
Escaping The Mansion

After spending the entire day at the training ground, where they were taught how to use their powers and control them, the three heroes returned to their mansion. They were exhausted, but they were also excited about what they had learned. They sat down at the dining table and enjoyed a delicious dinner that had been prepared for them by the mansion's staff.

"Wow! How are those people able to eat that junk at the training ground?" Jasem exclaimed, savoring the luxurious dinner that was much better than the subpar food they ate at the training grounds with the soldiers.

"Did you just compare lowly soldiers of the army to us, the heroes of this land?" Dean asked, looking at Jasem with a slight smirk. He was sitting beside Adam, and they were both looking at the maids who were standing around the room. Dean thought that if he said something impressive, the maids would be impressed by him.

But what happened was that the maids started laughing at Dean after Adam slapped the back of his head suddenly. Adam had seen what Dean was doing, and he thought it was ridiculous. 

"Dude stop simpping, I can see this dirty mind of yours causing trouble for us already." Adam said after he saw how Dean was acting. He was worried that Dean's reckless behavior would jeopardize their escape.

Dean's eyes narrowed as he glared at Adam, his face twisted with anger. He was furious that Adam had slapped him in front of the maids, and he was even more furious that they were laughing at him.

"Bro, do you have an allergy to seeing someone happy or what? Just leave me enjoy this moment," Dean said, rubbing the back of his head that was still sore from Adam's slap. Adam sighed and went back to eating, feeling like he had done too much.

The door to the dining room burst open suddenly, startling the three heroes who were enjoying their meals. Hammam entered the room, followed closely by Zachary, who was carrying a bag on his back and waving with his other hand. The heroes stopped eating and stared at Zachary, wondering why he was there.

"Excuse me, heroes," Hammam said, interrupting their meals. "I wanted to let you know that Mr. Zachary will be staying with us from now on. King Adham himself has ordered it."

"Yay!" Adam said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He looked at the other two, who were eating their food without saying anything. He could tell that they were just as unhappy about Zachary's presence as he was.

Hammam took the bag from Zachary and handed it to one of the maids, who led Zachary to a chair at the table. Zachary sat down with a smile on his face, seemingly oblivious to the heroes' displeasure.

"Please enjoy your meal," Hammam said, bowing his head respectfully before turning and leaving the room. 

"I can't believe I'm having dinner with the Heroes of the Legends!" Zachary exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement. He looked at the three heroes, who were all staring at him silently. He could tell that they were not happy to see him, but he didn't understand why.

The heroes didn't say anything. They just stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Zachary sitting there alone. He felt awkward and out of place.

"Did I do something wrong?!" Zachary asked, looking at one of the maids after the three heroes left the room and closed the door behind them. The maid shrugged, indicating that she did not know what had happened.

After they left the dining room, the three heroes gathered in Adam's room, which was the closest to the stairs. They were discussing what they should do now that Zachary had suddenly appeared and was going to be living with them. He was not part of their original plan, and they were not sure what to make of him.

"Should we wait a few days before running?" Jasem asked, looking at Adam, their mastermind who had orchestrated the plan. Adam shook his head. "No, we need to run away tonight. Delaying this any longer would cause more trouble for us."

"But what about this man?" Dean asked, his voice filled with panic. "What if he was sent here to spy on us?"

Adam sighed. "It doesn't matter what he does," he said. "He can't spy on us if he's asleep. So we follow the plan we agreed on before."

Adam said, looking at the other two, who nodded in agreement. They stood up and left for their rooms, determined to carry out their plan.


A few hours later, as everyone in the mansion had gone to sleep, the door to Dean's room opened slightly. He peered out into the dark and empty hallway, which was silent and still. He didn't see anyone walking around, but he still felt uneasy. He hesitated for a moment, then stepped out of his room.

Dean crept down the hallway, careful not to make a sound. He stopped at Hammam's door and opened it slightly. The room was dark, but he could see Hammam sleeping soundly in his bed. Dean closed the door quietly and moved on.

Dean crept down the hallway to Jasem's room, which was the closest to his own. He knocked on the door softly a few times, careful not to make too much noise. Jasem opened the door immediately, and Dean nodded to him. They both stepped outside and quietly made their way down the hallway

The two crept down the hallway, their footsteps silent on the carpet. They paused outside Zachary's door, listening for any sound. When they were sure that he was asleep, they slowly opened the door and peered inside. The window was open, and Zachary seemed to be sleeping soundly under the covers.

They closed the door and made their way to Adam's room. They knocked on the door, and Adam opened it immediately. He knew that they wouldn't be there if the place wasn't clear, so he stepped outside without hesitation.

After the three gathered, they headed toward the stairs and descended quickly. They were making their way to the back door, eager to put their plan into action.

After they arrived at the door, Dean, who was leading the group, opened it slowly. He stepped outside, followed by Jasem and Adam. They closed the door behind them, careful not to make any noise.

The three exchanged a look and nodded in silent agreement. They knew that the easy part of their plan was over, and now the hard part began. They had to avoid the eyes of the guards that roamed the mansion 24/7.

Adam took a deep breath and whispered, "Follow me." He started leading the way, and the other two heroes followed closely behind. They were all tense and alert, their senses on high alert. They knew that one wrong move could mean disaster.

As they walked, they noticed a guard approaching them. They froze, their hearts pounding in their chests. The guard was getting closer, and they knew they had to do something. They quickly ducked into a bush and hid, hoping the guard wouldn't see them.

The bush was small and cramped, and the three heroes were pressed up against each other. Dean was starting to feel claustrophobic, and he was worried that they would be discovered.

"Move your ass out of my face!" Dean hissed at Jasem, who was pressing his behidn against Dean's face. 

"Just wait a few seconds until this bastard goes away," Jasem said, his voice low and urgent. The guards were still looking around, and he could hear a faint voice coming from somewhere.

"Shut up!" Adam hissed, his voice barely above a whisper. The two heroes were making a lot of noise, and the guard was standing directly in front of them. They were all in danger of being discovered.

After a few minutes, the guard gave up and walked away, thinking that his imagination was playing tricks on him. The three heroes jumped out of the bush, relieved to have escaped detection. However, their relief was short-lived as Dean and Jasem started fighting, their voices low but still audible.

"Don't do that again!" Dean hissed, his anger barely contained. "It's not my fault!" Jasem whispered back, his voice full of frustration.

Adam, who was walking away, glanced back at the two heroes who were still fighting. He was starting to get annoyed, so he picked up a rock and threw it at them. "Let's go!" he whispered, his voice exasperated.

The two heroes immediately stopped fighting and followed Adam, knowing that it was not the time to be fooling around. They were all aware of the danger they were in, and they knew that they had to focus on their mission.

After walking for a few minutes, the three heroes reached the wall. They had managed to avoid the guards' eyes, and they were now counting on Jasem to scale the wall.

"Cover yourselves!" Jasem said, his voice urgent. He grabbed the two heroes, who were covering themselves with mana, and threw them over the wall with his own mana-covered hands.

After Jasem threw them over the wall, Dean and Adam landed safely without any injuries. The mana had protected them from taking any damage. Jasem soon followed, landing lightly on the ground next to them.

"Let's go!" Dean whispered, his voice triumphant. The other two smiled and high-fived each other, their relief and excitement palpable. They had successfully escaped the mansion. They started heading deeper into the forest, their spirits high.

Adam, who was running behind Jasem, spoke up. "You really are strong!"

Jasem smiled. "Using mana at my hands gave me a lot of power as well."

Dean, who had his heart pumping from the adrenaline, joined in. "That was amazing! I can't believe we actually pulled it off."

The three heroes continued to run through the forest, their spirits high. They had accomplished the first part of their mission, and they were now one step closer to freedom.

"Thank goodness Zachary appeared at the training ground, or we would have stayed here for a few more days because of that Halland," Adam said as they ran through the forest. They suddenly stopped when they saw a man standing in front of them. Their eyes locked immediately.

"Heroes?, what are you doing here at this hour?" The man was Zachary, who had his pants down, he was standing behind a tree while holding a bottle of wine. He was relieving himself while enjoying this lovely night and looking at the stars.

The three heroes looked at each other for a few moments, panic written on their faces. This wasn't part of their plan. They were supposed to be free now, but instead, they were faced with an obstacle they hadn't anticipated.

Dean took a deep breath and jumped at Zachary, using one of his skills to attack him.

"Shock Wave!" Dean shouted as he raised his hand and a shockwave erupted from his palm. The shockwave hit Zachary, knocking him off his feet and sending him crashing to the ground.

"Hic..." Zachary's body went limp as he lost consciousness after being hit by Dean's attack. Dean stood there, breathing heavily, staring at Zachary's body blankly. He couldn't believe that he had just done that.

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