

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

First Mission

Everyone meets outside of the school in a hurry

Multiple students stand in there uniform waiting for orders

Kai walks up and takes a seat by the tree

Motteru shows up

Motteru: Ok, I'm sorry I'm late

Motteru: So is that all 7?

Kai: Why did you only ask for seven of us?

Motteru: Great question Kai, It's because we are going on a mission today

Motteru: Today we will be going on a C+ Rank mission

Kai: C+?

Motteru: Yes there are multiple ranks

Motteru: D Rank is the lowest, C Rank is The rank for stronger Students, B Rank is for the higher student we're you fight city level threats, Z rank is for the teachers and staff and those are the planetary threats

Motteru: With that being said I'm going to take attendance

Motteru: Okay so first we got Kunen Yugoko

Kunen: Here

Motteru: Next we have Namako Tano

Namako: Here!

Motteru: Now we have Ararano Tora

Ararano: Here…..

Motteru: Then we have Sami, Tido, And Kio

Them: Here

Motteru: And last we have Kai Endo

Kai: I'm here

Motteru: Since that's everyone listen up carefully

Motteru: The first mission is to help a small town that is need of food and water after a wild fire and tornadoes hit them

Kunen: This is going to be soooo boring….

Motteru: SILENCE!

Kunen and the others look in shock and fear

Motteru had become angry

Motteru: We will get in and help and get out so let's get moving before it get to late

Motteru: Load onto this blue bus

The group gets on the bus and take seats in the back

Motteru: Listen up

Motteru: Our goal is to protect the weak and help the entire village and leave with none injured

Kai: Got it

Kai(Mind): My first mission! I'm excited!

They ride the bus for a few hours

Motteru: We should be arriving shortly

The group see a small village with the building destroyed and buildings burned up

Kai: This place looks horrible….

Motteru: We have arrived

Motteru: Be kind and get the job finished

They unload the bus and walk towards the town hall

They enter to see a lot of people in there in shelter and the people look sad and hurt

Kai: The people…..

Kunen: This is sad

Motteru and the rest enter the mayor office

Mayor: Thank you Heroics Academy for coming out here to help us

Motteru: No problem and what can I help you with?

Mayor: The family could use some food and water

Motteru: Thats fine with us

They go back towards the bus and grabs the water and sandwiches

They passed the food and drinks out and more people smiles and it becomes happier in the building

When everything started to get good the wind start to pick up


Flames take over the top of the town hall and the others start to scream

Motteru: Everyone calm down and evacuate the building!

Kunen walks up

Kunen: I'll get everyone out in orderly fashion

Motteru: Hurry Up!

They get everyone out and four tornadoes is seen outside

Motteru(Mind): This isn't possible….. Something else is going on

One of the tornadoes flies straight towards them and Motteru puts up a huge blue shield around everyone

Motteru: EVERYONE! Calm down, we will stop this

Motteru: Class 216 OVER HERE NOW!

The group runs towards Motteru

Motteru: The shield won't hold this many people very long so we will have to fix this fast

Class: Yes sir!

Motteru: Kunen try to find a water source to put that fire out with…. Kai try to calm everyone down and make them feel safe

Motteru: The rest of you are with me

They split up and Motteru goes towards the hall


The shield begins to crack while 3 tornadoes hits it

Kai looks in fear

Kai(Mind): I don't know what to do….. I'm getting scared….

Kunen finds a water source and tries to put the fire out but the wind blows the water away every time



Kai: I have to do something but I'm too scared…..

To be continued…..