

once again it aint mine uploaded so i can listen to it - original titel Honour thy blood - by TheBlack'sResurgence

supahsanic6969 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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25 Chs


The students that had been meeting since the beginning of the school year had congregated in an empty classroom on the second floor of the castle after exiting the stadium. They had not planned this meeting but it seemed they had need to discuss what they had just witnesses. They simply stood in silence for some time before Hermione spoke.

"I wasn't expecting that" she almost whispered, shaking her head.

"What were you expecting?" Neville asked. "You heard Dumbledore point out that there were no limitations" he added.

"But I didn't recognise most of those spells and he used fiendfyre, Harry should have been burnt to ashes, as far as I know there is no spell that can do what he did" she said rapidly.

"Hermione you will never be able to know or learn every spell there is" George explained. "Most spells, especially ones like those, can't be learnt from books you can buy, I'll bet that most of that was family magic" he continued.

Hermione just bit her lip worriedly. She thought that she would be able to hold her own in a duel but after witnessing what she had, she knew she had no chance.

"I don't think I could do that, fight like that and use magic like that" she said, breaking from her own thoughts.

The majority of the group nodded their agreement.

"I could" Fred broke in.

Upon seeing the looks of surprise on the faces of those gathered he continued.

"After what happened to mum and Ginny, I wouldn't think twice" he said firmly. "I guess that's why Harry can do it and make it look so easy, just look at everything he has been through and what has been done to him" he explained. "You-Know-Who killed his parents" he pointed out. "If that doesn't explain why to you then you have never had someone close to you killed by him or his nutters" he finished.

"I could too" Neville piped up much to the surprise of the room. "My parents were tortured into insanity by his followers" he informed them.

The people in the room were not aware of this and they all gave a look of sympathy towards the boy.

"My parents were killed fighting him" Susan Bones interjected. "I wouldn't have a problem with it".

"Are you all forgetting that Harry killed that man in cold blood" Ron said exasperatedly. "He had clearly already won, using a lot of dark magic too, and he still killed him" he added shaking his head. "He's turning dark, like I said" he finished a little sadly.

Ron had truly hope that he had been wrong about his friend, but what he had seen today proved otherwise.

"He killed him for you and your family you prat" an angry voice sounded from the door.

Daphne had found the group and was now shaking in rage at what the younger Weasley had said.

"What?" Ron asked, gaping a the revelation.

"He was one of the ones that killed your mother and your sister" she pointed out. "What he did he did for you and because the bastard deserved it, so just shut up with your judgement before you understand" she finished angrily.

"He did that for us?" Fred asked quietly, clearly shocked. "He was one of them?" he added in a fury of his own.

"Yes" Daphne responded heatedly. "Harry is not a killer because he enjoys it, he does it because he has to".

"What do you know Greengrass?" Ron questioned hotly. "You barely know him".

"I write to him every day" she informed the boy. "When was the last time any of you wrote?" she asked accusingly. "He's not the same person you used to know, that I can guarantee" she added knowingly.

Ron and Hermione in particular were looking guilty.

"You're right, he is different" Ron replied with a scowl. "The Harry I know wouldn't have killed him" he said sounding disappointed.

"The Harry you know does not exist anymore" Daphne returned hotly. "He grew up because he had to and he does what he does because he has to, you know his past so you should understand more than anyone else, but you're the only one judging him" she berated the boy.

"Did you speak to him?" Hermione asked quietly. "I saw you follow him out, is he ok?" she inquired further.

"I did speak to him and he will be ok" the blonde replied. "It's not the first nor the last time he will have to kill" she said sadly.

"What do you mean?" Neville asked.

"He's killed before" Daphne said with a shrug. "It's not my place to tell you anything but that wasn't the first time".

The students were surprised by that information and some started to understand the burden of being Harry Potter.

"I don't think any differently about him" Neville announced.

"And so you shouldn't boy" Arcturus said entering the room. "The old fool told me you would be here" he added to Daphne. "If you don't mind I'd like you to come and spend some time with Potter tomorrow" he requested. "He needs a distraction" he continued. "I spoke to your parents and Dumbledore and they agree" he finished.

"What do I say to him?" Daphne asked weakly.

"You say nothing, you just be there for him" Arcturus explained. "I watched a good man like him lose himself and the last thing any of us need is for that to happen".

Daphne nodded. "I'll be there for him" she assured the man.

"Good" Arcturus said simply. "This portkey will bring you to the house at 10am" he informed the girl, handing her a wooden Black crest.

He turned to leave when he was stopped by an angry voice.

"This is your fault" Ron shouted at the man. "You're the reason that Harry is how he is now" he said pointing an accusing finger at him.

Arcturus looked at the boy critically before responding.

"Potter is what he is because that is who he always should have been and would have had he been raised properly" he retorted. "I watched that boy when he was a 14 year old weakling stand against the Dark Lord the night he came back" he continued.

The whole room was paying attention to what the older man was saying.

"He fought well for someone who had piss-poor training, and even though he lost, he stood tall and looked that bastard in the eye and still told him to go and fuck himself" he added proudly. "I watched him as a child be tortured time and time again and he refused to die on his knees, he looked the man in the eye and laughed at him" he continued further. "Potter has always been who he is, he just didn't know it until then" he finished.

"What is your interest in Harry?" Hermione asked after a moment. "You're family isn't exactly known for being light" she added quietly.

"The boy is of my blood" Arcturus said simply. "You all see him as a Potter because that is the name he carries, but he has just as much Black blood in him as he does Potter" he pointed out. "Hell the boy looks like my line" he added. "But any other reasons are my own, he knows them and that will be sufficient for you" he said firmly. "And Potter may fight for you all but he is not light, he merely fights for what is right and killing that bastard is what is right and that is his right" he concluded.

When no one said anything he gave them a final piece of advice.

"Potter does not need to be judged by you, he needs your support and as his friends you should give him that at the very least" he explained. "If you are not willing to kill or be killed for your cause then you have no business on a battlefield but there are lots of other ways you can help" he finished firmly and exited the room.

"He's right" Hermione said in realisation. "If we can't fight then we can do other things to help".

"Such as?" Hannah Abbott asked.

"We can make potions and learn healing spells" Hermione replied with a shrug. "I'm sure there's lots of other things we can do" she added.

The group took some time to think of what else they could do to help other than fight.

"We need to…"

"Write to our brothers" Fred and George cut in.

The students bid their farewells to each other and headed to their common rooms. They had all been given a lot to think of and they also had their OWLS and NEWTS to study for respectively. The following week would see the start of their exams and none of them felt ready. With the excitement of the day over with they had time to focus on them now.


Harry returned to the house after disapparating and immediately felt better. He released a deep breath and took a moment to compose himself. He did not feel bad at all for killing Nott and that's what seemed to be bothering the young man the most. It was the first time that he could have saved a man he fought so ruthlessly but he didn't. He knew it was the revelation that the man had been a part of the group responsible for murdering the Weasleys that made him take it in his stride as he was, it just surprised him at how detached he felt about it.

"Rowle and Rookwood" he muttered to himself, those bastards were next.

He removed his charred clothes and showered. He cast a few healing charms on his skin and added a little burn salve on the more tender parts of his flesh. He knew he had been fortunate that his burns had not been much worse considering the fact the man used fiendfyre, although not completely unexpected it gave way to thoughts of how reckless the man had been. If he had poor control of the spell many people could have been injured, young witches and wizards included.

Harry had certainly gotten the measure of morality possessed by Tom's followers; it was non-existent. He now knew the time had come to bring him in to the open and although he knew he couldn't beat him, the world deserved to know the danger that it was facing. It would at the very least give them a chance to prepare as much as they could before it was too late and they were simply attacked in the streets or in the dead of night, the way Tom liked to operate.

His musings were interrupted by the arrival of Dobby who appeared with a small pop in the room looking very tired.

"Harry Potter sir" the elf began with a bow. "Dobby has emptied the room sir and the goblins is working on selling the valuables sir" he explained.

"Thank you Dobby" Harry said with a soft smile. "If you could return anything to the room that is not valuable, I would appreciate it" he intoned to the elf.

"Yes sir" the elf replied with a salute before popping away.

Harry made his way back to the drawing to see if he could get a late lunch. It seemed that Elgar had foreseen his needs and a bowl of soup and some bread were already waiting for him. He sat and ate realising that he was very hungry, something he hadn't felt until he began eating. He had just finished eating when Arcturus with a gentle crack.

The older man looked at the boy contemplatively and nodded in satisfaction before taking a seat.

"You weren't hit with anything we didn't see were you?" he questioned the teen.

"No" Harry said shaking his head. "He didn't get me with anything" he added.

"Good" the older man replied.

The two sat in silence for some time before Arcturus could no longer bear it.

"What are you feeling?" he asked.

"Nothing" Harry answered simply. "I don't feel anything".

The older man just nodded.

He knew as long as the boy hadn't started to enjoy the killing then there was no issue there.

"Do you feel better?" he continued. "He was one of them who got your friends".

"It wasn't about me feeling better" Harry responded shaking his head. "It was about what he deserved, if there wasn't so many people watching he would have gotten much worse" he explained seriously.

"Justice then" the older man agreed with a nod.

"That's all" Harry confirmed.

The silence took hold again and this time it was Harry who broke it.

"Tomorrow" he said. "We will draw him out tomorrow night" he explained.

"I thought as much" Arcturus responded. "You have a guest coming in the morning though, you need some time to just relax, you won't last if you don't have some time to just have some normality" he added firmly.

"This is normality for me" Harry mumbled.

"It doesn't have to be" Arcturus intoned. "If you want what you see on the streets day to day then you have to take it Potter, I imagine that after having the life you have had that is the thing you want more than anything else?" he questioned.

"It is" Harry answered. "That is all I want" he added more firmly.

"Then you take it" Arcturus stated. "If your dream is that simple then it makes you a better man than many, it is a noble dream and one I can't find fault in" he said appraisingly.

Harry nodded. "Who is coming tomorrow?" he asked.

"Miss Greengrass will arrive at 10am" the older man explained.

Harry nodded and smiled at the thought, it would be nice to spend some time with Daphne.

He drew his wand and sent off two separate patronuses to inform the others of the plan. Tomorrow would be interesting at the very least. If Tom did not show himself then Harry would have to call him out publically, something he was not keen on, it would not do to be tarred with the same brush that Dumbledore had been all year. He needed the man to be seen by the eyes of many and not for them to hear what would be perceived as the ramblings of a teenager, and after his actions today, he was not sure how he would be received by the public.


Albus Dumbledore was sat in his office replaying the day in his mind. Young Harry had been impressive, there was no doubt of that. The old man was satisfied at how the young man had conducted himself even if he did not agree entirely with his method. It was something that Albus could not consider doing himself but he understood the necessity for such actions during times of need. He knew Harry had his reasons and he would not question them, that was not his prerogative nor right to do so.

He sighed sadly at the burden the boy carried. He wished more than anything that he was capable of shouldering the responsibility for him but he simply wasn't. Even in his younger years he doubted that he could carry such a load even half as well as the young man was.

"I will help you any way I can my boy" he mumbled to himself.

Fawkes trilled in approval at his companions sentimental vow causing the older man to smile.

"It is the least I can do after all" he added stroking the birds red plumage.

He was dragged from his musings by the arrival of a beautiful Thestral patronus.

"Tomorrow, 9pm, front gates" it said in the voice of Harry Potter.

The twinkle in the older wizards eyes vanished immediately as he nodded.

"Tomorrow it is" he whispered.


Sirius Black was in the training room at Grimmauld Place working on his spells with his fiancé. Although he could not teach her the family magic he had learnt, there was still much he could show her having been a fully qualified auror before his unlawful imprisonment. He found that she was still a very gifted witch and her physical strength was something to behold, one of the few benefits of lycanthropy.

After witnessing his godson in the duel today Sirius knew he had a lot of ground to cover. To say he was proud of the young man would be an understatement, he had simply been incredible.

The duo's training was interrupted by the arrival of Harry's patronus.

"Tomorrow, 9pm, Hogwarts" it spoke.

Sirius steeled himself. "And so it begins" he said darkly.

Marlene pulled the man into a hug and held him tightly. She wanted nothing more than to bind the man and refuse to let him leave but she knew this was something he would not miss for anything. The man would give his life for the boy if he had to and Marlene understood, She would do the same for the man she clung to in this moment. She would not stand in his way, she just hoped Harry and Sirius would watch each other's backs when the time came. She knew they would. She knew how much the two loved each other. In a fairer world they would have been as a father and son would, but this world was far from it. Instead of having that parental relationship, they would have a relationship of brotherhood.

"You'll be fine" she said offering him a weak smile. "You have Harry with you after all".

"It is Harry I worry about" he replied sadly. "He shouldn't have to do this" he added shaking his head.

"But he does and he wouldn't have it any other way, you know that" she responded.

"I know" Sirius sighed. "And I know he can do it or I would be dragging him away from here" he added firmly.

"He is lucky to have you" Marlene said sincerely placing a gentle kiss on the man's cheek.

"I'm lucky to have him" Sirius replied with a soft smile. "He is the closest thing I will ever have to a son" he continued.

"I'm sorry" Marlene intoned sincerely her eyes filling with tears.

"Why are you apologising?" Sirius asked confused.

"Because I can't give you children of your own" she answered holding him tighter and sobbing.

Sirius was suddenly hit with a realisation. They hadn't discussed children as yet, it was something he had not thought much about. Her scars. The werewolf attack must have made her unable to carry children.

"I couldn't give you children if I wanted to" he whispered sadly. "It's just not meant to be" he added.

"You can't?" she questioned to which he shook his head.

"We should have spoken about this sooner I guess" he said smiling weakly. "12 years in the care of the Dementors takes that ability away" he explained.

"So you don't hate me?" she asked him with a hint of hope in her voice.

"I never could" he answered sincerely. "Harry is my heir, I accepted a long time ago that I would not have a child of my own" he added with a shrug.

"I'm not sure I would make a good mother, the wolf makes me protective but it dampens the maternal side a lot, I've seen it happen" she explained. "I've even seen women eat their own children during a change" she continued grimly.

The two stayed in silence for a while, simply holding each other.

"So it changes nothing then?" Marlene asked.

"Not at all" Sirius answered. "It looks as though the Black name ends with me unless Harry chooses to give it to one of his children, if he has any" Sirius said and began laughing.

"What's funny?" Marlene asked with a frown.

"Just imagining Harry changing nappies and singing lullabies" Sirius explained. "I'm not sure I could picture it right now" he added shaking his head in amusement.

"I'm sure he would be fine" Marlene said. "He is very caring" she mused.

"He is" Sirius agreed. "Anyway, shall we call it a night?" he asked. "I need to be in top form for tomorrow".

"I like the sound of that" She replied with a grin and pulled the man into a deep kiss before walking away, leaving a dumb looking Sirius rooted to the spot.

"Damn woman" he mumbled in amusement. "I'll never work out how she does that to me" he said as he left the room.


Daphne woke the next morning feeling equally excited and nervous, this was going to be the first time she was going to spend some planned time alone with Harry.

She showered and dressed in a simple green blouse, jeans and light boots, she didn't want to be too formal and wear a dress or robes.

"How do I look?" She asked Tracey who had been watching her friend fretting as she got ready.

"You look fine Daph" Tracey assured her. "Here" she said tapping the blonde's hair with her wand. "That's better" she finished approvingly.

"Thank you" Daphne replied sincerely. "I just don't want anything to go wrong" she added.

"And it won't" Tracey assured her again. "Now let's get breakfast, I doubt with a body like his you'll get any bacon there" she said with a shake of her head.

The two girls made their way to the Great Hall to eat and were interrupted by the arrival of Hermione and Neville.

"Here Daphne" Hermione said handing the girl a stack of envelopes.

"Thank you" the blonde replied gratefully smiling at the girl.

"What's that?" Tracey asked.

"Well seeing how Harry reacted to everything yesterday I thought it would be nice for people to write him letters or notes so he knows we don't hold anything against him for what he did" Daphne explained.

"That's really nice of you" Tracey intoned thoughtfully. "I'm sure it will mean a lot to him".

Daphne blushed. "I'm sure the papers won't be so nice about it" she mused.

"When are they ever?" Hermione said sounding irritated. "Tell him that we all miss him and I'm holding him to his promise of a visit" she added with a smile.

"I will" Daphne responded. "And thank everyone for me will you?" she asked of the other girl who nodded to the request.

"And tell Lord Potter that the house of Longbottom supports him and offers our hand in friendship and kinship" Neville cut in formally handing a surprised Daphne a roll of parchment.

"I'm sure he will appreciate it" Daphne said to the boy with a slight bow. "Thank you" she added appreciatively.

"Daphne, it is almost 10" Tracey interjected indicating the time on her watch.

"Shit" Daphne half yelped jumping to her feet in time to feel the pull of the portkey in her pocket.

"Albus, did Miss Greengrass just activate a portkey?" Minerva asked slightly confused.

"I see you are becoming familiar with the wards" Dumbledore replied with a smile. "She had my permission to use it, she is going to visit Mr Potter I apologise for not informing you, it seems that old habits do die hard" he mused. "I will be sure to inform you in the future" he finished with a bow.

"She is going to visit Potter?" Minerva asked surprised.

"It seems that they are becoming rather fond of each other" Dumbledore answered, his eyes twinkling in happiness.

"My, he is much more like his Grandfather than I realised" Minerva muttered in amusement.


Daphne landed in a beautifully decorated drawing room and was immediately greeted by Arcturus.

"Miss Greengrass" he greeted her with a bow. "Potter will be with you shortly I'm sure" he explained. "Please take a seat and I will see where he has gotten to" he finished before leaving the room.

Daphne took a seat and tried to calm her nerves. She didn't know why she was so nervous but she had never felt and apprehension like it. Before she could dwell too much on how she was feeling the door opened and Harry walked in. She immediately stood and pulled him into a tight hug, much to his surprise.

"I thought you would hate me" he said pulling her into his arms.

"No" Daphne said softly. "My dad explained everything, I don't hold it against you, you did what you thought was right and that's all that matters" she responded reassuringly. "Here" she added handing the stack of letters Hermione had given her. "Everyone want you to know that they support you and miss you" she explained.

"Thank you" Harry said sincerely. "What would you like to do?" he asked her.

"Well you could give me a tour" She suggested.

"That would be a good start" he replied. "I'm sorry I've never spent time with a girl like this" he added apologetically.

"So you're trip to a veela conclave was a rumour" Daphne spoke teasingly with a raised eyebrow.

"Partly" Harry said dragging his hand through his hair nervously. "But it really isn't what you think" he continued seeing a look of shock appear on the girls face.

"Well how was it?" she asked confusedly.

"I bumped into a group of veela when I was hunting the rat" he explained. "They were attacked by Death Eaters and I helped them out" he finished with a shrug.

"I see" She replied neutrally. "And you didn't…"

"No" Harry cut in firmly. "I Kissed one of them but that's all, I've never done anything like that" he added sincerely.

"I couldn't blame you if you had" Daphne replied with a shrug. "Veela can be very convincing when they want something".

"I'm immune to the allure" Harry explained.

"You really are full of surprises aren't you" Daphne said shaking her head.

"I hear that a lot" Harry returned with a chuckle. "Shall we?" he asked offering his arm to which she took.

Harry led her through the many rooms of the house that he rarely went into and then led her outside to the garden.

"This is where I do most of my muggle training" he explained pointing the various pieces of gym equipment.

"What is it?" Daphne asked curiously.

"Well those are weights" he said pointing to the various bars, plates and benches. "They help build strength and endurance".

"And that?" she asked pointing to a punch bag that had a skipping rope hanging from it.

"That is a punch bag, you punch it" Harry explained, stating the obvious. "The other thing is a skipping rope, you use them both to build fitness and footwork" he added seeing the confused look on her face. "The other thing is a tyre, it's from a muggle vehicle, I hit it with the sledgehammer" he said pointing to the heavy tool. "It builds endurance and conditions me" he finished.

"How long do you do this for?" she asked in awe after his explanation.

"I'm usually out here for a couple of hours a day" he responded casually.

Daphne just shook her head. She understood that what he was doing was necessary, she just never expected the amount of work the boy put into everything.

"Can I see your room?" she asked with a slight blush.

"My room?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow. "What would your mother say?" he added with an amused grin.

"No I didn't mean it like that" she sputtered. "I just meant, well I don't know" she finished weakly causing Harry to laugh.

"It's ok, I was joking" Harry interjected attempting to save the girl any further embarrassment. "But I won't tell if you don't" he added causing her to blush.

Harry led her back through the house and into his room.

"It's not much" he said with a shrug. "But it's all I need".

Daphne took the room in. It was nicely decorated but was very basic, it looked more like an office with a bed. There were many books lining the shelves and even a sizeable stack on the desk. She noticed the photos on the bedside table and picked one up. She could see four very happy looking adults and the older woman was carrying a bundle of white blankets in which a tuft of black hair was just visible.

"That's my parents and my grandparents" Harry explained sadly. "My grandmother passed away not long after this picture was taken".

Daphne looked at each occupant closely. Her eyes landed on the redheaded woman in the photo who was smiling and waving at her.

"Your mother was very beautiful" she said quietly.

"She was" Harry agreed. "And very intelligent, no idea how my father ended up with her" he finished shaking his head with a laugh.

"I'm sure he had his merits" Daphne replied.

"He was very bright too, I just don't get how my mum put up with him and Sirius, they were a nightmare apparently" he said with a shrug.

Daphne looked at the other woman in the photo and immediately smiled at the expression of adoration on her face. She was clearly very proud of having a grandson.

"You look a lot like your grandmother" she said suddenly. "I see your father in you but you look more like her" she added surprised.

"I look more like a Black but I am just like my grandfather according to anyone who knew him, but I did get my Mother's eyes" he responded with a smile.

"You miss them" Daphne stated simply to which Harry shook his head.

"You can't miss what you never had" he said sadly. "I knew nothing about my family until I came here, I only had one memory of my parents and it was awful" he finished shaking his head.

"You could remember something from that young?" Daphne asked incredulously.

"I didn't until I encountered my first Dementor" he said darkly. "That's why I practiced so hard on a patronus, the memory was unbearable" he spoke quietly.

"What was it?" Daphne questioned softly, her eyes full of sadness at the effect the memory was clearly having on him.

"Their final moments" he said simply. "My father confronting him and dying and my mother begging for my life before he murdered her" he explained beginning to shake in anger.

"I'm so sorry" Daphne replied in horror and pulled him into a hug.

"It's ok" he reassured her. "You didn't know".

"This is my most valuable possession" he said taking the photo from her. "It's what I use as a memory for my patronus. It shows me that people did care for me for a time in my life" he explained smiling.

"Granger said your patronus was a stag" Daphne said flatly.

"It was at first but it changed after what happened in the graveyard" Harry replied. "Arcturus showed me memories of my grandparents and gave me a much needed kick up the arse" he said with a chuckle. "Both my parents and grandparents were very gifted and I wasn't living up to them, so I've been working on it" he finished.

"My parents are the same" Daphne said. "But after Umbridge I doubt any of us are ready for our OWLS" she added bitterly.

"If you have the theory down I can help with your spell work" Harry offered sincerely.

"You have missed the whole of fifth year" Daphne pointed out.

"But I have already done my OWLS Miss Greengrass" Harry retorted smugly.

"What!?" She yelped. "When?" she asked with a frown.

"I did them in January" Harry answered with a shrug and removed an envelope from his bedside draw which he handed to the girl.

Daphne took the envelope with an air of scepticism and opened it. Her eyebrows raised in surprise after reading the contents.

"Wow" she said simply. "Well I think it is safe to say you are more than living up to them" she said proudly with sincerity. "This really is impressive" she praised.

"Thank you" Harry replied gratefully. "I just want to honour them the way they deserve".

"You already are" Daphne assured him with a smile. "And I'm sure you always will" she added.

"I will do my best" he returned a little sadly.

Daphne noticed the sadness and took his hand in hers. She pulled him so he was sat on the bed and she joined him.

"I don't know half of what it is you are facing" she began. "But I do know that you are handling it better than anyone else would" she continued sincerely. "I don't know them but I would bet everything I have that they would be proud of you and what you are doing" she added tapping the photo in his hand.

"Thank you" Harry replied quietly.

"Everyone at school is proud of you" she said indicating the stack of envelopes she had brought with her. "And so am I" she added with a smile. "I know you don't like hearing it but you are a hero to so many people, they believe in you and so do I. If we had more people like you then people like You-Know-Who would never become a problem" she finished sincerely.

Harry nodded and gave the girl a soft smile. He didn't like being hailed a hero but when Daphne explained it it gave him a feeling of warmth and worth, something had certainly been lacking in life.

"How about I show you my other training room?" Harry suggested.

"Another training room?" Daphne asked a little surprised.

"It's where I work on my magic and spend most of my time" he explained.

"Lead the way" Daphne said shaking her head.

Harry led her through the house once again and into the training room. Daphne just stared in awe as she saw the room and could feel the ambient magic within it.

"I assume you use those to cast spells on" she said questioningly, indicating the many dummies in the far corner of the room.

"Yes" Harry answered. "They are special dummies created by the Black family" he explained. "Just watch".

He flicked is wand at one of the dummies and it immediately began firing curses at him. Daphne screamed as bright green one hurtled towards the boy and he barely managed to conjure a granite slab to block it. Harry flicked his wand pausing the dummy.

"That wasn't a real killing curse" he explained. "They can fire bonebreakers at worst but that's all, the colours are just indicators".

"You scared the hell out of me" she chastised, giving him a slap on the shoulder. "You could have told me before you started you idiot" she added weakly.

"I'm sorry" Harry said trying to hide a smirk. "I didn't think" he added.

"Obviously" Daphne returned with a scowl. "Now will you help me with my spell work? She asked, still a little annoyed with the boy.

"What do you need help with?" he asked.

"Defence mostly" she shrugged. "But transfiguration too, it's not my strongest subject" she added ashamedly.

"Ok, well defence should be easy for you your patronus would get you an O by itself" he said confidently. "Show me your stunning spell" he instructed pointing to the dummy. "Don't worry the wards here stop any kind of trace" he added seeing her look of confusion.

Daphne was nervous about showing him her magic, she knew she was not even close to his level. She steeled herself and took a deep breath.

"Stupefy" she said confidently, drawing her wand in a circular motion followed by a sharp jab.

"Not bad" Harry praised. "But the circular motion is unnecessary, you just need to draw on your magic quickly" he explained releasing his wand and firing a stunner instantly. "You try" he instructed. "Just feel your magic and guide it, it will do the work".

Daphne prepared herself once again and could feel her magic. She did as Harry instructed and was astounded that it worked on her first attempt.

"Good" Harry praised. "It will work for all basic spells but the more difficult the spell gets the harder it is to do" he explained.

"How do you do it silently" Daphne asked with a frown.

"That takes a lot more control and a lot of practice, most people won't ever be able to do it" he informed her. "But it is something you can work on there's no rush" he said handing her one of the books on the shelf. "Spells like a patronus do not work non-verbally though neither do the unforgivables" he said sounding grateful.

"You think I can do it?" she asked a little shyly.

"If you are determined enough" He replied with a smile. "Now let's go through the rest of the fifth year defence and transfiguration" he suggested.

The duo spent a couple of uninterrupted hours where Harry helped her master the spells and transfigurations she would need to complete her OWLS. He even gave her some bonus transfigurations that would certainly bolster her grades. Daphne was tired by the time they were both satisfied with her capabilities with the required work.

"You are a really good teacher" she praised him. "Better than any defence professor we ever had" she added with a frown.

Harry just chuckled and shook his head. He knew they had all been pretty terrible, with the exception of Lupin.

"Do you think you could show me something that will help me defend myself better?" Daphne asked quietly. "I don't mean your family magic" she added quickly.

"There are a couple of things I can show you" he said scratching his chin. "Lethal or non-lethal?" he asked.

"Erm… both I guess" she answered nervously.

"Ok, the first one is technically non-lethal but it can cause death from blood loss, it will definitely stop any attacks like Malfoy tried" he explained.

"Pila Crepitus" he said casually pointing his wand at the dummy.

Daphne watched in shock as the pink ball of light fired from his wand at lightning speed and hit the dummy in the groin, causing the area to explode in a spray of blood and gore.

"Shit" she exclaimed in awe.

"Nasty" Harry agreed. "That will certainly end a line or two" he added. "You try" he instructed gesturing to the dummy.

Daphne readied herself. She had never tried a spell with such damaging effects but she knew there may be a chance she would have to use it.

"Pila Crepitus" she intoned firmly and watched as her spell hit.

"Good" Harry praised. "There are only two shields that will stop that and it can be redirected but it is very quick so probably better to dodge" he explained. "That is a spell of my own so no one will know what it does except you of course" he finished.

Daphne just nodded and waited for him to continue.

"The next one is definitely lethal" he said seriously.

"Carnificare" he intoned darkly.

A beam of orange light flew towards to the dummy and simply cleaved it in two.

"It is a modified cutting curse" he explained to a shocked looking Daphne. "It will cut someone in half, as you saw, or can be used to decapitate, no one will expect you to know it, it is considered to be quite dark" he added. "Try it, it may save your life" he continued seeing her looking a little scared.

Daphne swallowed deeply. She was not keen on the spell but remembered how vulnerable she felt when she had been attacked.

"Carnificare" she said grimly and watched as the beam of light sliced the head clean in half leaving only the lower jaw attached.

"It's not pleasant" Harry said sadly. "But it might be necessary" he added firmly.

Daphne just nodded and checked the time.

"My portkey will be taking me back soon" she explained sadly.

Harry smiled comfortingly at her and suddenly had an idea.

"Come with me" he said grabbing her arm and leading her from the room, not waiting for her response.

He took her back to his room and sat her on the bed. He began rifling through one of the trunks he had gotten from Gringotts until he found what he was looking for.

"If everything goes to plan tonight things are going to be very different tomorrow" he said to the confused girl.

"What do you mean?" she asked sounding concerned.

Harry sighed. "I'm bringing him out in the open tonight, everyone needs to know he is back" he explained.

"You're going to face him?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, I need to lure him somewhere public" he replied somewhat reluctantly.

"Where?, how?" she questioned, clearly overwhelmed.

"The how doesn't matter but it will be at the ministry" he informed her.

"So he's just going to walk into the ministry" Daphne said disbelievingly.

"He will" Harry said confidently. "Anyway that's not the point" he continued. "If he knows we are close then he will come for you if only to get to me" he said sadly. "I want you to wear this" he added handing her a silver anklet with the potter crest engraved into it.

"Why?" Daphne asked still confused.

"I will turn it into an emergency portkey, you'll just have to say a word and it will bring you straight here" he explained. "I'm sure I can work it so no wards will be able to stop it from working" he added.

"You'd do that for me?" she asked incredulously.

"Of course" Harry replied simply and bent over to fasten the chain around her ankle.

He spent a few minutes turning it into a portkey and adding a few extra protection charms to the jewellery before he was satisfied.

"Only you can remove it and it will become disillusioned if any Death Eaters are near you" he explained. "The activation phrase is 'Harry's Sanctuary' and it will bring you straight to the drawing room here" he continued.

"Thank you" Daphne said gratefully.

"No" Harry replied shaking his head. "Thank you for putting up with me and helping me out of the mood I was in, everything just gets a bit much at times you really helped me" he finished sincerely.

"I will help you any way I can" Daphne responded with a gentle smile. "And you better be careful tonight, whatever it is you are doing, I still mean what I said about kicking your arse" she added teasingly.

"I don't doubt you do" Harry answered with a laugh stepping forward and pulling the girl into a hug.

"I really am grateful for today" he said quietly.

"Me too" Daphne responded. "Hopefully we can do it again soon" she added hopefully.

"Definitely" Harry returned simply with a smile.

He placed a gentle kiss on her lips which she immediately deepened. She truly did not want the moment to end but knew the portkey was going to activate at any second.

"Please be careful" she pleaded in a whisper as she pulled away.

"I always am" Harry stated with a grin.

"Write to me when you're done, even just to let me know you're ok" she requested with a little desperation in her voice.

"I will" he nodded.

Harry felt more than a little sadness as he watched the girl be whisked away by the portkey. He felt a little empty and wanted nothing more than for her to be there with him still.

'Soon' he mumbled to himself.

For now he had Tom Riddle to prepare for and he needed to focus on that.


Daphne arrived in an unfamiliar room and felt a sense of panic set in when the voice of the headmaster cut in, putting her at ease.

"I trust you had a pleasant visit with Mr Potter?" he asked.

Daphne turned to see the man sat behind a desk smiling. Professor McGonagall was sat with him and there was a phoenix preening itself, seemingly ignoring everyone in the room.

"Yes sir" Daphne replied a little sadly. "Are you going with him?" she asked the old man.

"I am" he said inclining his head towards the worried looking girl, clearly not surprised that she knew of the plan for the evening.

"Please look after him" she pleaded. "I know he can look after himself but it doesn't stop me being scared" she added quietly.

"I will help him any way I can" the headmaster assured the girl. "I think you will find however that it is he who will be keeping us safe" he explained with a smile.

Seeing the look of confusion on the girls face he continued.

"I may be a much more experienced wizard than Mr Potter but it is he that has the advantage in situations like this, you saw for yourself how he handled himself yesterday and I dare say that when people he care about are in the line of fire he will be much more vigilant" he explained knowingly.

Daphne just nodded at the man's logic.

"Thank you sir" she said gratefully. "I should be going" she added seeing that she had disrupted a meeting of some sort between the two professors.

She made her way to the door when she was stopped by the man addressing her once more.

"Miss Greengrass?" he called. "Fear and worry when it comes to those we care about is natural" he continued. "But your faith will make all the difference, if you believe in him then you have no need to worry so much" he finished with a nod.

"I do believe in him sir, with all my heart" she responded firmly and exited the room feeling a little better.

"She truly cares for him" Minerva stated knowingly.

"She does indeed and she worries because she does not see Harry the same way that we all do" he said his eyes twinkling.

"What do you mean?" Minerva questioned with a frown.

"We all see Harry as a hero and an unstoppable force because of what he is capable of" he began. "Miss Greengrass sees far beyond that, she sees him as just another person, extraordinary no doubt, but a person nonetheless" he explained. "Tell me Minerva, what do you think of when you think of young Harry?" he asked the witch.

Minerva pondered her thoughts of the boy and hung her head in shame.

"I used to think of him as a vulnerable little boy" she said sadly. "But recently, I've seen him as a saviour, especially how he handled Umbridge and the aurors and even Nott" she explained. "It seems that am just as guilty as everyone else for seeing the boy as a protector of some sort" she finished shaking her head.

"Indeed" Dumbledore intoned. "It is understandable given the way he carries himself, he is quite unflappable but under that hard exterior is still a sensitive young man who has had more than his fair share of hardship, and that is what Miss Greengrass sees, despite his heroics" he said knowingly.

"Then she is exactly what he needs, to keep himself human" the transfiguration professor exclaimed.

"My thoughts exactly" Dumbledore agreed.


Harry had spent the remainder of the day preparing for his expected confrontation with the Dark Lord. He was ready. He was quiet and focused as he knew he would need to be when dealing with Tom. What did surprise him was that he wasn't nervous, in fact he was looking forward to facing the man once again knowing that he had the advantage of planning in advance. Harry realised he did not fear Voldemort any longer. He had seen what was waiting for him on the other side and he had no reason to be fearful. If things did go badly he would find the peace he had always wanted. And if things went well then he had taken a major step in finishing Riddle once and for all and he would be that much closer to the peace he craved on this plane of existence.

He entered the drawing room to find Arcturus waiting for him. The man had dressed in battle robes and even at his age still cut quite the terrifying figure.

"Ready" the older man asked simply to which Harry nodded.

"Then let's not waste any more time, we have to meet twinkles and your godfather" he said looking at the clock.

Both men disapparated and found themselves at the gates of Hogwarts where Dumbledore and Sirius were already waiting for them, the latter looking very nervous.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked Harry worriedly.

"It has to be done" Harry replied. "Just have my back when I need it and everything will be fine" he assured the man.

"Always" Sirius responded firmly.

"I made these for us" Dumbledore cut in handing each man a necklace. "It is a portkey that will bring you straight to the hospital wing if you need it" he explained. "Just use the phrase 'Hogwarts help' and it will take you there" he finished.

"Good thinking" Arcturus intoned, offering a rare compliment. "Shall we get on with it?" he asked.

"Let's" Dumbledore replied. "I have Alastor, Kingsley and Nymphadora ready to send out the alerts when the time is right" he informed the trio.

The group disappeared from where they stood and appeared outside the visitors entrance to the ministry. They chose this location so that they would purposely be seen by any of Tom's men keeping watch. Arcturus and Sirius immediately disillusioned themselves and they all entered the telephone box.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic" a female voice spoke after Harry had dialled the number. "Please state the purpose of your visit" she instructed.

"Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore meeting Tom Riddle" Harry replied casually.

Harry could hear Sirius snicker a little despite the gravity of the situation and Arcturus cursing under his breath.

"Thank you and please enjoy your visit today" the voice said and the line went dead.

There was a sound of something being dropped into the coin tray and Harry picked up the badges and handed one to Dumbledore.

"A memento" Dumbledore exclaimed with a chuckle before pinning it to his chest proudly.

"Idiots" Arcturus muttered.

The group stepped out of the elevator as it reached the atrium and made their across the empty hall to the desk occupied by a single wizard who immediately stood when he caught sight of Harry and Dumbledore.

"Chief Warlock, Lord Potter" he greeted them with a bow. "What brings you here this evening?" he asked conversationally.

"Lord Potter and myself have a very important meeting with an acquaintance" Dumbledore replied casually. "He is not the most pleasant of men so as chief warlock I am giving you the rest of the night off" he informed the man.

"I don't know sir" the man said nervously. "Madame Bones wouldn't like it" he added.

"I will inform Amelia Marcel, go and spend some time with your wife and your son" he instructed the man with a smile.

"Thank you sir, I will sir" the man responded gratefully. "Lord Potter" he intoned with a bow before exiting.

"He would just be a meaningless obstacle to Tom and an unnecessary casualty" Dumbledore said sadly. "Shall we?" he asked.

The foursome entered the golden-gated lifts and made their way down to the basement level where the department of mysteries was located where they were met by another wizard, this one much older with a very calculating stare.

"Albus" the man greeted with a nod. "I assume you are here for it" he said knowingly.

"Indeed we are" Dumbledore confirmed. "I imagine we will be joined by others shortly" he added warningly.

"I shall make myself scarce then " the other man replied. "I imagine these other two gentlemen are with you" he said nodding to the disillusioned pair.

"As sharp as ever Clarence" Dumbledore praised. "There are people watching beyond the door?" he asked.

"Been there for weeks" the other man replied with a shrug. "They think their cloaks hide them in here" he said half amused. "Don't make a mess in my department and don't ask me for anymore ludicrous favours" he finished warningly before he made his exit.

"The hall of prophecies is just through here" Dumbledore explained to Harry who just nodded and proceeded without hesitation. They passed through the door and entered the hall ready to retrieve the thing Tom Riddle sought so desperately.

They were seen by one of the men keeping watch on the room under the orders of the Dark Lord. He had been here every night for weeks waiting for someone to enter. He was bored and tired as he saw Potter and Dumbledore enter the room but was immediately alert once he was aware of their presence. He watched as they passed through and entered the hall of prophecies. Finally this miserable task would come to an end. He gratefully activated his portkey to inform his master of the development.


Lord Voldemort was sat in the drawing room of Malfoy manor lost in his own thoughts. His negotiations with the vampires were slow but he was confident that they would see sense, especially if he visited them personally. He already had a considerable force of foreign wizards, although most were mediocre at best there were some that showed some promise. Greyback was currently on his way back from his recruitment drive amongst the werewolves, something he had always been sure would be a successful effort. And he of course had the giants on side along with the Dementors. His force was growing and become formidable indeed.

He was pulled by his musings as the door burst open revealing a man who was of no consequence. The Dark Lord was annoyed by his interruption and was about to simply curse the man until he prostrated himself before him.

"My Lord" the man spoke quickly. "Potter and Dumbledore are there" he informed him breathlessly.

Lord Voldemort was immediately on full alert and stood suddenly.

"Are they alone?" he asked the man with a hint of urgency.

"Yes my lord" the man confirmed with a bow.

"Fools" the Dark Lord muttered with glee. "Pass me your arm" he instructed.

The man stepped forward and raised the sleeve on his left arm and presented it to his master. Voldemort touched the Dark Mark with the tip of his wand, summoning his most trusted followers, minus Snape, it would not do to reveal the man as yet.

"You shall be rewarded for your service my friend" he promised the man who was grimacing in discomfort. "Now Leave and speak of this to no one" he instructed firmly.

He paced the length of the room and waited for his inner circle to arrive. Lucius was first followed by Bella and within five minutes the room was full of his most loyal followers.

"My friends" he addressed them triumphantly. "The old fool and Potter are retrieving what it is I seek" he informed the gathering. "We shall liberate it from them" he added. "Do not fail me" he finished warningly.

With that the group disappeared to get the prophecy led by the Dark Lord himself. Failure, they knew, was not an option.


Dumbledore led Harry through the many shelved aisles of the hall of prophecies and paused at the one pertaining to the young man and the Dark Lord.

"This is it" he said gravely. "The reason that Tom came for you all those years ago".

Harry picked up the glass orb filled with white smoke and pocketed it without hesitation. It truly meant nothing to him, in his eyes Tom Riddle had sealed his fate the day he attacked and murdered his parents. Prophecy or no prophecy, it mattered not to the young man.

"I suggest we make our way back to the atrium, Clarence would be most upset with us if his department was harmed in any way" the older man said in amusement.

The duo exited the hall and made their way back through the now very eerily quiet corridors with the other two in tow, still under their disillusionment charm. They made their way to the elevator to make the ascent back to the atrium.

"I suspect we will have company" Dumbledore said gravely with no hint of his usual twinkle.

"I hope so" Harry replied with a smirk of anticipation.

Dumbledore couldn't help but admire the boy and how he seemed to take it all in his stride.

The elevator arrived at the atrium and the doors opened allowing them to exit. Dumbledore and Harry walked into the centre of the room the latter drawing his wand. Harry could already sense the presence of those lying in wait.

"Potter" the dark lord spat menacingly as he emerged from the shadows followed by around 30 of his followers, most of which Harry recognised either from the wizengamot or the media as escaped convicts.

"Hello Tom" Harry greeted the dark lord casually. "It's nice of you to join us" he added sarcastically.

The Dark Lord was taken aback by the casual tone in which the boy addressed him. No one spoke to Lord Voldemort that way, it immediately irritated him.

"What's wrong Tom?" Harry questioned. "You expected me to be trembling with fear?" Harry said with a laugh.

"You have spent the last year licking your wounds and living in fear" Voldemort replied heatedly.

"No" Harry responded with a shake of his head. "I have spent the last year preparing, you have spent the last 14 years hiding like the coward you are" Harry returned causing the Dark Lords followers to hiss in disapproval.

"I am no coward" Voldemort spat. "I fear no man" he added.

"You should fear me Tom" Harry said with every hint of joviality absent from his tone and demeanour. "You have tried and failed to kill me many times now but I will not make the same mistakes" he vowed. "Look me in the eyes Tom" Harry commanded angrily. "See for yourself that I am not afraid of you" he spat his eyes now glowing in his fury.

Voldemort looked the boy in the eyes and saw nothing but anger and the desire for revenge, something he had never experienced before.

"How dare you" Bellatrix screeched in anger. "How dare you speak to the dark lord like that you bastard" she hissed.

"No Bella" Voldemort commanded. "He is right" he added much to the surprise of his followers. "I have failed to kill him but those failings are behind me" he said confidently. "Now give me the prophecy Harry and I will let you and the old man live, you have my word" he tried.

Harry laughed darkly. "Your word means nothing to me Riddle" he spat. "You really want this?" he asked removing the orb from his pocket. "Then take it" he added rolling the ball to the surprised man. "It means nothing to me because I am going to kill you any way" he finished with a venomous tone.

"Harry what have you done?" Dumbledore asked urgently.

Harry just smirked.

"That is very kind of you Harry" Voldemort said sarcastically. "But you should trust the word of no man" he added with a feral grin drawing his wand.

"I never do Tom" Harry replied in amusement.

It was then that all hell broke loose.

The many fires in the atrium burst into life with green flames in which a score of men and women exited led by Amelia Bones, Tonks, Kingsley and Moody.

"Aurors" one of the Death Eaters shouted in panic and began firing spells, followed immediately by his companions.

"You really thought I didn't know you would come here Tom?" Harry asked. "I just wanted everyone to see you were back" he explained pointing to the newest arrivals.

Cornelius Fudge himself was stood watching the confrontation in awe surrounded by men and women some of who were taking photos without abandon.

"Very clever Potter" Voldemort spat. "But it doesn't matter because you won't live past tonight" he added launching his first spell towards the boy.

Harry simply dodged and returned fire. It was time to see what he was truly made of.


Sirius dropped his charm the instant the spell fire began and looked for someone to engage. He was rewarded with the site of Rabastan Lestrange, a man he had always despised since school.

"Lestrange" he shouted to get the man's attention.

"Black" the man spat in reply when he saw who had called him.

"I owe you for what you did to Frank and Alice" Sirius said angrily and immediately began firing his most lethal curses.

Rabastan was taken aback, not expecting to be fighting someone willing to use such spells. He had only been anticipating stunners or spells that would incapacitate him and it took him a moment to adjust.

"What would Dumbledore think of one of his golden boys using dark magic" Rabastan said with a tut.

"I don't fight for Dumbledore" Sirius retorted angrily. "I fight for my godson" he added throwing a dark cutting curse that caught the man on the shoulder.

Rabastan hissed in pain at the burning sensation he was experiencing.

"Avada Kedavra" he roared triumphantly pointing his wand at his opponent.

He was surprised as Black simply conjured a granite slab blocking the spell. He then banished the debris towards Rabastan who was still shocked by the skill the other man was showing. He managed to produce a shield in time to block most of the projectiles but felt a sudden sharp impact strike his knee that caused him to scream in agony. He looked down to see a black arrow protruding from his leg and he knew his fight was over. He reached to remove his emergency portkey he had stashed in his pocket when he felt another impact, this time on his hand. He roared in both pain and anger as he realised his limb had been demolished by a bonebreaker. Before he could comprehend what had happened a similar pain erupted from his other knee and he fell to the ground. He look down to see little more than a bleeding stump remain of his left leg. The shock set in and the man began to shake. He looked up to see the unforgiving face of Sirius Black leering at him.

"Goodbye Lestrange" Sirius said darkly and fired a pure black jet of light towards the man.

Rabastan felt every fibre of his being scream in protest at the onslaught and then he simply knew no more.

Sirius looked distastefully upon the man for a brief second before he turned to aid the aurors.

"One down" he mumbled.


Arcturus immediately sought out the only person he wished to speak to on this night; his granddaughter. He made his way through the crowd, carefully dodging and shielding as necessary until he came across the woman. He watched as she mercilessly dispensed of two aurors and began scanning the crowd for her next victim. Her eyes fell upon the old man and a look of confusion came over her blood covered face.

"Grandfather?" she asked incredulously.

"Bella" he greeted her simply. "I have come to offer you one chance to drop your wand and get out of here" he informed the woman who immediately scowled at his words.

"Never" she spat in reply. "I fight proudly for the Dark Lord" she added firmly.

"Then Potter will kill you and I won't be able to stop him" Arcturus said a little sadly.

"Little baby Potty wouldn't stand a chance" the deranged woman replied smugly. "It would be my pleasure to end him but I will make sure I get my fun with him first" she said hungrily, licking some blood from her lips. "It would be an honour for the half-blooded bastard to be my play thing for a while" she finished cackling madly.

"Potter will kill you" Arcturus said firmly. "You mock him for his blood yet you follow a man with less magical blood than he has" he explained a little desperately. "Tom Riddle is his name, son a muggle and a witch" he added. "Like it or not Potter shares our blood and he will win" he concluded confidently.

"He will not" Bellatrix screeched ignoring everything that her grandfather had told her. "My lord is powerful and ruthless" she said quietly. "No one could stand against him let alone a filthy half-blood" she announced with no doubt evident.

"Look Bella" Arcturus instructed pointing at Harry and the Dark Lord. "Potter does not fear him and is at least equal in power and skill" he tried.

"Hmm he does cut an impressive figure doesn't he" she mused watching the fight between the two in awe. "I imagine he will make me a fine toy for some time" she said biting her lip. "I may as well have some use of the boy" she finished with a slow nod.

"Bella drop your wand and go" Arcturus instructed her firmly.

"I will not leave" the crazed woman responded angrily. "You can't make me" she said petulantly aiming her wand at the man.

"Do not make me do this Bella" Arcturus pleaded. "You are my blood and that is the most important thing in this world" he tried desperately.

"No, you stopped being my blood when you let my father marry me off to that pig" she spat. "I wanted to choose who I married like Andromeda and Cissy" she said sadly and with the most clarity she had spoken with. "Instead I got stuck with that moron, but I made the best of it and the Dark Lord chose me as his right hand, I will not turn my back on him" she vowed and fired a spell towards her grandfather who simply batted it aside.

"So be it" Arcturus mumbled sadly.


Albus Dumbledore immediately went on the defence and began shielding and protecting as many of the aurors and his friends as he could. On the outside he appeared calm and collected but on the inside he was experiencing panic and worry he had not felt in a long time. He was just very grateful that Harry was there handling Tom personally, it was not a confrontation he desired personally.

He managed to subdue a few of Tom's men and continued his protective measures as best he could but could not help but take in the utter devastation around him, the true horror of battle, a horror he was not and would never be used to. It saddened him greatly to witness such a waste of life as it was taken with cruel negligence.

He watched as Sirius dispatched of Rabastan Lestrange without hesitation and felt pity for the man for the act he had to carry out. He knew Sirius was just doing his duty as a godfather but wished that it was not necessary. He watched as he simply moved on and began engaging other foes without a seeming second thought for the man he had just killed.

He saw Arcturus confront Bellatrix and watched as they shared a brief confrontation before the witch attacked her own grandfather. He shook his head in sadness at that act in particular. If Dumbledore had learnt one thing in his life it was that family was a very precious gift and should be cherished above all else. Had he had the chance he would have done anything he could for his family to ensure their happiness but alas, his chance was taken from him with the death of them all except for his brother, who could not forgive Albus for his mistakes.

He watched as some of the aurors fell to the attacks from Tom's followers and watched further as they fought back with everything they had. After what seemed an eternity Tom's people had either been captured, killed or cut their losses and escaped. He turned to watch the only remaining confrontation taking place, the one between Harry and the Dark Lord. Everyone remaining simply stared in awe at the battle between the two, none daring to intervene. It was far too dangerous to even comprehend and each were satisfied to watch the spectacle take place.


The Dark Lord was fighting furiously, none had ever tested him as Potter was. Lord Voldemort was admittedly impressed by the boys skill, speed and power but it was the magic the boy wielded that had him concerned, there was a worrying familiarity about it. Several times he had had to reinforce his shields or simply abandon it altogether and dodge when he met a spell he was unfamiliar with, it frustrated the man to no end. There was no doubt that the magic was designed to kill and the ruthlessness of the boy was admirable, he was more than a worthy opponent.

Despite the type of magic both were using neither had managed to land a hit on the other much to the Dark Lords chagrin. He needed to get creative and he had just the thing he needed.


Harry had never fought someone with such spell knowledge or power. It took him a few moments to adjust accordingly to the new level of strength he was experiencing but he took it in his stride nonetheless. He fought with reckless abandon but did not dip into his entire repertoire knowing that this would not be the final confrontation, he needed to keep some stuff hidden for when it was necessary.

He knew he had youth and speed on his side but Tom more than made up for that with his knowledge, he knew their power was of a similar level. He knew he needed to make Tom flee and he came up with an idea to make that happen, he had achieved what he wanted here after all.

He dropped the shield he had conjured to block one of his foes spells and began hissing in parseltongue causing the dark lord to take pause and look confused, just what he wanted.

He unleashed his spell with all the power and fury he could muster and watched Tom's eyes widen in surprise as the green light hurtled towards him.

The Dark Lord attempted to side step the spell knowing it was near impossible to shield against, especially with such a short distance between the two.

He did not move enough however and he hissed in pain as the spell caught the outside of his left arm. The power of the spell sent him back several feet through the air and he hit the floor with a loud crack. The spell left a deep cut that leaked an acrid green fluid that caused the flesh around the wound to smoke distastefully.

He heard the gasps of surprise from all those that remained and realised he had been left alone, it was now or never, he could deal with the spell damage soon enough. He prepared himself and disappeared in a thick black smoke.

"Nobody move" Harry commanded firmly knowing the Dark Lord was still here.

He felt a sudden sharp pain in his head and felt the presence of the Dark Lord in his mind.

"You can't beat me Harry" Voldemort spoke in his mind. "I know branches of magic that you can only dream of" he added increasing the pressure on the boys mind.

Harry had read a little on possession in one of the books he had taken from Arcturus and immediately knew what was happening. He tried to think of what it was he should do to counter the attack which was made much harder as the Dark Lord invaded his mind further.

"Big mistake Tom" Harry said coldly in realisation.

He forced every ounce of magic into his mind as he thought of his family, of Sirius and Dumbledore. He didn't think of Daphne knowing that Tom would be aware of her as he would see his thoughts. He focused with all of his might on the love he felt for them and was rewarded with a scream of pain as Voldemort was thrown from his mind and the man appeared in a heap on the floor in front of him.

Lord Voldemort knew that it was time to make his exit, he had gotten what he came for after all. He snarled in anger before disappearing once again in a thick cloud of smoke.

"Are you okay?" Sirius asked in concern rushing forward.

"I'm fine" Harry assured the man.

"Damn, I didn't know you were capable of that" his godfather replied in awe.

"I caught him by surprise" Harry explained firmly. "It won't happen again like that" he added knowingly.

"Why didn't you kill him?" one of the aurors asked in shock.

"There are things that you don't understand" Harry said to the man. "It is not as simple as that" he finished shaking his head.

"It's probably because he can't" another one spat in response.

Harry was immediately angry and he marched towards the man.

"I didn't see you trying to fight him" Harry said dangerously. "Because he would wipe the floor with you, so shut up you moron unless you want me to leave him to you?" he questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No" the man replied frantically shaking his head. "I'm sorry Lord Potter" he said weakly clearly intimidated by the teen.

Harry spotted the Minister who was conversing with Dumbledore, sweating profusely and looking very nervous as indicated by the constant twirling of his patented bowler hat. Harry approached the man and cut him off before he could greet him.

"I trust you have all the evidence now that he is back?" he asked the shaking man.

"Yes" Fudge sputtered. "What the hell were you all doing here" he asked with a frown looking at Sirius and Arcturus as they joined the group.

"Your job" Harry responded. "Now it seems that you have work to do minister, as do I" Harry added dismissively.

"But you need to tell us what happened" Fudge tried weakly.

"Ask your aurors, they were here as were you, all that matters is that you know he is back" Harry pointed out. "It's time to prepare Minister, no more excuses" he said firmly removing his portkey.

"Hogwarts?" he asked Dumbledore and the two Blacks who all nodded their agreement.

"Hogwarts Help" they all intoned and disappeared from the Ministry of Magic.

The group landed in the hospital wing and were immediately set upon by Madame Pomfrey.

"What is going on here?" she asked the group with her hands firmly on her hips. "Potter?" she said in realisation. "I should have known" she added with a tut.

She then began waving her wand and muttering at the protesting teen.

"She's keen" Arcturus stated a little amused and coughed a little. "I'm too old for this" he mumbled.

"Poppy is rather passionate" Dumbledore replied, his eyes twinkling once again. "You won't escape her care" he informed the man warningly.

"I think you'll find I will" Arcturus said triumphantly and removed another portkey and disappeared before the crazed nurse could turn her attention to him.

"You are fine Potter" Madame Pomfrey declared in confusion.

"I told you I was" Harry mumbled irritably.

"Where did the other one go?" She asked Dumbledore noticing Arcturus was missing.

"It seems that Baron Black has made other arrangements in regards to his healthcare" Dumbledore explained with a chuckle.

"Coward" Harry muttered.

Madame Pomfrey huffed in indignation.

"And what about you headmaster, you haven't foolishly injured yourself have you?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm fine" Dumbledore assured the over-zealous matron. "Sirius?" he asked the man who just shook his head indicating that he was unharmed.

"Then please keep the noise down, I have another patient" Pomfrey explained irritably pointing to the only occupied bed.

Harry looked over and immediately recognised the occupant who was watching the group clearly surprised by their late night appearance.

"Hello Natalie" Harry greeted the girl with a smile. "And what are you doing here?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"I broke my arm in my flying lesson" the girl explained shyly. "I'm not very good" she said sadly.

"Well it just so happens that I am very good at flying" Harry replied. "How about I will see if we can get you permission over the summer and I can teach you" he offered looking at Dumbledore for confirmation.

"I think that is a wonderful idea, I'm sure it will not be a problem" Dumbledore exclaimed happily, his eyes twinkling merrily. It surprised the man to no end that Harry could be in battle less than a half hour ago and now he was sat with a child as though he had not a worry in the world.

"You would teach me?" the girl asked in surprise to which Harry just nodded and smiled. "Thank you" she said gratefully.

The conversation was interrupted by a cough coming from Sirius clearly wanting to be introduced to the girl.

"Natalie, this is my godfather Sirius Black" Harry explained, gesturing to the man. "Sirius, this is Natalie McDonald, first year Gryffindor" he added for the benefit of the man.

"My lady" Sirius said with a bow and kissed the back of her hand causing her to giggle and then frown.

"You smell like a dog we found once" she exclaimed causing Harry and Dumbledore to laugh.

"Well that would be because I can become one" Sirius explained, ignoring the laughing pair.

He then transformed into the shaggy black dog and began jumping around playfully causing the girl to giggle again.

"I'm going to call you princess" the girl declared causing Sirius to whimper in indignation.

Harry discreetly conjured a pink bow around the dogs neck and tail causing the girl to laugh uncontrollably. Seeing the bow on his tail Sirius growled and began chasing it irritably attempting to remove the offending garment.

"Headmaster this is a hospital wing" Pomfrey cut in clearly irritated by the antics. "This is no place for animals" she added pointing at the dog. "Miss McDonald needs her rest also so I must insist you leave".

"But I was talking to Harry" the girl said sadly.

"How about I come and get you in the morning and I will escort you to the Great Hall for breakfast" Harry offered the girl who immediately cheered up.

"Really?" she asked disbelievingly. "Yes please" she said excitedly.

Harry looked towards Madame Pomfrey to ensure that it would be ok.

"Fine" she agreed. "But for now, get out" she ordered the trio.

"Come on Princess" Harry said beckoning to his godfather who just growled in response but followed his godson and the headmaster from the room.

"Bye Harry" Natalie called. "I will see you in the morning".

"What is her story?" Harry asked the headmaster as they made their way down the corridor. "I know she lives in an orphanage" he explained eliciting a sorrowful whimper from his godfather.

"Her parents were killed in a car accident when she was only a year old" Dumbledore explained sadly. "She had no other family and has been in the orphanage since" he added. "She was one of the reasons I was hoping you would return to school this year as a prefect" the old man revealed. "She needs someone who understands her plight as she has issues with her confidence, I thought she would be able to relate to you" he finished.

Harry pondered what the headmaster had told him about the girl. He remembered clearly how awful he felt growing up thinking that his parents had died in a car crash and his heart truly went out to the girl.

"Who pays for her education?" he asked sadly.

"The school has a fund for those in need" Dumbledore explained. "It is very basic however and really not sufficient" he added disappointedly. "There are many who have need of the fund and it is stretched to its limits every year" he finished shaking his head.

"I'll pay for her education" Harry declared. "And anything else she needs" he added. "I want her to have the best of everything Professor and I want to make a donation to the school fund" he finished. "How much would help?" he asked the man who smiled gratefully.

"Tuition fees are 2000 Galleons a year and brand new supplies cost in the region of 500 Galleons per student" he explained. "It is rather a lot of gold" he finished.

"Then I will give you 250,000 Galleons to start with and add any extra you will need" Harry informed the man.

"And I will match it" Sirius declared transforming back. "I have access to the family vaults it might as well be put to good use" he explained with a shrug.

Dumbledore smiled at the two.

"You are very good men" he said sincerely, his eyes welling with tears. "We need more men like you in our world".

"I remember what it is like to have nothing sir" Harry intoned sadly. "I'll help any way I can".

The three continued walking through the castle in silence each lost in their thoughts.

Sirius thought of the girl and how awful it must be to be in that position. He hated his family but he at least had had one growing up.

Harry was having similar thoughts and vowed to help her any way he could. He was much too young to do as much as he would like and had other responsibilities that he needed to focus on. But he would help her as much as he could. He had to admit that he had gotten a soft spot for the young girl who he had shared a few moments with now.

Albus Dumbledore was just grateful for his two companions and knew they would be able to make a real difference with their generosity. He just hoped they would both survive so the whole wizarding community could benefit from what they could offer. There was one thing that bothered the man however.

"Harry?" he questioned the teen snapping him out of his own thoughts. "Why would you give Tom the prophecy?" he asked as they reached the front gates.

"What makes you think I did?" Harry asked in reply with a smirk before disapparating away.

Dumbledore looked towards Sirius with a confused expression and saw his own feelings reflected on the man's face.

"Don't ask me" Sirius said holding his hands up to demonstrate his innocence. "I had no part in that" he explained.

Sirius disapparated soon after leaving a thoughtful headmaster in his wake.

Dumbledore just shook his head. "All will be revealed soon I imagine" he said shaking his head once more.


Lord Voldemort arrived back in the drawing room of Malfoy manor. He quickly healed the spell damage caused by Potter, it would cause him some discomfort for a while there was no doubt. The boy had surprised him with his knowledge of that spell. At first he didn't believe what he was hearing until it was too late. He quickly summoned a pain relief potion to ease the throbbing in his head and downed it in one. He took a moment to allow the potion to take effect before he looked around the room at his expectant followers and saw a significant number was missing. Eleven empty spaces he counted much to his annoyance.

Bella was there as was Lucius, Rudolphus, Rookwood and Rowle. Rabastan, Avery and Mulciber were the most noticeable absences. But all of the missing were a great loss to the Dark Lord, they were among his most capable and loyal followers. He shook his head.

He had gotten what he wanted so that took the sting away from his losses somewhat.

"Leave" he commanded those in the room irritably. He wanted to be alone.

The room emptied quickly and the Dark Lord removed the orb from his pocket and tapped it with his wand and waited expectantly. A voice sounded and immediately made him furious.

"You really thought I would just hand you what you wanted Tom?" the voice of Harry Potter sounded around the room laughing darkly after his statement. "Fuck you Tom, I look forward to the next time because it will be your last, remember I know your secrets, all seven of them" the voice finished knowingly.

The orb grew hot and exploded launching the Dark Lord across the room causing him to crash into the wall with a loud grunt.

As Lord Voldemort laid on the floor in a heap he realised something; he had been outwitted by Harry Potter. He was overcome with a sense of fear, it was Potter, the boy knew about his Horcruxes. He would have to be careful from now on and protect Nagini with his life. For the first time in his many years Tom Riddle was truly scared, a feeling that did not sit well with him.

He screamed in rage as he got to his feet and blew a hole in the wall in his fury. He needed to come up with a plan. He needed some time. He had lost his men for nothing and exposed himself to the world.

The Dark Lord needed to bolster his numbers and take stock of his situation. He needed to be much more careful and not underestimate Harry Potter in future.

"You win this one Potter" he spat in anger.