

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs


Around 90 years ago 600 people were lab experimented on

The government was trying to create "Superhumans"

The experiments was human test and some came out having powers or what we would call it "Gifts"

When those people had children there kids developed different gifts that didn't even have similarity to there's

Some use the powers for good and some use it for evil

The number one hero of our generation is the relative of the first ever superhero

His name is Shimmera

There is over 100 heroes apart of the agency and around 500 who work for themself

The world is different now and it's more dangerous

Kai wakes up

Kai: *Yawns*

He wakes ups to see the clock saying 8:15

Kai: I'M LATE!

He jumps up and gets dressed

He grabs toast and runs out his dorm leaving the door unlocked

He throws his button up shirt on

He runs into class while Motteru is teaching

Motteru: You finally decided to show up 20 Minutes late…

Kai: Sorry….. I woke up late

He takes a seat and takes his backpack off

Motteru: Like I was saying

Motteru: A Lot of you know that there is less than 5 agencies you can join to become a paid hero

Motteru: And use your gifts for good

Motteru: If you didn't know there is multiple tiers to the heroes in the real world and it comes with different jobs

Motteru: Tier 1 Heroes are the heroes that are ranked 1-10, They are the heroes who worry about Major villains and world threatening situations

Motteru: Tier 2 Heroes are ranked 11-20 and they focus on taking out of the villains below the main villains and worry about city level threats

Motteru: Tier 3 Heroes are from rank 21-30 and they work on taking down thugs and criminals and worry about the prison crooks

Motteru: Tier 4 are the last Tier and they rank anywhere from 31 and below and they respond to emergency calls like a robbery, fire etc

Motteru: Any questions?

2 Students raises their hands

Motteru: Yes, Yugoko?

Yugoko: Have you met the number one hero?

Motteru: Yes I have, I was in the same class as him

Motteru: Yes Tano?

Tano: Will we have a chance to prove to an agency that we are ready?

Motteru: Yes, every year there is an exam that is a test, tournament and mini games to prove that you are improving and ready to become a hero.

Motteru: Now I will have to add you all to the Book of Students

Motteru: I need you to state your name and Gift

Yugoko stands up

Yugoko has red hair and glasses

Yugoko: I can control water

Tano stands up and smiles

She has purple and black long hair

Tano: I have the ability to destroy anything I touch

She takes a seat and Tora stands up

Tora is taller with white hair

Tora: I can heal but I decided to take the Heroic class instead of the medical class so I will be able to fight!

A guy stands up with black hair and he has his hands in his pockets

Hitoshi: Im Nakama Hitoshi and I can shape shift into anything I think of

Motteru(Mind): He got in on recommendation

The next guy stands up

He has brown hair and has his uniform up to his nose and he wears glasses

Yasuhiro: The name is Fuse Yasuhiro and I have the ability to control energy and use it to my advantage

He takes a seat and a girl with black hair and red lipstick stands up

She is the prettiest girl in the class

Rie: The name is Osaki Rie and I have the gift that called Necromancer and I can revive the dead at any given moment

Motteru(Mind): She also got in on recommendation

The next student stand up and he grins

He has red eyes and short orange hair with blonde tips

Kichirou: Listen Up! The name is Imai Kichirou and I have the gift called Psychic and I will be number one

He takes a seat and crosses his arms and grins

The next guy stands up who was around 6'2 and he muscular for his age

Tamotsu: Hello Class! I am Machida Tamotsu and my gift is Pain suppression

Kai gets up

Kai: My name is Kai Endo and I am giftless but trained where my body is beyond the regular human capabilities

He takes a seat and Sami gets up

Sami: My name is Eto Sami and I have the gift to animorph

Motteru: With that being said that the entire class is complete, a few has transferred and we are down to 10 students

Motteru: With that being said class is dismissed tomorrow we are picking class president and we are gearing up for a Tier 3 mission

Everyone leaves class and heads to there dorm

Motteru walks to the staff room and a figure appears behind him

Man: Long time no see Motteru

Motteru: Shimmera….

To be continued...