
Broken Angel

The Orc continued walking towards them, getting closer and closer. Jasem and Adam just stared at him, frozen with fear. Zachary, who was tied to the tree next to Adam, was panicking and shouting at the two.

"What are you waiting for?!" Zachary shouted at the two heroes, who were too scared to do anything to the green creature that was heading towards them. "Take him down!"

After realizing that there was no way out, Jasem clenched his fists tightly and took a fighting stance. The Orc, seeing this, started to fasten his pace, walking towards them with a look of rage on his face.

Jasem, who was standing directly in front of the Orc, swung his arm wildly at him. The Orc easily dodged the punch and kicked Jasem in the abdomen, making him grunt in pain.

"Agh!" Jasem grunted in pain, but he was able to continue fighting. He swung his other hand at the Orc, but the Orc dodged it again. This time, the Orc swung his club, hitting Jasem in the same place. Jasem doubled over in pain, clutching his midsection.

"Ugh!" Jasem kneeled in front of the Orc, defenseless. The Orc raised his club and swung it at Jasem, hitting him on the back. Jasem fell to the ground, screaming loudly in pain.

The Orc didn't stop at all as he continued attacking Jasem head, he stomped him over and over again.

Zachary's eyes widened in horror as he watched the Orc attack Jasem. He knew that this was bad for them all, and he had to do something. He turned to Adam, who was standing there frozen in shock, and screamed, "Adam! Do something! Help him!"

Adam stared at the monster in horror, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that there was no way for them to kill it. The monster was too big, too strong, and too fast. Adam felt like he was frozen in time, unable to move or think.

Adam stood up, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that he was scared, but he couldn't just stand there and do nothing while his friend was being beaten down. He had to do something, even if it meant risking his own life.

Jasem's eyes widened in fear as he looked up at the orc. The orc was huge, with muscles bulging and teeth bared. He held his club in both hands, and Jasem knew that he was about to be killed. Jasem closed his eyes and waited for the end.

The orc's club came down in a blur, and Jasem closed his eyes, waiting for the impact. He saw his life flash before him.  He thought this was the end.

Jasem opened his eyes, expecting to see the orc's club coming down on him. But the orc was gone. Jasem looked around, confused. Where had the orc gone? He had just seen the orc swing his club, and now he was nowhere to be seen.

"What is going on?!" Jasem turned around and look to see he was beside Zachary, and Adam was standing beside him speaking to him

"U..e yo.. Sk...s" Jasem's ears were filled with a high-pitched sound, and he could barely make out Adam's voice. He looked at Adam with wide eyes, trying to understand what he was saying. But the sound was too loud, and he couldn't focus.

Adam's eyes widened in fear as he saw the orc's club coming towards him. He had been screaming at Jasem for a few seconds, but now he had other things to worry about. He ducked down just in time, and the club missed him by inches. He then turned and ran away as fast as he could.

The orc roared in anger as a hailstorm of stones rained down on his back. He had been about to attack Jasem and Zachary, but he was forced to turn around and defend himself. Adam was throwing the stones with such speed that they were like bullets, and the orc was taking a beating.

Jasem, who was amazed at what he was seeing, started to feel better as his wounds began to disappear thanks to his [Higher Registration] ability. He stood up, his hearing now restored, and called out to Adam, who was running away at a speed that the orc couldn't match.

"What were you saying earlier?!" Jasem shouted at Adam, who responded immediately as he threw a few stones at the orc.

"Use your skills, this monster doesn't have any counter for them," Adam shouted to Jasem. Jasem nodded, and he started running towards the orc, which was getting tired more and more after chasing Adam, who was too fast for the normal eyes to see.

Jasem, who had gotten closer to the orc, used one of his skills for the first time. He knew that it was the best skill for this situation.

"[Diamond Skin]" Jasem activated his skill, and diamond scales began to appear on his body. He was now almost indestructible, but he also lost his speed as a result. He was now slower than before, but he knew that it was worth it.

Jasem's arm blurred as he swung it, hitting the orc on the head with a sickening thud. The orc's body crumpled to the ground, and its blood spilled out onto the dirt. Jasem had killed the orc with a single blow.

Adam stopped when he saw that. He cancelled his [Time Acceleration] skill and looked at the Orc body that was laying on the ground.

He then looked at Jasem who was covered in blood as he looked down on the Orc who was dead before him

"Damn!" Adam said surprised by the power that Jasem wielded. He started walking slowly toward Jasem who cancelled his skill as well and was looking at his hands that was covered in blood, before looking at the dead Orc. He still haven't proccessed what just happened

Did I just kill this monster?" Jasem asked, looking down at the orc's body. Adam arrived next to him and put his hand on Jasem's shoulder. "Yes," he said. "But it was necessary." He then led Jasem away from the scene, knowing that it was too brutal for them to see.

The two heroes went and sat beside Zachary, who had calmed down after seeing that he was safe from the orc that would have killed him if it weren't for them.

"Good job, heroes," Zachary said, "even though you were sloppy at the beginning". Jasem and Adam looked at him with cold eyes for a few moments before Jasem punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious again. Jasem didn't want to hear anything more from him.

Adam looked at Zachary and wanted to say something after he saw what just happened. But he stopped when he saw Jasem wasn't in the mood for jokes right now, he was looking frightened while staring at his hands that was covered in blood.


Dean, who had fallen in love with what was in the carriage, stopped chasing after it when he became tired and out of breath. The carriage had turned a corner and disappeared from view.

Dean gasped for air, his hands on his knees as he looked to the floor. He had been running for too long after that carriage, and he was exhausted. His lungs burned, and his legs ached. But he couldn't help but smile. He had seen something truly amazing, and he knew that he would never forget it.

"I hope I can catch up to them," he said as he raised his head and started following the carriage that had turned a corner a few minutes ago.

Dean was walking down the street, about to turn right, when he was stopped by an old man. The old man was begging for money. "Could you spare some change?" he asked.

Dean tried to avoid the old man and walk past him, but the old man kept getting in his way, repeating the same thing over and over again, no matter what Dean did.

"Old man, I'm really busy. I don't have any money for you." Dean said as he tried to walk past him again, but the old man stepped in front of him and continued to beg.

"Could you spare some change?"

Dean sighed in frustration. He knew that there was no way to get the old man out of his way without using violence. He didn't want to hurt the old man, but he also didn't want to be late fand miss that carriage completly.

Dean sighed in resignation and reached into his pocket. He pulled out the two copper coins that he had and handed them to the old man. The old man took the coins and smiled, and Dean was finally able to walk past him.

The old man gave Dean a small smile and said, "May the goddess bless you, young man." Dean didn't respond, but he nodded his head and turned the corner, hoping to see the carriage. But it was nowhere to be seen, and Dean felt a surge of anger. He had been so close, and now he had lost it.

"Fuuuuuuuuuu..!" Dean screamed in frustration, his voice echoing through the streets. Everyone who was around him stopped and looked at him for a moment, before continuing on their way.

Even though Dean was frustrated, he didn't give up easily. He looked around for the carriage for a few more minutes, but it was nowhere to be seen. He eventually gave up and started looking for a clothing store to buy some clothes for his friends and himself.

Dean was looking for a clothing store when he stopped suddenly. A girl had appeared in front of him, asking for money.

"Could you spare some change?" Dean looked at the girl. Her hair was Blue, her chest was barely covered, and her thighs could be seen because of her damaged brown clothes she was wearing.

Dean who was annoyed just a few moments ago started to feel better. His mood became better after seeing this beautiful girl, and his heart started beating faster as he looked at her.

"A broken angel," Dean said as he looked at her. She seemed so pure and innocent, but he could see the pain in her eyes.

Dean immediately reached into his bag and pulled out a silver coin. He handed it to the girl without hesitation.

"Here," Dean said, handing the girl a silver coin. "I hope this is enough for you. Or you can come with me. I promise you a better life than the one you're currently having." The girl looked at the coin, but she didn't take it.

Dean kept staring at the girl for a few more moments. He couldn't take his eyes of her, what made her start blushing and look down slightly.

"Come on," Dean said, noticing how she was acting. "No need to be embarrassed." He put the silver coin back in his bag and stretched out his hand toward her.

"Let's live a beautiful life together," Dean said. The girl looked at his hand for a few moments before grabbing the bag of coins from his other hand and running away with it.

Dean stared after the girl as she ran away, his mouth agape. He couldn't believe that she had just stolen his bag. He had been trying to help her, and she had repaid him by stealing from him.

Dean's heart sank as he watched the girl run away. He knew that without his bag, he would be unable to help his friends. He started running after her, yelling, "Stop! You can't have that!"

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BrizZlcreators' thoughts