield which he had confirmed yesterday in a quick scout of his own. They could easily match and surpass that number of ships and the harpax although it had never been used publicly before was effective in all their tests.

The landing could be harsh and costly but Harry had a few ways he could reduce the risk, sharing a grin with Kanoro who like him knew of the harpax and his special abilities. The other lords looked unsure of his claims but followed his lead as he had not led them wrong so far.

- x -

As the Silence in the dead of night led the Reach navy of around five hundred ships, Harry retreated to his cabin and locked the door before donning his cloak and apparating to Greyshield. He quickly set about destroying all the heavy catapults or scorpions that could harm their ships or landing force before quickly destroying the gate of the castle so they could not close it and with a satisfied nod apparated back to his ship, imagining the faces of the Iron Born when they found their best land based weapons destroyed and laughing quietly to himself.

Then he went and got a couple of hours sleep to rest up for the battle, rising at the early morning dawn and dressed in his armour coming out on deck to find his men either ready or getting ready with the harpax already set up on deck. He was putting a lot of faith in this invention of Alwyn's but they had worked well in all the tests and no one else had ever seen anything like it before so this should be just the edge they needed.

He looked at the composition of their fleet, while they had five hundred ships, many were converted cargo ships and long ships that carried their invasion force and were well back of the two hundred warships that were leading the fleet. Lords were keeping most of their ships back until they had secured Greyshield so the coast was protected in case they were flanked.

"ENEMY IN SIGHT!" The lookout cried from the crow's nest and they all followed the direction he was pointing in and the horizon began to populate with dark spots that formed into ships as they got closer. All the Reach and Stepstones men tensed as they waited for them to close the range, drums started to play to make sure the crew were at their battle stations.

The harpax was useless at long range so they would engage with catapults until they had closed the gap Harry thought, making sure that his signal men used flags to communicate this to the other ships. When finally they were close enough, their more advanced catapults were readied.

"LOAD AND TAKE AIM!" Harry commanded and the men adjusted as best they could before loading the barrels, boulders or whatever else they were using, his signal men sending the message to other ships who readied their own weapons.

Harry ruthlessly suppressed any nervousness he was feeling and gave his next command.


The men set the projectiles alight and released the tight rope, projectiles soared through the air in a curved bow shaped course before it started down towards the enemy with extreme speed. Few of the first volley found their mark but it allowed the men to perfect their aim and elevation, getting closer and closer to their targets. The Iron Born now entered the range of their own catapults but they then had to get the range and the baring themselves.

Harry's ships found it first and started to slam their flaming projectiles straight into whatever Iron Born ship they could hit, some slowing as their masts collapsed and their ships caught fire or they took on water from holds left in their hulls. Eventually some managed to get a shot in on Harry's ships but a couple of dozen where already out of action and the range was really closing.

Estimating they were now in range to deploy the harpax, Harry turned to the waiting men and shouted.


The harpax men did exactly as they had practised many times before and took aim at the nearest warship, sending their sharp pronged grapple hook from the ballista into the wooden planks of the Iron Born war galley. It punched straight through and lodged itself too firmly for the enemy to remove without tearing out their own hull, as the men winched the enemy ship close the Iron Born frantically tried to cut the rope but the length of the grapple made that impossible. Archers and scorpions began picking off the crew on deck with ease as they struggled to free their ship, most of them dying without even the chance to look their killers in the eye.

Once the ship was crew-less, Harry and his people cut it loose deciding to recover it later and moved on to the next, this time throwing a barrel of oil onto the deck of the Iron Born ship and then a scorpion set it ablaze with a fire bolt.

All of Harry's ships were using the harpax and it proved even more effective than they had dreamed, they had lost eight ships while the Iron Born had lost one hundred and eighty seven. Many to fire and ramming while ninety had been captured, a skeleton crew was sailing them back to Oldtown where they would be repaired and distributed amongst the Reach Coastal houses and Harry might take a few as well.

Harry was very satisfied and resolved there and then to reward Alwyn with something, the harpax had been even more effective than they had ever dreamed but the day was not over yet.

- x -

A few hours later the rest of Harry's fleet approached Greyshield, the island was lush and fertile like much of the Reach but there was little sign of farming as the surviving population of the island stayed in their homes, terrified under the rule of the Iron Born who took everything they had and worst besides.

Harry saw the Iron Born gathered on the beach, disorganised and few in number presumably to try and repel them when they landed. Harry just shook his head at their foolishness, even with the castle's gate broken it still offered better protection than being out and exposed on a beach. The warships were able to shatter them with a few volleys before the converted freighters and long ships came up to land their men, Harry switching his flag to one of the long ships as they came in to join in the landing. Kanoro at his side was almost looking forward to the fight, liberating an island from a band of murderers, rapists and thieves was a far more honourable thing to do with their time than wasting time with tourneys or sitting at home while people suffered.

Everyone checked their weapons and armour one last time and tensed as the ships got closer to land, bracing themselves for the jolt when the boats ran into the sand of the beach. Rocking slightly the men leapt off, their feet digging slightly into the sand before they began to charge up the beach, Harry with his sword and shield in hand leading the charge with more and more men landing and then joining the charge behind him.

Dozens, then hundreds. Soon it would be thousands.

Most of the shattered Iron Born seeing the large number of men running up the beach at them ran back to the castle while a few more foolishly than courageously tried to stand and fight. Harry came up to one filthy and ugly scar covered raider who only managed to get a partial war cry out before Harry impaled him with a sword through the gut, viciously tearing it out so the man's inners felt onto the sand before he continued his charge up the beach, him and Kanoro led the troops from the front Harry's green cape easily recognisable inspiring his troops as they saw him cut down the enemy without any hesitation or trouble at all. Soon they entered the town where more of the Iron Born had gathered, axes and arrows bounced harmlessly off Harry's shield as he forced his way through, one tried to get close enough to kill him with a battle axe only for Harry to smash his face in with a hard smack in the face with his shield. The locals watched with fearful glance but also hopeful that soon they would be free of their greatly hated masters.

Soon the Reach men reached the castle, Grimston where the Iron Born had quickly tried to put up a primitive barricade to stop their advance but it was far from complete and Harry's men easily overwhelmed it, forcing their way into the castle.

- x -

Kanoro felt the familiar rush of a fight and quietly enjoyed it, not liking to kill but fighting was a pure form of expression and one he knew better than even his lord. Men expressed themselves in how they fought and moved, it was one of the reasons he had followed Harry because he had been able to tell that he was no monster and in fact was an honourable man.

That was why he was disappointed when he came across the would be new lord of this castle, Harras Harlaw. Given how the man had taken this castle he had expected a capable warrior at least but instead Harras seemed to be acting more like an animal, more ferocity than cunning and the longer the fight went on Harras apparently kept expecting his sword to break and began to tire when he didn't and making more mistakes in a desperate attempt to break through his defence.

"So that is how you won this castle." Kanoro said in his hard practised common tongue as they struggled. "You use your sword to break theirs or overwhelm them, how...disappointing." Kanoro said with dismay that only for Harras to snarl like an animal and renew his attack, now even more sloppy than before...a mistake that coast him his life.

Kanoro remained calm and collected so he took advantage of his sloppy defence and with a burst of strength severed the sword arm of Harras at the elbow and then without missing a beat, took his his head off with a single stroke.

A cheer went through the air as he finished, the enemy throwing down their weapons at the death of their leader, the cries of joy from the islanders that lived here as they realised that the great hated invaders had been overthrown and from their own men who called out in victory.

Harry found him and nodded in approval at Harras' demise, a nod Kanoro returned and Harry picked up the fallen Nightfall and handed it to his right hand man who looked at him with surprise before taking it. Well Kanoro thought with amusement, now I have a sword to give my second son.

- x -

The execution of the prisoners took most of the day, they were all guilty of rape, murder, theft and much more. The only reason the prisoners had been spared in Oldtown was they would be made to work in rebuilding all they had destroyed especially the Starry Sept before they were either sent to the Wall or killed, ruthless but also practical.

Harry had heard more than one man refer to him as the 'Bloody Rose' after how harshly he treated his prisoners and how he had slaughtered the Iron Born in battle. Not a title he particularly felt comfortable with but it spread faster than he could contain it, some of the nobles actually told him to encourage it as it spread a fierce and powerful impression of him that would strike fear into their enemies so with reluctance he accepted it.

Caelys' nurses tended to their own wounded and with good sanitation and nutrition not to mention decent care would have most of them on their feet again.

Those matters aside he had been busy seeing to the needs of the islanders who had all their food and valuables stolen, half of it was probably either at the bottom of the ocean or on its way to the Iron Islands by now so supplies would have to be shipped here and then there was the matter of establishing a new lord here to run it all when they were gone. He would have given it to Kanoro who didn't want it or Gunthor straight away but he could not be seen to favour the Hightowers so early in this campaign as he was still a new leader to the houses that followed him, not rewarding them would lead to doubt and with the need to garrison the coast and islands in case of future attacks (some of which were more vulnerable than others) he could not afford to lose men. They might have beaten the Iron Born and their pirate allies back for now but they would return and the only way for him to prevent this was to strike first and drive them all the way back to their islands.

To do that he needed ships and men.

So in the end he had appointed Ser Jon Oakheart to rule the island, he had led his family's men on the beaches and shown considerable valour in battle so it was a reasonable choice. Harry meanwhile had some anger to vent and so in the dead of night he was alone at the side of the cliffs at the east of the island.

Well not completely alone.

"My lord...please I was just serving the will of the Seven." The Septon said, pleading with him as his hands and feet were bound with chains that were attached to a heavy stone block. Harry's gaze was sharp and angry.

"You put the entire Reach, countless lives at risk and ruined or ended many on this island. Harras Harlaw was no follower of the Seven and Lord Grimm did not accept his challenge but you in your bloated sense of self worth decided you knew the gods will?" Harry said with derision, with considerable effort he lifted the stone block and the Septon's eyes widened in terror at what was about to happen, Harry told him coldly.

"If you like the followers of the Drowned God so much then you can join them."

With that Harry threw the block over the cliff's edge, the chain quickly started following it. The septon begged desperately but Harry remained unmoved as the man was dragged over the edge and plummeted to the water below.

Harry might not relish killing but that man saw nothing wrong with his actions and would gladly repeat them, he cared nothing for the misery he had caused here on Greyshield or the danger he had placed those on the mainland with, he was too full of the Seven and his own pride so to ensure he would not threaten this island or its people again now he had dealt with him.

He returned to the castle after a walk to clear his head and was given a raven by one of his men, he sighed when he saw it was the symbol used by Renly and immediately assumed it was yet another attempt to get him to bring all of his men to Renly's slow moving host while the Iron Born wreaked havoc on the coast.

So he was quite surprised to find it in fact was actually from his sister, promising more men if he would come in person to their camp and explain the situation on the coast. While it was problematic for him to leave when he was effectively leading the war against the Iron Born if he wanted to continue to push them north he would need more men.

So he left Gunthor and Baelor in charge of holding the line which hopefully would not be challenged while he was away and sailed for the coast before being the two week ride to Renly's camp, hopeful that for once perhaps he might actually find get the men he needed.

The Red Keep, Kings Landing…

The throne room was full of the false cheer that had been in place since Joffrey had ascended to the throne, he held court with his mother smirking like they owned the whole world and could do with it what they wished. Right now they were about to try and get some of their perverse pleasure out of tormenting their subjects or playthings which was a more accurate description of how they thought of their own courtiers.

One of their unfortunate favourites was Sansa Stark who stood there nearly shaking as the idiotic Lance read out an exaggerated account of her brother's latest victory against the Lannister army, only a fool would believe it. Tales of her brother's bloodthirsty pack of wolves descending on 'innocent' men and women and tearing them apart and that was the most level headed explanation for Tywin Lannister's inability to match Robb Stark on the field. It was almost laughable to hear their excuses for their own stupidity.

"Maybe if I send your severed head to your brother he would do homage to his king and end his foolish war." Joffrey said looking at the bruised and naked Sansa, a sadistic grin crossing his face while his mother looked on with deep satisfaction.

Sansa nearly started begging as she had before she had read her father's unexpected letter, to act like a coward for their amusement but then the words of her father ran again through her mind, causing her to stand straight and tall however much her body was hurting or her lack of clothes and looked Joffrey straight in the eye making him look very uncomfortable at her intense glare.

"Do it then, if it spares me the pain and disgust I feel every time I have to look at you then so be it." Her voice was strong surprising even her and a gasp went across the room while Joffrey and his mother looked at her like she had changed into another person right before their eyes. Well maybe she had Sansa thought to herself, even if they did kill her then she would be free of them and Robb would not have to limit his actions for her sake. Joffrey actually went red in the face and shouted like a child having a tantrum.

"I can have you tortured till you beg for death, your life is at my command." He told her but his weaselly little voice no longer made her shake in fear, her father had been right she thought with a slight smile. She just stared defiantly back at him as murmurs went around the court as they looked at this bruised and naked girl standing up to the king.

Cersei was seething inside as this barbarian girl had the gall to stand there and mock her golden king, she was about to scream for the girl to die right there and then when she heart sank as someone she despised even more entered the room.

"I see my nephew your common sense has once again been overwhelmed by your bloodlust, Hound give the girl your cloak and Bronn, kill Ser Trant." Tyrion said without care as he entered the room, the Hound doing as he was told without a second of hesitation and Bronn gaining a vicious grin as he advanced on Ser Trant who looked panicked towards his king before Bronn did as he was bid and struck him down, spilling his blood across the floor.

While everyone even Sansa looked on shocked that one of the Kingsguard had just been executed right in front of them, Joffrey and Cersei were more shocked than any of them and Tyrion took the opportunity as Sansa was being wrapped up in the Hound's cloak to say with his usual sardonic tone.

"I will not put Jaime's or any other prisoner's lives at risk to satisfy your cravings for violence or blood shed your grace, Lady Sansa will be returned to her rooms and kept there for now until her injuries are healed." Tyrion and his men then escorted Lady Sansa out of the room and without looking back he ordered. "Someone clean up the mess Ser Trant has made of the throne room and remove the body."

Tyrion was surprised slightly at his own actions but at the time they seemed like the smart thing to do, he needed to keep Joffrey under control to avoid another riot and keeping Sansa Stark whole and healthy to make sure his brother stayed the same although he had heard from Varys that Jaime was being treated well by the Starks not even trying to escape, not least because he had told them truthfully that it was Lancel that had pushed Bran Stark out of the window on their sister's orders.

Another reason he had taken to tormenting Lancel when ever he could Tyrion thought with a smirk.

Bloodstone, the Stepstones…

Arya was groaning as she ached from the multiple blows of Jaqen's staff as she could not see through the blindfold, his lessons were harsh but she had learnt the hard way to master her senses, to use her ears and nose more and not be dependant on her eyes.

Syrio and the other instructors were intensifying her training, if she was not in the yard being exhausted and bruised she was in the library reading books that Lady Rhaenys and Lady Olenna had suggested to her, specifically journals of great women throughout history or playing cyvasse with Jothos Velaryon to develop her tactical and strategic skills. Any time left she could spent with Nymeria, rebuilding their connection.

It was exhausting and she had little energy for anything else but she did not mind at all, in fact she was grateful as the more she learnt the better equipped she was for when she took her revenge on the Lannisters. Her cheeks darkened though as she saw the blacksmith Gendry staring at her in her sparring outfit, still not used to dealing with a boy looking at her like a girl. He should have been focusing on his own training she thought, trying to hide her embarrassment. Gendry was learning to wield his hammer to break men rather than make steel and would soon be heading out to join the front lines in the war against the Iron Born.

That she hoped would spare her any more blushing and was glad when Nymeria came up to her, nuzzling her her hand with her nose and she could for a while play with her direwolf to distract herself from thoughts of boys and ruling.

Storm's End the Stormlands, two weeks later…

Harry's body and the bodies of the rest of the men that rode with him were sore and exhausted when they finally reached Renly's camp, they had been riding day and night for two weeks to get here and were grateful for the chance to rest properly even for a short time although Harry himself had grown increasingly unsure of the reason for his sister bringing him here as they rode. While he doubted it was a trap, if they meant to send him men why not just do it? Why have him ride all the way to the camp? His doubts about this were increasing as each moment passed but nevertheless Harry led his men into the camp.

It was enormous although Harry had seen bigger camps on his travels, namely in Yi Ti and while well organised even he new to the camp could sense the boredom that radiated across it, especially from the men of the Stormlands. They had come expecting to fight and win glory for themselves, their families and their homeland, instead they were languishing here and morale falling lower every day, Harry shook his head, if Renly and Loras and indeed Margaery were unaware of how bad the mood was in the camp then any understanding of others they might have had must surely have gone.

Crowns had done worst to people before Harry thought darkly.

He and his men were very different to them, it was more than just a feeling though Harry thought as he walked through the camp. Their armour and weapons was clean and as fresh as the day they were made, Harry and his men meanwhile while their armour was cleaned but still had traces of mud, blood and rust that could be found here and there. There were dents in the steel from where enemy weapons had hit it or shields had bashed it, and more critically there was a confidence with which they moved not naively as the men in Renly's camp as most had never seen war before, no Harry's men moved precisely with an alertness their less experienced compatriots lacked.

Most men gave Harry an admiring glance as he passed, he himself was glad of it as the more they realised he was not like his forefathers now then less he had to prove to them later. The camp's septon even gave him a bow which Harry returned with a nod of his head, no doubt due to his committing resources to rebuild the Starry Sept.

He eventually navigated the sea of tents to find Renly, sitting in on a tourney of all things which made Harry shake his head, at least he could pat himself on the back for reading Renly correctly. He was about to make himself known when he noticed an auburn haired woman sitting near the 'royal' stand. He had never met her before but given the similar looks between her and Sansa Stark it could only be the girl's mother, Catelyn Stark. He was a bit surprised at her presence but it was he realised quickly an ideal opportunity to give her the news about Arya and return Ice to House Stark, he was about to go and find a tent so he could quickly apparate back to Bloodstone to pick up Arya's letter and Ice when Margaery noticed him.

"HARRY!" She called out with a smile on his face, so Harry forced a grin and went over to see his sister and new goodbrother. He felt every eye fall on him as he approached so he minded his manners.

"Your graces." Harry said with a slight bow and was quick to catch his sister and she came over and gave him a rather unexpected hug, his smile became genuine as he caught her in his arms and how happy she was to be queen even if it was to a waste of space like Renly.

"Are you alright? I heard words you'd been injured?" Margaery asked looking him over with a keen eye which only made Harry laugh, feeling in much better humour than when he had arrived.

"Only in the Iron Born's dreams dear sister." Harry reassured her and he turned to face Renly who looked at him with a wide and jolly smile that seemed to dim any intelligence that had been in his eyes and there had not been a lot there to start with Harry thought with disdain his bad mood starting to return.

"Lord Tyrell, welcome to my camp I only wish you had been here earlier to enjoy the tourney I am throwing in honour of your victory at Greyshield." Renly said like he had done Harry a great favour.

However Harry was not grateful for a tourney as everyone knew he considered them a waste of time, this was about Renly indulging himself in the benefits of his station just like his brother had done. Harry could already see in his mind's eye a fatter Renly trying to look resplendent on the Iron Throne but looking as much of a wastrel as his brother if not worst, at least Robert had been an admired warrior once and gotten the glory of winning his crown...Renly would not even have that.

History was repeating itself and Harry honestly did not think it would thank them for it, his mood darkened and while he kept his smile on his face it was a performance nothing more.

"Let's retire to my tent and discuss the distribution of my soldiers." Renly said with a smile and to Harry it looked more than a little stupid but if it got him the troops Harry needed to push the Iron Born north he could put up with it, so Harry followed him back to his tent and was disappointed at how it was set up for luxury rather than practicality but put that aside and was ready to discuss getting additional men to the front when Renly started speaking.

"I can of course forgive the recalling of men by the coastal houses but now that the Iron Born have been defeated I will expect them to return to camp along with your own men and aid our march to Kings Landing." Renly said with a confident smile on his face.

Harry's mood instantly turned far darker as the truth dawned on him, there had never been any intention of giving him more men instead it had been an excuse to get him here because they thought he would cave in Renly's presence.

"We might have beaten them back your grace but the Iron Born will come again, to protect the Reach's coast the armies of the coastal houses and mine must stay were they are." Harry said gritting his teeth with effort to stay civil when all he wanted to do was curse the annoying prick right in front of him. Renly however either did accept that or pretended not to hear it and told him with a laugh.

"Once we have taken Kings Landing and Robb Stark has bend the knee I will gladly lead our army against the Iron Born I assure you, but for now I need all my men here to win this war for House Baratheon." Renly told him with that stupid grin still on his face.

Harry inside was seething however calm he appeared on the outside, this fucking moron was going to be the death of countless people on the coast just so he could have his enormous army around him and feel important. How long would it take for him to get to Kings Landing and win the city...a month...a year? And just how was he going to get Robb Stark to bend the knee? Harry honestly had met some stupid people in his life but he didn't think anyone was quite as pathetically naive and just plain dumb as Renly Baratheon.

"I must respectfully decline your grace." Harry said coldly, his eyes hardening until his gaze was as hard as diamonds. "While you seem content to allow my homeland to bleed and burn I am not." Harry told him and while Renly looked shocked at the unexpected refusal and the female knight who wore the symbol of House Tarth on her armour that was guarding Renly glared at him Harry left the tent with the intention of leaving the next day to return to the front. He was about ready to gut Renly right there and then as how could someone be that much of idiot? He raged. Was it genetic? Were all the men of his house a bunch of morons? Harry thought to himself, Stannis maybe not but he could only reserve judgement on that until he had seen more of the man in action.

He ducked into his borrowed tent and when he was sure the coast was clear he apparated back to Bloodstone and got both Ice and the letter Arya had written for her mother and returned quickly, while Lady Catelyn was here he might as well pass them on while he thought what the hell he was going to do.

He left the tent with the sword wrapped up in a bundle and his men forming behind him as he went looking for Lady Stark, it did not take him long as her tent was not far from his. She had once been a beauty Harry noted but lines had appeared across her face which were no doubt due to stress, after all she had lost her husband, her father, two sons and her daughters either missing or a captive. Such pressure would no doubt break a lesser woman and it made Harry respect her more, she looked up and her blue eyes were irritated but polite.

"Lord Tyrell, I noticed your arrival earlier." She greeted him but clearly wanted him gone, with a glance around to make sure there was no one else present Harry put the bundle containing Ice down on the table and unwrapped it to reveal the sword inside. Catelyn was struck dumb at the sight of her late husband's sword and looked confused at Harry until he explained.

"It was my men that rescued and tended to him after he was ambushed trying to flee the Red Keep, Baelish had ordered it to start the war we are in now. My only regret is we could not stop the poison that took Lord Stark's life but I assure you Lady Catelyn he did not suffer." Harry told her earnestly, it still pained him that he had failed to save Lord Stark and only made his determination to protect Arya even stronger...he had failed once never again he resolved.

"Petyr!" Catelyn exclaimed in denial but when she had calmed down Harry explained the situation to her, while she was fiercely loyal to her family the way Petyr leered at her and the fact Lysa had not come to their aid in the war was evidence in his favour so she could do little to argue against it. Harry nodded and told her the rest now that he had her full attention.

"I was able to rescue your daughter Arya when I attempted to save Lord Stark, she is safe under my protection at Bloodstone. She sent you this letter." Harry said passing the message Arya had sent her mother who grabbed it roughly before nearly tearing it open and reading it as fast as her eyes would let her. A tear rolled down her cheek and she held the letter close to her chest, a smile now on her face and taking years off of her as she had the first good news in likely a long time.

"When can she be sent to Riverrun?" Catelyn demanded, eager to have her daughter back. Harry who had been smiling himself then frowned at her request and answered her as politely as he could.

"Lady Stark, I swore an oath to Lord Stark before he died that I would protect Arya and shield her from harm and I intend to fulfil that promise. She will not be safe with you and Robb while the war is going on, your son is now a king and kings are always surrounded by snakes that would strike them down for their own benefit. She is hidden and protected in my home and learning at a very fast rate as her teachers have informed me, if the worst should happen then she will be safe with no one being the wiser."

Catelyn wanted to argue but couldn't as she knew full well the odds against her son and just who they were up against...Tywin Lannister. A man of that great cunning and ruthlessness would not stop until all members of House Stark were dead and while she wanted her daughter in her arms again, she knew she would be safer far from the war. Even though in the North the Glovers had retaken Deepwood Motte and the Tallharts had taken back Torrhen's Square and they had the Lannister army on the run the future was always in question, who knows what vicious scheme the Old Lion could cook up.

"I understand Lord Tyrell, but may I send her a letter? I want her to know..." Catelyn started talking but failed as her voice broke with joy at her daughter being alive and safe, Sansa might be a prisoner but at least she knew Arya was alright. Lord Tyrell nodded and they talked about a code system they could use for Arya to correspond with her mother and brother via ravens. She wrote a letter there and then for her daughter which Harry would pass along later, she took Ice with the intention of giving it to Robb when she returned to him after her talks with Renly which Harry knew were likely to be as fruitless as his own.

- x -

Night fell and Harry was getting ready to finally have some overdue sleep after being on the road riding hard for days, he would have used magic to get back but did not want any awkward questions about how he had done it so fast, that meant doing things the normal way.

He was still fuming inside over having to come here in the first place and leaving the front lines for nothing, the Iron Born could return at any time and he needed to be there when it happened if for no other reason than to counter Euron. The only good thing that had come about from it was that he had managed to establish a weak but potentially useful tie to House Stark.

Loras and Margaery entered his tent and looked furious, Harry gave an irritated sigh as he knew full well a confrontation was coming and turned with his arms folded and his face resigned.

"What did you say to Renly? I just spent an hour reassuring him that our house fully supports him?" Loras demanded as he stormed in.

"I told him that I will not be sending the men back from the coast where they are badly needed! We might have beaten the Iron Born back but as soon as their battered pride demands it they will return, I can't afford to have men wasting time here on tourneys when there is a war going on." Harry said firmly, sure in his judgement and unshakable as stone.

"But surely they aren't such a threat? We beat them back before we could do it again." Margaery said with a naivety in military matters that was to be expected, after all Olenna knew nothing of such things and thought them foolish so her best student would likewise have a similar mindset. Harry made a note to himself to make sure Arya knew of such things before turning his attention back to his siblings.

"They raid and rape our homeland and you will just let them because you think they will be easy to beat? Little comfort to the people who actually live there and to our vassals that would endure those attacks while their fighting men are away, acting useless tourneys for a moron who knows nothing about being a king and lives in a fucking dream world of his own devising where everything is sunshine and roses!" Harry said his own voice starting to rise as his tiredness and irritation stretched his patience too far. Loras suddenly became a purple colour like their father had the last time Harry and Mace had met.

"HOW DARE YOU! RENLY IS A GREAT KING!" Loras shouted at Harry whose glare only got stronger as he spoke back albeit quieter than his brother.

"Renly has wasted weeks camping here with his pointless tourneys. He could have been in Kings Landing and ended this war by now if he were less preoccupied with the benefits of his position and cared more about the responsibilities that came with it." Harry fired back and as the two brothers argued for what seemed like an age while Margaery tried in vain to play peace keeper, Harry realised that he had only one choice if he wanted to even the odds against him and continue to hound the Iron Born to their home...he would have to again deploy the dragons but where and how?

That was a question that haunted him all night as he tried to sleep.

The Westerlands Coast…

Harry Tyrell had a right to be concerned as denied the rich pickings of the Reach coast, the Iron Born and their pirate allies were enjoying themselves with whatever was left to take on the Westerlands coast. No settlement escaped unscathed and they had barely enough to time to rally after one raid before another came, the coastal houses wept as their lands and families were devastated but Tywin Lannister would not let their men march home to protect them.

Euron Greyjoy was tonight anchored off Riverspring and enjoying the last daughter of House Sarwyck Elyana. He took a great deal of pleasure at watching her hang her head in shame as she limped off towards the ruined castle that had been her home, he tried to gather some water to throw at her but no matter how hard he tried he could not seem to get it to respond. He was frustrated and then with a surge of anger finally managed to get the water to respond only the girl was now far away.

He could not understand why his control of it was slipping or why his hair which had once been brown was now as a white as fresh snow or his face lined so much but as long as it did what he wanted why should he care? When he returned to kill that fucker that had ruined his great reave, surely he would regain control?

The men watched their king though and many wondered if their king was losing his grip on reality as he started to laugh wildly for no reason at all.

The cliffs near Storm's End, the following morning…

The wind was cold and hard as a party led by Renly Baratheon rode out to meet with his brother who had landed nearby, Harry was struggling not to scowl as despite his best efforts his sister had badgered him into joining the party to 'project unity'. He was going to ride back for the front later that day regardless of what anyone said but for whatever was left of his relationship with his sister he had agreed to ride with them. Lady Stark was riding with them too, largely at his sister's insistence to give the impression that the Starks and their allies had sided with Renly, another of the pointless posturing his house was known for Harry thought to himself. If he did eventually become head of their house that was something he was going to put a stop too.

Renly and Loras were ignoring him which suited Harry fine, their idiocy drove him up the wall anyway and the female knight that had apparently bested Loras to join the Renly's Kingsguard was glaring at him. Harry ignored Brienne of Tarth as she was named, her own blind devotion to Renly was rather sad to him as she was he had heard a remarkably skilled warrior, swore to a king that would not appreciate her or use her to her greatest potential. There seemed to be a lot of that going around Harry mused with sadness, what a waste.

Stannis' party then came into view and although in matched their numbers as the two would be kings dug their standards into the ground, Harry took a moment to study Stannis Baratheon. He was as severe as ever, looking even more stern and uncompromising than he had the last he'd seen him which was on his first visit to Kings Landing years ago. He kept his hair cropped short and no beard to get in the way and his armour was practical, a lean man and muscular man unlike the more slender Renly the picture of a Storm King Harry thought, it was shame he did not have a more flexible personality or Harry would probably have declared for him. Someone who would take the position of king seriously rather than ignore his responsibilities.

Just as he was about to tune out the rest of the two men both refusing to bend to the other however, Harry noticed the flame haired woman that was now speaking at Stannis' side.

"The king has taken for his sigil the fiery heart of the Lord of Light."

While Renly joked of her admittedly great beautiful being the reason for Stannis finding religion, Harry's eyes narrowed with anger. He had hoped to never see one of these worshippers of the Red God again and could not help but speak his disgust at the mere sight of her.

"Westeros needs your Lord of Light like it needs the Great Spring Sickness come again." Everyone turned their attention to him including the Red Priestess who did not look pleased at his comparing her god to a disease that had killed hundreds if not thousands. Renly was surprised to hear him speak and at the hatred Harry was directing at the fire priestess.

"Do you know her Lord Tyrell?" He asked and Harry answered without taking his eyes off the woman known as Melisandre who glared at him in turn.

"This one personally your grace...no but I know her kind. I met them during my travelling days, they love burning people alive especially children if memory serves." Harry told his 'king' who instantly looked ill at the mention of burning children alive as did the rest of Renly's group and one member of Stannis' party too, a man at Stannis' right with a grey beard and what looked like fingers missing from one of his hands. Melisandre did not flinch at the mention of burning children and instead answered like it was nothing to be ashamed of.

"They were necessary sacrifices, our lord commands it." She had no guilt about it, none at all Harry realised and he decided to really rile her up in the hopes she would do something stupid so he could end her right here and now before she corrupted Westeros with her religion.

"I led the charge into Volantis to stop their 'Great Festival' where they would have burned thousands of innocents including babes not even out of their mothers' bellies for their lord." Harry said and the anger in Melisandre's eyes intensified. "We must have killed thousands of your brothers and sisters in faith that day, burned your great temple to the ground and from what I hear your faith is not particularly popular in Essos these days. People take exception to burning children it seems." Harry said with a serious look on his face and while Melisandre looked ready to burst she did nothing.

Their audience looked on with both interest and concern as they glared at each other. Melisandre eventually saying.

"Look to your sins Lord Tyrell for the night is dark and full of terrors." If that was meant to scare Harry it failed and he snapped back.

"A cult that burns children for their god can only be serving an evil creature. Look to your sins because I' am one of those terrors."

A chill ran through all of them as they looked on before eventually getting back to the matter of who was going to sit on the Iron Throne, Harry and Melisandre just glared at each other until the groups parted ways.

Harry rode out later that afternoon after bidding a difficult farewell to Margaery and Loras, neither was happy with his refusal to play nice with Renly when it meant threatening the Reach's security. He had a long ride ahead of them and Harry had other things to do as well, he carried on with the horse for the whole two days on a hard ride before that night at the inn they stopped at to rest telling them to go on without him before apparating back to Bloodstone to meet with Rhaenys.

"Have you heard?" She told him the moment he appeared. He looked up confused.

"Heard what?" He asked hoping the Iron Born had not attacked while he was away but it was nothing of the sort.

"Renly Baratheon has been assassinated by one of his own Kingsguard Brienne of Tarth." Rhaenys told him with worry. "All the armies of the Stormlands have gone to Stannis who intends to attack Kings Landing."

That was a worry Harry thought to himself, while Stannis taking the capital would tear the heart out of the Lannister war effort it meant the Red God would be enforced as the official religion festering in the heart of Kings Landing. Suddenly he was very glad that he had moved all the city's orphans out of harm's way or they would likely have been the first targets of their sacrificial burnings.

"Have the Lannisters any plans to repel the attack?" Harry asked, wondering if he could use this somehow. Rhaenys nodded having used his surveillance spells and some of their deeply embedded spies to keep an eye on events in the Red Keep and the city in general.

"Tyrion Lannister is apparently planning to use a wildfire filled ship to destroy his fleet, Zara still has some assets in Kings Landing who report to her." Rhaenys told him and Harry had a brief think before saying.

"Have Alys and her allies pull their forces back during the battle so Stannis cannot react, they represent half his army and none are particularly loyal to the Baratheons. If Stannis fails to take the city then most will jump ship and be severely depleted while Alys and her allies stay strong and can take the Stormlands by force. In the meantime though you and I must get the dragons ready, since we can't expect more men from anywhere we will have even the odds against us another way." Harry said while his wife just blinked and said.

"Do I get a say in this?" Her eyes arched which Harry knew as a sign of danger so he backtracked with a sigh.

"I'm sorry my love, it seems everything is moving so quickly we hardly have time to think." Harry said taking her hand and putting a kiss on it which she accepted after giving him a punch to the shoulder.

"You big idiot." She told him with a smile. "I would have done the same, besides its time that we gave Aeron and Daena some more experience riding their dragons."

Harry nodded glad not to have pissed off his wife, besides given the size of the job having five dragons would certainly be easier than doing it with three. Rhaenys looked at him with a sad smile.

"The children miss you." She said simply and he said with a sad smile of his own.

"I miss them too, if they are still awake I will go see them."

"They are, I just hope you wrap this little war of yours up before too long, if I have to spend another night reassuring them their father is coming home then next time I will fight the war and you can stay home with the children. Its certainly something that would get harder after the next one arrives." She said wearily but a smile started to form at the last few words, Harry himself was struck speechless at her telling him she was pregnant again. He embraced her and tears started to form in their eyes, happy cries of father broke them from this moment as their children came running around the corner and tried to hug him all at once. Harry bent down and held them all, cherishing the moment as soon all he would hear would be the screams of men as they died.

Beyond the Wall…

Jon Snow had expected so much more when he joined the Watch, it really was nothing more than a place for criminals to go and die slowly or quickly if the Wildlings got them first that he had been warned of he thought disappointed.

That was another revelation to him though he thought with great surprise, the Wildlings. From Old Nan's stories he had imagined a pack of ravenous monsters that murdered and stole from anyone who breathed. True some were he had learned like that but many like the beautiful red haired archer near him were just people trying to survive.

Jon had to stop himself from letting his thoughts dwell on the young woman who was with him, she roused feelings in him that he had never experienced before and ones that put him at odds with his duty to the Watch. A part of him wished dearly that he had met her before swearing to the Watch, that he had not made those vows at all but he struggled against it. His duty was to the Wall now, he could never have any kind of other life, however those thoughts depressed him.

For the moment as they had separated from the rest of his brothers as he chased her and he saw the still bound Ygritte sitting in the middle of a grove, looking absolutely terrified but not at him. He only realised why when he himself entered the grove, in-between the trees all around were snarling direwolves...at least twenty or more as far as he could count. Jon dearly wished for a moment that Ghost and the rest of his brothers were with him as he came up to Ygritte and was about to free her of her binding and draw his own sword. Fear struck him deep but he was not going to go down without a fight.

Then the largest wolf of all emerged from a narrow gap in the earth in the roots of the largest wierwood tree, that Jon realised must be their den. It was far larger than Ghost or even his wolf's mother had been and its fur was completely dark, it's fur was so black that it made his cloak looked white in comparison and its eyes were the same disturbing red as his own wolf's. Jon was struck dumb for a moment as it trotted up to him and Ygritte who scrambled away into his arms, he held her tight as they both prepared to die.

Then just as they closed their eyes and waited for death, a thump sounded and after a moment they realised the wolves had not sunk their teeth into them yet. Jon and Ygritte opened their eyes and saw the great wolf was staring at them intently and tapping its paw on something. They both looked at whatever it was tapping and saw a sword.

Ygritte being an archer did not know much about swords although it was she admitted the prettiest looking blade she had ever seen. Shorter than one of the overgrown broad swords she seen most use it was double edged and a ruby in the hilt. Nice she supposed but could honestly say much more about it.

Jon however was far better versed in swords, he saw immediately the ripples in the steel and the expert craftsmanship that could only come from one place, the magnificent wolf appeared to be getting impatient and with its paw it pushed the sword towards Jon who was astonished but slowly he reached for the blade and the moment he took it the wolves all ran away, south Jon noted towards the Wall and a thundering in the woods revealed more animals must surely be doing the same thing.

Jon was disturbed at that, why would so many animals especially the fierce and powerful direwolves be so desperate to go south? It troubled him so he looked back at the sword, it was beautiful he admitted and he was right it was was Valyrian steel. He honestly had no idea how such a sword came to be here but feeling its lighter than normal weight in his hands was strange like an echo that touched a part of him he had not known was there.

"What metal is that?" Ygritte asked interrupting his line of thought, looking at the sword having never seen such metal before, Jon told her while still looking at the sword.

"Valyrian steel, the strongest and best metal in the world. Made by the dragon lords hundreds of years ago it is so rare that most would sell their souls and all they own for a sword made of it."

"Well." Ygritte said with a cheeky grin. "The wolf gave you the sword so you'd best take it, I'm an archer not a swordswoman."

"I could teach you." Jon said, the words coming out before he could stop them. He honestly did not know why he had said it but Ygritte while taken aback for a moment only teased him.

"I' am sure you could show me 'your sword' anytime." Her grin and words were flirtatious and he could not stop his cheeks reddening. Neither he nor his would be lover noticed the raven watching them from the tree branches.

- x -

Brynden Rivers watched the pair through the raven's eyes and smiled, the future was shifting everyday and Jon Snow as he called himself would need a Valyrian steel weapon. The beasts had carried the sword to him since Brynden could not be sure as things were that the Mormont sword would be given and because he was the last Targaryen with any skill at swordplay it was only fitting that Dark Sister should go to him.

His gaze then turned to the red haired archer at the boy's side, he had seen before that her fate was to die at the Wall but now it seemed to be changing. Brynden was confused and wondered if she might live beyond then or die before and what changes that could bring. Positive ones he hoped, that was why he was sending all the living beasts to an opening in the Wall he knew of.

The more he saved then the less beasts for the Night King to control Brynden thought, best get back to work though he thought, after all he still had a Stark boy to teach when he got here.

Feastfires, the Westerlands…

In preparation for another assault on the rich pickings of the Reach a large fleet of Iron Born and Pirate ships were moored off the coast of Feastfires, well over eight hundred ships that would join with Euron's own squadron once he arrived for an overwhelming assault that was sure to re-establish their superiority over the sea and coast. The men slept on their ships rather than camp on the shore or the buildings they raided, too much chance of the locals trying to slit their throats in their sleep.

They were relaxed, not in the least worried about an attack the sea was their protector and their lifeblood. It would protect them from all threats.

Or so they thought.

High above with the dark night acting as cover for their approach, five dragons flew as quietly as possible towards the moored fleet. The moon lit their way as they navigated to their target which finally was in sight.

Harry sat on Talos as he looked down at the enemy below, he led the formation as for the first time all five of their dragons would be used at once. His eyes focused on his targets and then urged Talos into a dive, the other four dragons followed in their wake.

The dragons roared as they began their dive, the Iron Born or Pirates on deck looking around for the source of the unexpected noise. The men below deck all woke at how loud it was but no one saw the dragons until the last moment.

Talos drew first blood...or first flame his great maw letting loose an inferno of flames so hot and large that they incinerated the first three ships they hit, men scorched to ashes before they had a chance to scream but the heat ignited fires on several nearby ships as the fire continued to engulf ship after ship in the loose formation they had moored in. Men on those ships had time to scream as they burned, some throwing themselves overboard in an attempt to stop the fire.

Skyborn and Aegeron who was carrying Rhaenys followed just behind, their blasts of flame nearly as powerful as Talos' own as they struck other areas of the stationary flotilla and behind them the slightly smaller and younger Meleys and Caelor carrying Aeron and Daena respectively let loose their own fire.

Great plumes of flames struck columns of ships in a single dive before they would climb and turn in for another run. Five or ten ships at a time were being destroyed or damaged so badly they would sink in short order, some tried to weigh anchor and set sail to escape the onslaught but there was no escape, they could not sail fast enough to escape the dragon's flames. Dozens of burned men swam as best they could for land but many despite being sailors could not swim and drowned long before reaching land where the few that did with their half naked and burned bodies would be easy prey for the locals, no weapons or armour the raiders stood little chance against their former victims who would soon take their revenge.

The dragons continued their attack until the last ship fell victim to the combined power of Talos and Aegeron, Harry and Rhaenys looked down at the wreckage of around eight hundred ships that covered the ocean below them and the bodies that floated on the surface. They both knew this time there was no real chance of covering the existence of the dragons up this time. Survivors from the fleet and the nearby local town were sure to have seen something and would spread word of what had happened here. There was no chance of these things being linked back to them but better to be safe than sorry, they left the scene of utter carnage and flew back home, careful to steer clear or settlements to make sure no one could plot their destination.

- x -

Harry and Rhaenys were right to suspect their actions would be noticed. Word of the destruction of nearly half of Euron's navy spread on the wings of ravens and word of mouth faster than they ever could have predicted.

In Kings Landing…

"FIND THOSE DRAGONS! I WANT THEIR HEADS!" Joffrey screamed at Tyrion and the rest of the Small Council deciding for once to attend one of their meetings, who were all rather dismissive of the claims. They had heard the Targaryen girl over in Essos had three dragons but she was very far away and they were not convinced by those rumours either.

"I am sure your grace, but I think you are tired and need your sleep. Grandmaester, perhaps a draft to help him sleep?" Tyrion said, not as a suggestion but a command. Joffrey insisted he wasn't tired but he started to falter under his gaze and Pycelle who had been cowed into service by now did as he was bid, escorting the boy to his room with the Hound.

Tyrion was somewhat astonished at having managed that small miracle but his mind also dwelt on the dragons, his childhood fascination stirring, wishing he could have seen them for himself but also he was worried. Someone out there had the most dangerous weapons that Westeros and perhaps the entire world have ever known and they had no idea of just who it was. He cared little for the Greyjoys or even his own homeland but those dragons might well be turned on them next.


Stannis was furious, even though he now had the army he needed to attack Kings Landing someone had dragons. A weapon he no way of countering and if they were on his side then why had they not come before him, so they were likely planning to attack him. He might have put off taking the throne but hopefully if he sat on the Iron Throne his enemy would come to him or emerge into the open. Davos had agreed with him that it was a good plan while Melisandre seemed disturbed that creatures that were the living embodiments of her lord's power were hidden from her sight, even after hours of staring into the flames she had no answers to give him. So he would have to try and draw them out on his own.


Tywin was a practical man and did not for a second believe that the dragons were responsible for the destruction of the fleet off Feastfires, no one could have hidden them so well that they could have reached the size it was whispered they were without being noticed. More likely to his mind that in the midst of drunken revelry the Iron Born had started a fire and destroyed their own ships.

He convinced himself of that but he was so distracted by this and his war with Robb Stark that he failed to notice the small group of men that sneaked out of Harrenhal.


Robb Stark was shocked at the news of dragons somewhere in the south, like everyone else he had thought them extinct and was worried that they could be turned on his people even if for the moment they were directed at their seemingly mutual enemy the Iron Born.

He could not seek out the owners of the dragons since he did not know where they were but he would keep his eyes open, any sign of where they came from and hopefully he would not become the second King in the North to bend the knee because if they were turned on him he would probably have too.

The Sea…

Euron was quiet, an unusual thing to see as he stared into his drink.

The Storm God mocked him with beasts that he had dreamt of controlling but did not have the means. He did not know how to stop it or take them for himself but one thing for sure, he would make them bleed for this insult to him.

- x -

Harry left Rhaenys to take the dragons back to Bloodstone while he used apparation to catch up with his men and rejoin his men at the front, the mood was celebratory Harry noted with a smile, glad his little sneak attack had raised morale. They would need it for what Harry had planned next, seeing Paxter Redwyne coming towards him he shook the respected Admiral's hand and said.

"It is good to have you here my lord, ready the ships, its time to send those rapist murdering thugs back where they belong."

Paxter was confused but soon smiled, this was going to be an interesting day for history.

The Sea near Fair Isle…

With the destruction of their squadrons anchored off Feastfires, the last ships of the Iron Fleet gathered near Fair Isle. Many had deserted when the dragons had been mentioned in whispers fearful of being attacked leaving Euron only six hundred ships remaining, a mix of warships and long boats whose crews were held rigid by their fear of their king who seemed to grow more unstable by the day.

Euron was now completely white haired and his face so lined you would think it was done on purpose, unnatural in a man of his age even one that sailed the seas all their lives. His moods were swinging constantly, never did any of them know just what they would be faced with each day. One time he would be laughing and joking with his men like they were all the greatest of friends and the next he would keelhaul a man for just not smiling in his presence.

Nevertheless fear of him held them tightly to his side, even when the eight hundred ships of the Reach and the Stepstones approached they formed up for battle rather than run.

Catapults fired first, being a completely clear day there was nothing to obscure their aim, the now experienced men of Harry's fleet getting the range and the bearing before their counterparts did hitting them hard with barrels of oil set ablaze, rocks or whatever else they were using to bombard the Iron Born ships which hit back as soon as they were in range.

As the range closed, the harpax was deployed stabbing into ships so they could be boarded or set aflame, those ships that had no harpax used either rams or short range catapults to engage.

A small squadron of ships belonging to House Drumm on the outer edges of the Iron Born fleet made a run towards the Silence, Lord Drumm imagining that if he could kill the enemy commander and seize his ship then he could turn the battle around and gain the favour of his king. The chance of great riches and more Valyrian steel too much to resist as they took dead aim on the Silence.

Lord Drumm was salivating as his ships drew closer to their target, so focused on it that when his ship was struck by a sudden impact, he was thrown to the deck. All his crew and those of the six or seven ships with him looked around to see where the sudden fire was coming from and from the direction of Fair Isle approaching them catapults firing was a motley collection of ships baring the boar of House Crakehall, the orange and black sunbursts of House Kenning and the three white ships of House Farman on their sails.

At the helm of an old and patched up warship was Ser Lyle Crakehall, also known as the Strongboar. His gaze narrowed as he saw the fuckers that had threatened his home and raped then killed his mother, he and those of the houses that stood with him could no longer stand by and allow them to rape and reave their homes and had returned home to protect it. That they happened to have engaged the Iron Fleet at the same time as the Reach had was a point in his favour he mused.

He saw the flagship of House Drumm closer and yelled out to the oarsmen.

"RAMMING SPEED!" The most effective weapon his ship was the vicious looking ram on the front and his ship had a straight path to Lord Drumm's ship. The oarsmen worked till their muscles ached and their hands were bleeding to get up the necessary speed to send the vicious ram into the wooden hull of Lord Drumm's ship.

- x -

Euron watched from his ship as confusion took hold, his ships were losing cohesion and the unexpected attack from Fair Isle had some of them running. That would not do he thought and summoned his gauntlet's power again, massing a hard wave to blast the Westerland ships smirking as it was ready to be unleashed when suddenly a sharp pain in his arm broke his concentration, the wave was released but in the wrong direction.

It slammed into a squadron of ships belonging to House Blacktyde, forcing many to capsize or be damaged and pushed back. Euron was able to see the results of his actions for a split second before his vision blackened and he lost consciousness, his men all too confused and afraid to know just what to do without their commander and one by one they turned for home, hoping they would be safe there.

- x -

Harry stood on the wheel of the Silence, his satisfaction high as the remaining Iron Born withdrew from the battle especially after they had devastated two thirds of their fleet. Their losses had been light, only ten ships as still the Iron Born had no way to counter the harpax and being pirates and raiders their co-ordination had been weak. He on the other hand had the well drilled Redwyne Navy and his own fleet behind him.

Still a frown came to his face as he remembered the way the wave had hit the Iron Born instead of the Westerlands ships that had shown up, either Euron was losing control of the gauntlet or his madness had become so great that he no longer cared who he hurt. Either was not good for the people of this world and it hardened his resolve to end Euron once and for all.

"My lord, the other ships approach under a flag of truce." Kanoro said drawing his attention to their unexpected allies, Harry looked over and realised that of their motley collection of ships only three Westerland Houses were represented here and not a single Lannister flag was amongst them. The lead ship, a rather battered looking war galley flying the flag of House Crakehall drew alongside the Silence and a plank was lowered.

Accompanied by some guards was a very broad man in his early thirties, his height was as great as the muscles that would be a rival for even a professional body builder, especially with the ease he carried both a large battle axe in one hand and the Great sword Red Rain (which Harry assumed he had taken from Lord Drumm) in the other. His hair was dark and a bushy beard which revealed a smile.

"LORD TYRELL!" The man said in a loud, booming voice that made many jump. "I Ser Lyle Crakehall am most grateful for your attempts to free our coast of the Iron Born and it is a pleasure to meet a man of action." Ser Lyle said with a big beaming smile. Harry felt it was genuine and shook the man's hand, nearly wincing at the strength of his grip.

"Ser Crakehall, you are most welcome. I take it from the fact that there are only three of your homeland's houses that Lord Tywin has not authorised this." Harry asked and Ser Lyle's face went from smiling to furious in the blink of an eye.

"No that fucker left our entire coast to suffer so he can have his arse kicked by Robb Stark instead, my mother was raped and murdered by them. Lord Farman lost two daughters who were taken as saltwives. Lord Terrence's wife was taken too. All this happened because Tywin would not let us go and protect our homes, if saving them means our deaths then so be it." Lyle said with great bitterness.

Harry and Kanoro shared a look, they could understand a man being that desperate and they could only hoped that it did not cause them to regret their actions later. Tywin would not forget a slight and openly disobeying his orders would surely land them all in hot water. For being willing to take that step Harry honestly admired them, to care more about their homes and families than crossing the Old Lion and risking the same kind of treatment the Reynes and Tarbecks had received.

Harry gave a nod of understanding before saying to him.

"Then I hope you will join us as we sail to the Iron Islands and get them back. The Iron Born have plagued our coast for too long and it is time we ended that threat once and for all. Whose with me?" Harry asked and his men cheered including the Westerlanders which made him smile.

It was time to end this war and deal with a menace kings and lords had ignored for centuries.