
Heroes? Villains? I Hate Them All

“There’s no such thing as heroes, those you call (heroes) are cheap individuals who play with the lives of the innocent just for fame.” At a very young age, Roy witnessed with his very eyes, the death of his parents who were caught in the battle between the mightiest hero of their city and the villain that threatened to destroy them. Growing up as a powerless orphan in a world of supernatural anomalies, he witnessed several inevitable casualties caused by the clashing of the so-called heroes and villains till one day…. he had enough. In an attempt to save a young boy from the same fate his parents suffered, he ended up another victim of the accursed cycle of death. However, fate was not done with him. “Heroes…. Villains…. I hate them… I hate them all!” After being granted a second chance at life by a supernatural deity, it didn't take long before he found out he awakened with supernatural abilities. Thanks to the intervention of what he referred to as (A true hero) who opened his eyes to the truth, Roy had only one goal in life, to end the cycle of pain and suffering. Follow Roy as he fights through various obstacles, embarking on numerous adventures all in order to become, The Top Hero of the city! Disclaimer: The cover photo isn't mine, credits to the artist! And I'll gladly bring it down if they don't approve of it.

Nikage · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

The Power Of A Commoner

"W-What the hell is that!?"

As fate would have it, the hunter became the hunted. A huge beast towering around thirty feet in height growled in bloodlust as it laid it's eyes upon his prey. The colossal creature possessed fiery red eyes that seem to glow ominously in the darkness. Its frame is imposing yet strangely delicate, supported by unnaturally thin and long limbs that belie its massive size.

"Lightning Soul-Core: Thunder Spear!" Nyx proclaimed, manipulating his Soul-Energy to assume the form of a long lightning bolt in his hand, Nyx leaped into the air and threw the [Thunder Spear] at the forehead of the beast.

Nyx's [Thunder Spear] ripped right through the forehead with a thunderous clap, just like same way it appeared, the beast dissipated quickly.

[You have slain a D-Rank beast]

[+2 pts]

A HUD window materialized in Nyx's line of vision and the revelation was stunning. "A D-Rank beast!? And it gave off such a spine chilling aura? If that level of energy was merely D-Rank How would an A-Rank beast be?" He contemplated within his thoughts, this phase had only just begun and it had already become so dangerous.

"Let's split up, that way we can cover more ground that way." Nyx suggested, judging from what had just occurred, he branded both Sephrina and Roy as a burden. If he wasn't quick enough to react, the beast would have most likely vaporize them.

"Split up? But it's a team battle." Sephrina said with a bit of fear residing in her voice, she could utilize her abilities perfectly but she has no experience in combat and has always aspired to be a hero. The academy became the only place where she could acquire those experiences.

"Lady Sephrina is right, I think there's a reason why Shun Li specifically requested we group ourselves in three." Roy said, backing up the words of Sephrina.

"Use your head commoner, the major thing needed to pass this phase is the accumulation of points. With more than eighty teams scattered across this wasteland what hope do we have of individually accumulating points? Know your place." With a harsh tone in his words, Nyx shunned both the opinion of Roy and Sephrina, with only nine minutes left in the first phase, he left them swiftly in hunt for other beasts.

"Tch." Roy growled softly, he greatly disliked nobles and royals who possessed this kind of attitude. He tightened his fists as he watched his own teammate abandon them.

"I can't believe this." About setting off to hunt down his own beast, Sephrina's voice held him back.

"Are you going to leave me too?" One could see she was a bit scared, she has never had to face adversaries like these beasts. During her training, her instructor always taught her the basics. Her parents believed that she had no need to further advance her techniques, after all she wasn't the warrior type. But she still chose to follow her passion of becoming a hero.

"The hell?" Roy whispered softly to himself, this was unexpected. He had never seen a noble so meek and timid in the face of danger or a commoner, and the female ones are supposed to be the most arrogant.

"Well, it's a team effort isn't it? Come on, the others have already gotten a headstart, we can't lose." Together, they both set off to hunt down the beasts that were in hiding.


Fifty eight minutes had passed by and multiple beasts had already been slain by various teams. Roy and Sephrina on the other hand had no luck in locating any beast so far and time was running out.

"Damn it all." Roy sighed.

"Probably this area has already been swept clean of beasts, at this rate we will end up failing the first phase." Sephrina said expressing her worries.

"Damn it all, I never imagined the first phase would turn out this-"


A massive beast materializing out of thin air descended swiftly at Roy and Sephrina, it's weight pummled the surface of the ground giving rise to several debris of the broken ground. Fortunately for the duo, Roy had sensed the incoming danger and swiftly utilized his ability [Heightened Agility] and swept Sephrina off her feet in a bridal style position in order to save her.

Standing right behind the huge beast, Roy's long jacket danced gracefully in the wind as he had Sephrina in his humble embrace. Her face turned beet red as she realized what was happening.

"Huh?" Roy mumbled, noticing thr sudden redness of her face cheeks.

"Are you alright, your face just turned red." He added.

"I-I'm fine, can you put me down now..." She mumbled softly as Roy set her back down to the ground.

Focusing his attention back at the beast, Roy's eyelids were dimmed as he could sense the dark aura this particular beast gave off.

"Lady Sephrina, no matter how you look at it." He called for Sephrina's attention as the beast turned around to face them.

"RARRRRR." It's roar was loud enough to be heard throughout the whole domain, it gave rise to powerful wind pressure which almost took Roy and Sephrina off their feet. Their hair and clothing dancing ruggedly in the wind.

"This is no ordinary beast." Roy added.

Sephrina was terrified out of her wits, the Soul-Energy of the previous beast could not be compared to the one that stood right in front of them. It rivaled that of a royal.


"This is it." Roy said aloud, with only a minute and thirty seconds left they had to find a way to defeat this beast quickly.

"Electric Soul-Core: Heightened Agility." Uttering softly his Soul-Technique, mild electric currents ran through his body, sharpening his five senses and agility.


In an instant, Roy dashed forward at the beast. Letting out another deafening roar, it descended its right hand at Roy. Roy leaped diagonally to his right, evading the right hand of the beast.

In a quick succession, he leaped diagonally once more to the right hand of the beast then moved up swiftly to his left and directly over his head.

Sephrina's eyelids expanded as she witnessed what one would refer to as the impossible.

"I-impossible! That's not the movements of a grade 1 Soul-User!" She exclaimed in her thoughts.

Now directly above the beast, Roy charged up a spiraling ball of blue energy with several sparks of electricity rotating intensively around it. "Electric Soul-Core.." Now descending towards the beasts face, he aimed the spiraling ball of electricity at it's eye.

"Electric-Burst!" Slamming the spiralling ball of energy into it's right eye, the creature roared out in pain as it fell to it's knees, using it's hand to cover it's damaged eyes.

"A-amazing." Sephrina could not help but commend his abilities. Roy landed on his two feet in front of the creature, it was down but nowhere close to out.

"Electricity!?" Her curiosity got the better of her, how could a commoner utilize such a technique?


"I'll need your help to take down this beast, what do you say?" With only thirty seconds till the first phase ends, Roy had no time to probe for the creatures weakness.

"Alright!" Sephrina exclaimed with a smile on her face, initially she thought it was over. But now that she witnessed his abilities first hand, there was still hope.