
5| Heyy Sebastian

January 15th 2017

I arrived at school thirty minutes early, I left the house went to the local diner because mom had a fever and she couldn't make breakfast.

I had breakfast at the diner, then took a bus and arrived at school. It was really quiet and empty, I walked down to my classroom and luckily it was open.

I got inside and found another student in it, his head was placed on the desk. I took my seat and brought out my phone.

"You know using your phone in the school premises is against the law". I heard the boy say.

The voice sounded familiar, I turned toward his direction and it was that rude boy from the other day.

"Yes". I said.

He stood up and walked over to me with a chair in hand. He placed it close my table and sat on it.

I looked at him and gave him questioning look.

"What is it a crime to sit with you?"


"I'm ready to go to jail then". He smirked.

I shook my head and continued fiddling with my phone.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"I'll rather not say".

"Why? I just want to know girl".

"Hmm, what's yours?"

"Sebastian, yours?"


"Nice name, so you new here?"


"Why are you like this". Seb asked.

"Like what?"

"Like cold and stiff?"

"No, I'm not". I bit on my lips.

"Well, you're. It shows, you don't like talking or what?"

"I'm still new here so I need to get familiar with the environment before I start being free and all". I explained.

"Hmm, ok then, gotta to go. I'll talk to you later maybe". He said.


He stood up and exited the classroom, leaving me in the empty room. I scrolled through my social media feed until student started trooping in.

The day's lesson started and I had no other option than to pay attention even though the lessons were boring.

When school ended, I packed my belongings and went home. That was my daily routine in Blue Gate High.